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Paul O’Grady RIP



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    Bit of a shock, and sorry to hear this.
    He never looked in the best of health TBH, but seemed to care about animals more than he cared about himself and that was enough for me.
    RIP Paul 
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    edited March 2023
    Such sad and shocking news. I loved the Paul O’Grady show and although I’ve never met him, shed a tear as I felt like I did. A real genuine and caring human being, who did so much for animals and Battersea dogs home. He will be greatly missed 😢
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    edited March 2023
    I did meet him very briefly at Kings Cross station in the ticket queue, about ten years ago. He had a big smile on his face just stood there people watching those coming and going. Just radiated such a wholesome and positive aura about him. 
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    Shocking and sad. RIP. 
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    I went to see the recordings of his 5 o clock show back in the day. I used to go with a work colleague and her daughters, saw some  guests that he would have on the show such as the lady who did Wish you were here (or was it her son?), a bloke from the Bill, who had a ponytail and went on the dark side and went to the dark side whose name I can't recall and the one from Ant and Dec (McPartland who broke his arm). Paul was a very funny guy, he was down to earth in front of everyone, the audience and the guests and funny when there were cock ups in between recordings and retakes.  When I heard he had passed away this morning I was surprised how long he had lasted as he smoked like a chimney and had many heart attacks. Great guy, RIP.
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