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Climate Emergency



  • Who told Sunak this was a good idea? His speech is awful, almost like he wants the no confidence letters going in 
  • edited September 2023
    Ahhh the classic "Politics will be different". What a load of bollocks.
  • Chizz said:
    Not a chance. The Tories will cling to power in the hope that just like Mr. Micawber, “something turns up”. A snap election now would see them swept away. Who knows what the next year holds ? October 2024 is when we’ll get our chance to vote them out or in again.
  • Pretty shitty reading this thread as someone in their 20s. I find older generations are quick enough to slag of my generation but not got the balls to own up to what their generations have done to our planet.
    Don't fall into the trap of old v young.

    It's a bit like blaming immigrants for everything. 

    Or the North ,South divide.

    The real enemy is the super rich who avoid  paying anywhere near what they should be contributing. 
    Hence 3%  of the population owning about 97%  of  the wealth. 

    Politicians from all the major parties are to blame for this as nothing ever seems to get done to produce a more level playing field. 

    know your enemies It's not old v young.
    A lot of the "right we've fucked it for you, but were all in this together right? Anyways I wont be about for much longer.
    You seem very angry, but from where I'm sitting the generation below me has already taken over. 

    There seems little improvement in this old world to me.  There are currently 32 wars raging, women are still suppressed and treated as second class beings in many countries, crime figures are up everywhere and there is enough spite and malice passed through the internet to fill up thousands of data servers worldwide. 

    By and large countries across the world are doing a bit towards climate change, it isn't enough of course, it never is, but the bottom line is money and power.  Hope you manage to change that.  It is a right of passage as a man in your 20s to want that of course - I know I did!  

    Rishi Sunak is 43 years old - I'd guess a bit closer to your generation than mine. I sincerely hope that you and your compatriots can solve all these problems and make this World a better place.  Forgive me if I don't hold my breath though.  

  • The moderators might be getting a bit twitchy, but I think we'll be alright, as long as we behave ourselves, do as we're told, and keep it civil. Not too much to ask really is it and easily done. Just Stop Oil 😉
  • shirty5 said:
    Old Mother Earth is heating up like a dirty great big cake.

    And if were not careful, the icing’s going to melt 
    Dave Angel?
  • edited September 2023
    So, will we be getting those many £100m's (£b's?) that the Tories have bribed industry to stay in the UK with back then? If they no longer need it to invest in gearing up towards net zero I'm sure we can use it to rebuild a few schools or something.

    Jeez, all this because a few hundred muppets in Uxbridge, believing the bullshit memes on their Facebook, has given the Tories a wedge issue they think they can exploit for their own benefit.
  • Chizz said:
    Not a chance. The Tories will cling to power in the hope that just like Mr. Micawber, “something turns up”. A snap election now would see them swept away. Who knows what the next year holds ? October 2024 is when we’ll get our chance to vote them out or in again.
    Seems highly unlikely however I think a couple of pundits have floated this possibility. I guess realistically we are looking this or next October or April / May. Personally I think they will go as long as they can, which means October 24.

    However I wonder if this quite significant policy shift, coupled with a larger than expected fall in inflation, might tempt the idea of a bold snap election,
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  • I think the timing and purpose of this announcement is undoubtedly to create an issue that those on the right of the Tory party including its core support can rally around. Where I think this has gone spectacularly wrong for Sunak is that the general opinion of business seems to be one of horror. I find it hard to believe that Sunak didn’t run this by the motor industry and energy industry, although that seems to to be the MO of recent Tory governments. Disregard any opinion that’s worth listening to. Easy win for Starmer too. All he needs to say is that an incoming Labour government would talk to all interested parties and act after consulting with and listening to them. Win win. 
  • However the King is in France 
  • Playing politics for votes whilst we are in the midst of a climate crisis is unforgivable. Investing in green technology is essential and the UK risks being left behind if we don't do it now.
    There is no being left behind here. It's entirely down to the corporate masses to act. Joe Public cannot and will not be the ones to change things. 
  • Dazzler21 said:
    Playing politics for votes whilst we are in the midst of a climate crisis is unforgivable. Investing in green technology is essential and the UK risks being left behind if we don't do it now.
    There is no being left behind here. It's entirely down to the corporate masses to act. Joe Public cannot and will not be the ones to change things. 
    I think the statement issued by Ford U.K. makes it pretty clear how they view their own business planning. Likewise e.on. They’ll press ahead regardless and I think most of industry will do the same. 
  • edited September 2023
    Dazzler21 said:
    Playing politics for votes whilst we are in the midst of a climate crisis is unforgivable. Investing in green technology is essential and the UK risks being left behind if we don't do it now.
    There is no being left behind here. It's entirely down to the corporate masses to act. Joe Public cannot and will not be the ones to change things. 
    I thought the corporates served public  demand. One solution lies in reducing global energy demand, which will compromise our existing lifestyles, which is unacceptable to the public so won't happen. It's who we are.
  • I think this policy is a mistake when you look at polling numbers, over 70% of voters of all parties support the need for green policies. This is fishing around in the Reform party waters for voters which isn't going to win an election.
  • I think the timing and purpose of this announcement is undoubtedly to create an issue that those on the right of the Tory party including its core support can rally around. Where I think this has gone spectacularly wrong for Sunak is that the general opinion of business seems to be one of horror. I find it hard to believe that Sunak didn’t run this by the motor industry and energy industry, although that seems to to be the MO of recent Tory governments. Disregard any opinion that’s worth listening to. Easy win for Starmer too. All he needs to say is that an incoming Labour government would talk to all interested parties and act after consulting with and listening to them. Win win. 
    The cynic in me wonders what investments he and perhaps more importantly his wife have that will benefit from this. I think the vast majority of the Tory party know the game is up no matter what happens in the next year so anything done know is to further set themselves up personally for the future.
  • edited September 2023
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  • Dazzler21 said:
    Lol people thinking one party will be better than the next. The political leaders don't care about us any more than their ability to tax us and grow future generations of taxable individuals.
    I think this falls down with the sentence “future generations”
  • Currently watching Chris Packham on Channel 4, recommend watching it. 
  • MrWalker said:
    Pretty shitty reading this thread as someone in their 20s. I find older generations are quick enough to slag of my generation but not got the balls to own up to what their generations have done to our planet.
    Find a generation who has done more than ours then.
    As a late 40's taxpayer who has contributed more to alternative energy, which group has done more to fight climate change.

    Easy to slagg off others, but solar farms, wind, wave, tidal energy has been funded by me, not you.

    I don’t think the post was aimed at 40 somethings like ourselves 
  • Rothko said:
    MrWalker said:
    Pretty shitty reading this thread as someone in their 20s. I find older generations are quick enough to slag of my generation but not got the balls to own up to what their generations have done to our planet.
    Find a generation who has done more than ours then.
    As a late 40's taxpayer who has contributed more to alternative energy, which group has done more to fight climate change.

    Easy to slagg off others, but solar farms, wind, wave, tidal energy has been funded by me, not you.

    I don’t think the post was aimed at 40 somethings like ourselves 
    That's OK then.
  • swordfish said:
    Rothko said:
    and China is becoming a leader in EVs, and the more fucking around governments in the west do, the bigger that Chinese advantage will become 
    The demand for EV's is set to outstrip supply if it isn't already (I'm talking globally) Can't just magic the lithium for the batteries out of thin air. How much does it cost to extract in terms of energy and human resources? How much energy is used up in making hydrogen powered vehicles?

    Although EV's and hydrogen powered vehicles are more energy efficient, is making them? Have to manage it so that the energy savings actually exceed what's needed to produce them, otherwise the medicine might worsen the patients condition.
    Plenty of lithium here:
  • swordfish said:
    Rothko said:
    and China is becoming a leader in EVs, and the more fucking around governments in the west do, the bigger that Chinese advantage will become 
    The demand for EV's is set to outstrip supply if it isn't already (I'm talking globally) Can't just magic the lithium for the batteries out of thin air. How much does it cost to extract in terms of energy and human resources? How much energy is used up in making hydrogen powered vehicles?

    Although EV's and hydrogen powered vehicles are more energy efficient, is making them? Have to manage it so that the energy savings actually exceed what's needed to produce them, otherwise the medicine might worsen the patients condition.
    Plenty of lithium here:
    Does say the issue is refining it though, which is consistent with my comment 

    I do wonder if the heavier EV vehicles will increase demand for tyres, which will need more energy to produce, and how roads will hold up, increasing energy usage in repairing them.

    I presume these potential consequences, and the energy used to extract the resources needed to produce EV's, are factored into calculating the net savings in energy consumption that justify the transition, so lessening overall CO2 emissions.
  • Pretty shitty reading this thread as someone in their 20s. I find older generations are quick enough to slag of my generation but not got the balls to own up to what their generations have done to our planet.
    As a 63 year old some of us have been having to live with them for, well, 63 years. Get in the queue.
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