Has anyone noticed, perhaps in a workplace, that short men tend to be randomly unnecessarily aggressive and always a little bit on the edge? It kind of comes out of nowhere. I remember one of them randomly just shouting.
It's kind of like they feel a desperate need to give off the impression that they are hard.
Apparently it is actually an evolutionary trait.
Lionel messi is a chilled secure short bloke. They should all be looking up to him (assuming they are a bit shorter than messi)
There's nothing wrong with being short. Just watch lord of the rings, the hobbit, have a beer and don't support Charlton.
One boss can get right stroppy when I don't have a Preview written up etc. so always presumed its something like that
As long as you weren't wearing high heels
You are a bit weird to be honest mate
It's usually known as Napoleon syndrome after Napoleon Bonaparte.
He is a nice guy yeh but he's not short, he's a midget.
This particular discussion is a bit unusual but it's down to short people I've recently met in a working environment and they have anger issues.
I put short 2 and 2 together and got 4foot 12
If you Google short man syndrome, you will find out that it is actually a genuine psychological difficulty.
There is nothing wrong with being short.
It's just the short person may believe there is something wrong and they can often express it.
I don't think short man syndrome is a problem for every shortish individual.
It's just every now and again you may meet an angry short Scott parker
(That's my way of saying I'm sorry)
(Average height for UK women is 164.3cm, or 5' 4.7")
But they're always a bit short.
Or in a rut.