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Climate Emergency




    Reform Party leadership not helping out much with keeping air travel down. The leader back and forth to the US and now the Deputy leader back and forwards to Dubai.
  • Redskin said:
    Leuth said:
    Redskin said:
    Just to save everyone the click, this individual starts blaming the recent California fires on DEI hiring in fire departments and 'homelessness giving rise to arson' 
    In other words:This provides evidence that is contrary to my beliefs and which makes me feel uncomfortable.
    Therefore, I suggest a soft censorship of this and similar material from what are undoubtedly far right, oil sponsored climate deniers in order to maintain an unequivocal  position on the impending climate Catastrophe by all posters on this thread.
    When you say evidence what you actually mean is "opinion, misinformation and outright lies that goes against all evidence".

    There isn't a shred of evidence in that piece 
    Really, here's some:

    A new Coal Fired Power being built every week in China.

    Record downpours in Southern California 11 months ago:

    The problem with this site is that you all refuse to read, or take notice, of any information or opinion that runs contrary to your beliefs, and then try to get that person's views suppressed by denigrating or abusing them.

    Rather than engaging in debate or delving deeper in order to try to uncover the truth via source documents, or media from all sides of the political spectrum  (in order to try to obtain a more balanced view) you instead get your misguided and misinformed perspective reinforced by your fellow posters, all of whom appear to be on the same side of the political fence.

    "Trump was a terrible president, he colluded with Russia, he started an insurrection, he told people to inject bleach, there's no way in hell he'd ever get re elected".

    WRONG 🤣 (Because the American people realised that they had been repeatedly lied to, and terribly misled)

    Or. "Social media and the MSM isn't deliberately suppressing Conservative voices and views".

    Twitter, Facebook & the FBI weren't deliberately preventing people from knowing about that Laptop from hell (Russian Disinformation, yeh right! )

    (Oh yes they were, it now turns out)

    And you were all very WRONG yet again 🤣 

    Maybe time to start wising up?

    No need to close the thread Stig because I'm bailing anyway. Thanks for the debate fellas, carry on all agreeing with each other.

    Pot. Meet kettle.

    We do engage with debate but when one side is backed by science and evidence and the other only lies and conspiracy with no credible sources it ends pretty quick. People have been particularly patient with you on this thread explaining and evidencing thing over and over. There is actually plenty of balance and debate on this thread. But when certain overarching principles that are objective facts are questioned it rather breaks down.

    When did critical evaluation of the source of the information stop becoming a skill?. Information not backed by science and evidence should rightly be written off. 

    B.t.w. social media and the MSM weren't "deliberately suppressing conservative view" they were preventing the spread of misinformation (also known as lies). The fact that ot disproportionately affected conservative views isn't about censorship it was maybe a prompt that conservative views should look into themselves and reflect on the truth of them. The fact that it has stopped doing so isn't a good thing.

    But no of course the billionaires that own the media and social media are are all personally promoting hard right and far right views is definitely proof they were anti conservative. The cognitive dissonance required here is hilarious.
    I love this our side is full of facts from scientists and evidence but your side is fed from disinformation (reminds me of a certain shock jock and his gullible listeners) even though Nobel prizewinning scientists dont agree with them.

     Reminds me of a certain thread called brexit. Those experts (and fortunately some of the posters) soon disappeared once it was done.

    Arrogance is astonishing.
    I took a while, and they had to be dragged kicking and screaming, but it does seem that our friends are finally admitting that having too many humans inhabiting too small an area (UK being a great example) emitting ever increasing amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere, is not only terrible for wildlife, its also no good for the planet generally.

    But that still won't stop them mocking people like you and I for wanting to stop the boats, secure borders, and have strict migration controls.

    We still won't get them to admit that the overriding problem IS the population boom. 

    Unfortunately the first step in solving any problem, is to actually identify it.
    One side of politics has great problems doing that unfortunately.
    To them the overriding issue is rich people (Probably white rich people 😜) flying around in private jets.

    Hopefully, from tomorrow, things start to change and common sense once again prevails.

    When an old Trump hating leftie like Bill Mayhar starts talking common sense, then you know that the worm has started to turn.
  • Leuth said:
    As I've said, the 'what do we do about population increase' question is generally answered by the 'overpopulation is the only factor' brigade with 'not lift a finger when they all start dying'. Oh, and 'gunboats in UK waters' 
    There are plenty of people who want Royal Navy gunboats in the channel right now. 
  • Redskin said:
    Leuth said:
    Redskin said:
    Just to save everyone the click, this individual starts blaming the recent California fires on DEI hiring in fire departments and 'homelessness giving rise to arson' 
    In other words:This provides evidence that is contrary to my beliefs and which makes me feel uncomfortable.
    Therefore, I suggest a soft censorship of this and similar material from what are undoubtedly far right, oil sponsored climate deniers in order to maintain an unequivocal  position on the impending climate Catastrophe by all posters on this thread.
    When you say evidence what you actually mean is "opinion, misinformation and outright lies that goes against all evidence".

    There isn't a shred of evidence in that piece 
    Really, here's some:

    A new Coal Fired Power being built every week in China.

    Record downpours in Southern California 11 months ago:

    The problem with this site is that you all refuse to read, or take notice, of any information or opinion that runs contrary to your beliefs, and then try to get that person's views suppressed by denigrating or abusing them.

    Rather than engaging in debate or delving deeper in order to try to uncover the truth via source documents, or media from all sides of the political spectrum  (in order to try to obtain a more balanced view) you instead get your misguided and misinformed perspective reinforced by your fellow posters, all of whom appear to be on the same side of the political fence.

    "Trump was a terrible president, he colluded with Russia, he started an insurrection, he told people to inject bleach, there's no way in hell he'd ever get re elected".

    WRONG 🤣 (Because the American people realised that they had been repeatedly lied to, and terribly misled)

    Or. "Social media and the MSM isn't deliberately suppressing Conservative voices and views".

    Twitter, Facebook & the FBI weren't deliberately preventing people from knowing about that Laptop from hell (Russian Disinformation, yeh right! )

    (Oh yes they were, it now turns out)

    And you were all very WRONG yet again 🤣 

    Maybe time to start wising up?

    No need to close the thread Stig because I'm bailing anyway. Thanks for the debate fellas, carry on all agreeing with each other.

    Pot. Meet kettle.

    We do engage with debate but when one side is backed by science and evidence and the other only lies and conspiracy with no credible sources it ends pretty quick. People have been particularly patient with you on this thread explaining and evidencing thing over and over. There is actually plenty of balance and debate on this thread. But when certain overarching principles that are objective facts are questioned it rather breaks down.

    When did critical evaluation of the source of the information stop becoming a skill?. Information not backed by science and evidence should rightly be written off. 

    B.t.w. social media and the MSM weren't "deliberately suppressing conservative view" they were preventing the spread of misinformation (also known as lies). The fact that ot disproportionately affected conservative views isn't about censorship it was maybe a prompt that conservative views should look into themselves and reflect on the truth of them. The fact that it has stopped doing so isn't a good thing.

    But no of course the billionaires that own the media and social media are are all personally promoting hard right and far right views is definitely proof they were anti conservative. The cognitive dissonance required here is hilarious.
    I love this our side is full of facts from scientists and evidence but your side is fed from disinformation (reminds me of a certain shock jock and his gullible listeners) even though Nobel prizewinning scientists dont agree with them.

     Reminds me of a certain thread called brexit. Those experts (and fortunately some of the posters) soon disappeared once it was done.

    Arrogance is astonishing.
    I took a while, and they had to be dragged kicking and screaming, but it does seem that our friends are finally admitting that having too many humans inhabiting too small an area (UK being a great example) emitting ever increasing amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere, is not only terrible for wildlife, its also no good for the planet generally.

    But that still won't stop them mocking people like you and I for wanting to stop the boats, secure borders, and have strict migration controls.

    We still won't get them to admit that the overriding problem IS the population boom. 

    Unfortunately the first step in solving any problem, is to actually identify it.
    One side of politics has great problems doing that unfortunately.
    To them the overriding issue is rich people (Probably white rich people 😜) flying around in private jets.

    Hopefully, from tomorrow, things start to change and common sense once again prevails.

    When an old Trump hating leftie like Bill Mayhar starts talking common sense, then you know that the worm has started to turn.
    Population is just one of the causes.

    Why do you think there is so much migration?

    One of the big drivers of migration is due to parts of the planet being unable to support humans due to rapidly changing climate, the others being war and persecution. 
  • edited January 19
    Redskin said:
    Leuth said:
    Redskin said:
    Just to save everyone the click, this individual starts blaming the recent California fires on DEI hiring in fire departments and 'homelessness giving rise to arson' 
    In other words:This provides evidence that is contrary to my beliefs and which makes me feel uncomfortable.
    Therefore, I suggest a soft censorship of this and similar material from what are undoubtedly far right, oil sponsored climate deniers in order to maintain an unequivocal  position on the impending climate Catastrophe by all posters on this thread.
    When you say evidence what you actually mean is "opinion, misinformation and outright lies that goes against all evidence".

    There isn't a shred of evidence in that piece 
    Really, here's some:

    A new Coal Fired Power being built every week in China.

    Record downpours in Southern California 11 months ago:

    The problem with this site is that you all refuse to read, or take notice, of any information or opinion that runs contrary to your beliefs, and then try to get that person's views suppressed by denigrating or abusing them.

    Rather than engaging in debate or delving deeper in order to try to uncover the truth via source documents, or media from all sides of the political spectrum  (in order to try to obtain a more balanced view) you instead get your misguided and misinformed perspective reinforced by your fellow posters, all of whom appear to be on the same side of the political fence.

    "Trump was a terrible president, he colluded with Russia, he started an insurrection, he told people to inject bleach, there's no way in hell he'd ever get re elected".

    WRONG 🤣 (Because the American people realised that they had been repeatedly lied to, and terribly misled)

    Or. "Social media and the MSM isn't deliberately suppressing Conservative voices and views".

    Twitter, Facebook & the FBI weren't deliberately preventing people from knowing about that Laptop from hell (Russian Disinformation, yeh right! )

    (Oh yes they were, it now turns out)

    And you were all very WRONG yet again 🤣 

    Maybe time to start wising up?

    No need to close the thread Stig because I'm bailing anyway. Thanks for the debate fellas, carry on all agreeing with each other.

    Pot. Meet kettle.

    We do engage with debate but when one side is backed by science and evidence and the other only lies and conspiracy with no credible sources it ends pretty quick. People have been particularly patient with you on this thread explaining and evidencing thing over and over. There is actually plenty of balance and debate on this thread. But when certain overarching principles that are objective facts are questioned it rather breaks down.

    When did critical evaluation of the source of the information stop becoming a skill?. Information not backed by science and evidence should rightly be written off. 

    B.t.w. social media and the MSM weren't "deliberately suppressing conservative view" they were preventing the spread of misinformation (also known as lies). The fact that ot disproportionately affected conservative views isn't about censorship it was maybe a prompt that conservative views should look into themselves and reflect on the truth of them. The fact that it has stopped doing so isn't a good thing.

    But no of course the billionaires that own the media and social media are are all personally promoting hard right and far right views is definitely proof they were anti conservative. The cognitive dissonance required here is hilarious.
    I love this our side is full of facts from scientists and evidence but your side is fed from disinformation (reminds me of a certain shock jock and his gullible listeners) even though Nobel prizewinning scientists dont agree with them.

     Reminds me of a certain thread called brexit. Those experts (and fortunately some of the posters) soon disappeared once it was done.

    Arrogance is astonishing.
    I took a while, and they had to be dragged kicking and screaming, but it does seem that our friends are finally admitting that having too many humans inhabiting too small an area (UK being a great example) emitting ever increasing amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere, is not only terrible for wildlife, its also no good for the planet generally.

    But that still won't stop them mocking people like you and I for wanting to stop the boats, secure borders, and have strict migration controls.

    We still won't get them to admit that the overriding problem IS the population boom. 

    Unfortunately the first step in solving any problem, is to actually identify it.
    One side of politics has great problems doing that unfortunately.
    To them the overriding issue is rich people (Probably white rich people 😜) flying around in private jets.

    Hopefully, from tomorrow, things start to change and common sense once again prevails.

    When an old Trump hating leftie like Bill Mayhar starts talking common sense, then you know that the worm has started to turn.
    It's been identified. It's humans burning fossil fuels, which has been most pronounced post industrialisation, of which the population boom is a key driver, but how the population choose to live their lifestyles in creating more consumer demand is another.
  • Sponsored links:

  • edited January 19
    Chaz Hill said:

    Reform Party leadership not helping out much with keeping air travel down. The leader back and forth to the US and now the Deputy leader back and forwards to Dubai.
    China comes to mind me old china, and two tier hasn't exactly been static has he. Apart from making sensible decisions. 17 trips to 17 different territories. Still I am sure that idiot milliband won't mind. 
  • Chaz Hill said:

    Reform Party leadership not helping out much with keeping air travel down. The leader back and forth to the US and now the Deputy leader back and forwards to Dubai.
    China comes to mind me old china, and two tier hasn't exactly been static has he. Apart from making sensible decisions. 17 trips to 17 different territories. Still I am sure that idiot milliband won't mind. 
    Prime Minister doing his job and two grifters looking after themselves by any chance  ;) 

    And what a loss Oakeshott doing one is. Still working from abroad though  :)
  • Chaz Hill said:
    Chaz Hill said:

    Reform Party leadership not helping out much with keeping air travel down. The leader back and forth to the US and now the Deputy leader back and forwards to Dubai.
    China comes to mind me old china, and two tier hasn't exactly been static has he. Apart from making sensible decisions. 17 trips to 17 different territories. Still I am sure that idiot milliband won't mind. 
    Prime Minister doing his job and two grifters looking after themselves by any chance  ;) 

    And what a loss Oakeshott doing one is. Still working from abroad though  :)
    One is repairing the damage that several idiots who didn't have the intelligence to realise how stupid they are, matched by those who put them in. 
  • Redskin said:
    Leuth said:
    Redskin said:
    Just to save everyone the click, this individual starts blaming the recent California fires on DEI hiring in fire departments and 'homelessness giving rise to arson' 
    In other words:This provides evidence that is contrary to my beliefs and which makes me feel uncomfortable.
    Therefore, I suggest a soft censorship of this and similar material from what are undoubtedly far right, oil sponsored climate deniers in order to maintain an unequivocal  position on the impending climate Catastrophe by all posters on this thread.
    When you say evidence what you actually mean is "opinion, misinformation and outright lies that goes against all evidence".

    There isn't a shred of evidence in that piece 
    Really, here's some:

    A new Coal Fired Power being built every week in China.

    Record downpours in Southern California 11 months ago:

    The problem with this site is that you all refuse to read, or take notice, of any information or opinion that runs contrary to your beliefs, and then try to get that person's views suppressed by denigrating or abusing them.

    Rather than engaging in debate or delving deeper in order to try to uncover the truth via source documents, or media from all sides of the political spectrum  (in order to try to obtain a more balanced view) you instead get your misguided and misinformed perspective reinforced by your fellow posters, all of whom appear to be on the same side of the political fence.

    "Trump was a terrible president, he colluded with Russia, he started an insurrection, he told people to inject bleach, there's no way in hell he'd ever get re elected".

    WRONG 🤣 (Because the American people realised that they had been repeatedly lied to, and terribly misled)

    Or. "Social media and the MSM isn't deliberately suppressing Conservative voices and views".

    Twitter, Facebook & the FBI weren't deliberately preventing people from knowing about that Laptop from hell (Russian Disinformation, yeh right! )

    (Oh yes they were, it now turns out)

    And you were all very WRONG yet again 🤣 

    Maybe time to start wising up?

    No need to close the thread Stig because I'm bailing anyway. Thanks for the debate fellas, carry on all agreeing with each other.

    Pot. Meet kettle.

    We do engage with debate but when one side is backed by science and evidence and the other only lies and conspiracy with no credible sources it ends pretty quick. People have been particularly patient with you on this thread explaining and evidencing thing over and over. There is actually plenty of balance and debate on this thread. But when certain overarching principles that are objective facts are questioned it rather breaks down.

    When did critical evaluation of the source of the information stop becoming a skill?. Information not backed by science and evidence should rightly be written off. 

    B.t.w. social media and the MSM weren't "deliberately suppressing conservative view" they were preventing the spread of misinformation (also known as lies). The fact that ot disproportionately affected conservative views isn't about censorship it was maybe a prompt that conservative views should look into themselves and reflect on the truth of them. The fact that it has stopped doing so isn't a good thing.

    But no of course the billionaires that own the media and social media are are all personally promoting hard right and far right views is definitely proof they were anti conservative. The cognitive dissonance required here is hilarious.
    I love this our side is full of facts from scientists and evidence but your side is fed from disinformation (reminds me of a certain shock jock and his gullible listeners) even though Nobel prizewinning scientists dont agree with them.

     Reminds me of a certain thread called brexit. Those experts (and fortunately some of the posters) soon disappeared once it was done.

    Arrogance is astonishing.
    Chippy, your 'side' isn't full of facts, the view of the vast majority of scientists is that the current rate of climate change is man made. It shouldn't be about 'sides' this isn't a football game, we all need to work together.

    Threads about Brexit were closed down, that's why they disappeared. 
    I don't have a side. There are many people saying one thing as there are saying the other. What you choose to believe is down to you. 

    What I find amusing is the notion that, and it is the same people on every thread, that they have some superior knowledge than everyone else, and their sources of information is right and far superior than anyone else.

    Unlike most people on here, I actually work with scientists, some advise Euroatom and sit on the same committee. They can tell the viscosity of the jam but don't know how to open the jar., and they try and tell me how to run our plant. Which I am in charge off and get paid to do. 

    Get my drift. 
    I'll remind you of what you said in your post at 10.02 this morning:

    I love this our side is full of facts from scientists and evidence but your side is fed from disinformation (reminds me of a certain shock jock and his gullible listeners) even though Nobel prizewinning scientists dont agree with them.
    You were the one talking about sides, not Chippy!
    Chippy was just quoting what you had said about "sides"
  • Sponsored links:

  • If the answers were simple the world wouldn’t have the problem it does. 

    Compromise and a whole range of actions / inactions will be needed and we will evolve over time. Too simplistic to blame one country / individual/ group. 
  • swordfish said:
    Redskin said:
    Leuth said:
    Redskin said:
    Just to save everyone the click, this individual starts blaming the recent California fires on DEI hiring in fire departments and 'homelessness giving rise to arson' 
    In other words:This provides evidence that is contrary to my beliefs and which makes me feel uncomfortable.
    Therefore, I suggest a soft censorship of this and similar material from what are undoubtedly far right, oil sponsored climate deniers in order to maintain an unequivocal  position on the impending climate Catastrophe by all posters on this thread.
    When you say evidence what you actually mean is "opinion, misinformation and outright lies that goes against all evidence".

    There isn't a shred of evidence in that piece 
    Really, here's some:

    A new Coal Fired Power being built every week in China.

    Record downpours in Southern California 11 months ago:

    The problem with this site is that you all refuse to read, or take notice, of any information or opinion that runs contrary to your beliefs, and then try to get that person's views suppressed by denigrating or abusing them.

    Rather than engaging in debate or delving deeper in order to try to uncover the truth via source documents, or media from all sides of the political spectrum  (in order to try to obtain a more balanced view) you instead get your misguided and misinformed perspective reinforced by your fellow posters, all of whom appear to be on the same side of the political fence.

    "Trump was a terrible president, he colluded with Russia, he started an insurrection, he told people to inject bleach, there's no way in hell he'd ever get re elected".

    WRONG 🤣 (Because the American people realised that they had been repeatedly lied to, and terribly misled)

    Or. "Social media and the MSM isn't deliberately suppressing Conservative voices and views".

    Twitter, Facebook & the FBI weren't deliberately preventing people from knowing about that Laptop from hell (Russian Disinformation, yeh right! )

    (Oh yes they were, it now turns out)

    And you were all very WRONG yet again 🤣 

    Maybe time to start wising up?

    No need to close the thread Stig because I'm bailing anyway. Thanks for the debate fellas, carry on all agreeing with each other.

    Pot. Meet kettle.

    We do engage with debate but when one side is backed by science and evidence and the other only lies and conspiracy with no credible sources it ends pretty quick. People have been particularly patient with you on this thread explaining and evidencing thing over and over. There is actually plenty of balance and debate on this thread. But when certain overarching principles that are objective facts are questioned it rather breaks down.

    When did critical evaluation of the source of the information stop becoming a skill?. Information not backed by science and evidence should rightly be written off. 

    B.t.w. social media and the MSM weren't "deliberately suppressing conservative view" they were preventing the spread of misinformation (also known as lies). The fact that ot disproportionately affected conservative views isn't about censorship it was maybe a prompt that conservative views should look into themselves and reflect on the truth of them. The fact that it has stopped doing so isn't a good thing.

    But no of course the billionaires that own the media and social media are are all personally promoting hard right and far right views is definitely proof they were anti conservative. The cognitive dissonance required here is hilarious.
    I love this our side is full of facts from scientists and evidence but your side is fed from disinformation (reminds me of a certain shock jock and his gullible listeners) even though Nobel prizewinning scientists dont agree with them.

     Reminds me of a certain thread called brexit. Those experts (and fortunately some of the posters) soon disappeared once it was done.

    Arrogance is astonishing.
    I took a while, and they had to be dragged kicking and screaming, but it does seem that our friends are finally admitting that having too many humans inhabiting too small an area (UK being a great example) emitting ever increasing amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere, is not only terrible for wildlife, its also no good for the planet generally.

    But that still won't stop them mocking people like you and I for wanting to stop the boats, secure borders, and have strict migration controls.

    We still won't get them to admit that the overriding problem IS the population boom. 

    Unfortunately the first step in solving any problem, is to actually identify it.
    One side of politics has great problems doing that unfortunately.
    To them the overriding issue is rich people (Probably white rich people 😜) flying around in private jets.

    Hopefully, from tomorrow, things start to change and common sense once again prevails.

    When an old Trump hating leftie like Bill Mayhar starts talking common sense, then you know that the worm has started to turn.
    It's been identified. It's humans burning fossil fuels, which has been most pronounced post industrialisation, of which the population boom is a key driver, but how the population choose to live their lifestyles in creating more consumer demand is another.
    Exactly, thank you!
  • Redskin said:
    Leuth said:
    Redskin said:
    Just to save everyone the click, this individual starts blaming the recent California fires on DEI hiring in fire departments and 'homelessness giving rise to arson' 
    In other words:This provides evidence that is contrary to my beliefs and which makes me feel uncomfortable.
    Therefore, I suggest a soft censorship of this and similar material from what are undoubtedly far right, oil sponsored climate deniers in order to maintain an unequivocal  position on the impending climate Catastrophe by all posters on this thread.
    When you say evidence what you actually mean is "opinion, misinformation and outright lies that goes against all evidence".

    There isn't a shred of evidence in that piece 
    Really, here's some:

    A new Coal Fired Power being built every week in China.

    Record downpours in Southern California 11 months ago:

    The problem with this site is that you all refuse to read, or take notice, of any information or opinion that runs contrary to your beliefs, and then try to get that person's views suppressed by denigrating or abusing them.

    Rather than engaging in debate or delving deeper in order to try to uncover the truth via source documents, or media from all sides of the political spectrum  (in order to try to obtain a more balanced view) you instead get your misguided and misinformed perspective reinforced by your fellow posters, all of whom appear to be on the same side of the political fence.

    "Trump was a terrible president, he colluded with Russia, he started an insurrection, he told people to inject bleach, there's no way in hell he'd ever get re elected".

    WRONG 🤣 (Because the American people realised that they had been repeatedly lied to, and terribly misled)

    Or. "Social media and the MSM isn't deliberately suppressing Conservative voices and views".

    Twitter, Facebook & the FBI weren't deliberately preventing people from knowing about that Laptop from hell (Russian Disinformation, yeh right! )

    (Oh yes they were, it now turns out)

    And you were all very WRONG yet again 🤣 

    Maybe time to start wising up?

    No need to close the thread Stig because I'm bailing anyway. Thanks for the debate fellas, carry on all agreeing with each other.

    Pot. Meet kettle.

    We do engage with debate but when one side is backed by science and evidence and the other only lies and conspiracy with no credible sources it ends pretty quick. People have been particularly patient with you on this thread explaining and evidencing thing over and over. There is actually plenty of balance and debate on this thread. But when certain overarching principles that are objective facts are questioned it rather breaks down.

    When did critical evaluation of the source of the information stop becoming a skill?. Information not backed by science and evidence should rightly be written off. 

    B.t.w. social media and the MSM weren't "deliberately suppressing conservative view" they were preventing the spread of misinformation (also known as lies). The fact that ot disproportionately affected conservative views isn't about censorship it was maybe a prompt that conservative views should look into themselves and reflect on the truth of them. The fact that it has stopped doing so isn't a good thing.

    But no of course the billionaires that own the media and social media are are all personally promoting hard right and far right views is definitely proof they were anti conservative. The cognitive dissonance required here is hilarious.
    I love this our side is full of facts from scientists and evidence but your side is fed from disinformation (reminds me of a certain shock jock and his gullible listeners) even though Nobel prizewinning scientists dont agree with them.

     Reminds me of a certain thread called brexit. Those experts (and fortunately some of the posters) soon disappeared once it was done.

    Arrogance is astonishing.
    Chippy, your 'side' isn't full of facts, the view of the vast majority of scientists is that the current rate of climate change is man made. It shouldn't be about 'sides' this isn't a football game, we all need to work together.

    Threads about Brexit were closed down, that's why they disappeared. 
    I don't have a side. There are many people saying one thing as there are saying the other. What you choose to believe is down to you. 

    What I find amusing is the notion that, and it is the same people on every thread, that they have some superior knowledge than everyone else, and their sources of information is right and far superior than anyone else.

    Unlike most people on here, I actually work with scientists, some advise Euroatom and sit on the same committee. They can tell the viscosity of the jam but don't know how to open the jar., and they try and tell me how to run our plant. Which I am in charge off and get paid to do. 

    Get my drift. 
    I'll remind you of what you said in your post at 10.02 this morning:

    I love this our side is full of facts from scientists and evidence but your side is fed from disinformation (reminds me of a certain shock jock and his gullible listeners) even though Nobel prizewinning scientists dont agree with them.
    You were the one talking about sides, not Chippy!
    Chippy was just quoting what you had said about "sides"
    I know I shouldn't bite, but I did not mention sides' until Chippy did. 
  • swordfish said:
    Jesus H Christ. 

    How many more times? 

    You are NOT engaging with people making good faith arguments here, ffs. You're engaging with a wind up merchant, an antivax lunatic and a sock puppet account.

    Stop wasting your breath. 
    I choose to play the ball not the man, and don't go in for name calling.
    Very refreshing, well said 👍
  • Leuth said:
    Ultimately, the next 50 years are going to be characterised by truly unprecedented levels of I'm Alright Jack 
    I think that’s the obvious observation but if god forbid millions of people are on the move and food and water becomes more scarce then I don’t think any levels of wealth will mean much. They’ll be swept away on a tide on human need. Certainly won’t be pretty though.
  • swordfish said:
    Jesus H Christ. 

    How many more times? 

    You are NOT engaging with people making good faith arguments here, ffs. You're engaging with a wind up merchant, an antivax lunatic and a sock puppet account.

    Stop wasting your breath. 
    I choose to play the ball not the man, and don't go in for name calling.
    Very refreshing, well said 👍
  • So, to those people who think that global overpopulation is the problem, how do you propose to solve this?  
  • edited January 19
    Chizz said:
    So, to those people who think that global overpopulation is the problem, how do you propose to solve this?  
    I liked Karl Pilkington's idea of bringing back dinosaurs and just letting them roam around, picking a few people off here and there.
  • Chizz said:
    So, to those people who think that global overpopulation is the problem, how do you propose to solve this?  
    There is no solution to it. 
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