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  • T_C_E said:
    Bought what was described as a “Extra Large dog bath” 
    and I’ve spotted a problem! 😂
    Seriously I didn’t buy it for that purpose but it did make me laugh at how many people bought one without checking the sizes 😂😂 which incidentally are 30” x 18” 

    I'm not saying it's small but @AFKABartram can fit in that :)

  • I have every sympathy for your loss. He looks like a proper dog too, just the sort I'd go for. But 14 years is good going, and I'm sure you gave him a great life. At least it doesn't sound as though he suffered, but he will leave a massive void. Bless you, Sidney, RIP.
  • What a great looking dog.
    So sad for your loss it's never easy.
    Rip Sidney 
  • Sorry to hear about Sidney.
  • Sorry for your loss, looked a loyal companion. I feel they never really leave you.
    I was going to say maybe the game today will cheer you up...but then again 🥴
  • RIP Sydney.

    Big hug @Taxi_Lad.
  • Rizzo said:
    T_C_E said:
    As someone who is new to dogs (only been around them properly the last 10yrs) I wouldn’t leave a new dog (be it a puppy or a rescue) alone for 3-4hrs.
    There are just too many negatives to it.
    I know many do but I couldn’t live with myself and I’d never tell someone it was ok.

    Ours are never left more than two, even then I can see them on camera and obviously they have company. 
    Yes, it knackers our social life but if we wanted one of them we wouldn’t have dogs. 
    That's the good thing about cats. You can leave them all day and they don't give a fcuk, although they put on an Oscar-winning performance of "I nearly died of starvation" when you get back home. 
    Necropost, I know - but I regularly leave my cats for a few days. Automatic feeder takes care of their grub, and a neighbour pops in once a day to give them a wet feed. They come and go as they please and barely even notice I'm not there - which pretty much sums up what they do most of the time when I AM there 😏

    When I do get back I get a bit of a mardy response from one of them for a couple of hours, but it never lasts - and (as soon as I've fed them, of course) they're back to being the same amazing little companions they are. Fascinating animals - they could survive on their own perfectly well without me for weeks at a time, which is what makes the affection they do give feel so different. I love dogs as well - but I'm too selfish to consider owning one, cats suit me perfectly 😁
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  • Carter said:
    Rizzo said:
    Some of our past cats have brought in some unusual items, including live birds, frogs, a dead squirrel and a bag of frozen chicken drumsticks. Best one was when I saw one of them dragging a live seagull up the garden path by its wing. I think the bird was only going along with it from sheer surprise and eventually it flapped its wing, the cat went about 10 feet in the air and then the bird flew off. 
    One of ours did exactly that (the dragging of a seagul the size of a Cessna) im sure this seagul must have been hit by traffic first but when it finally got it towards the back doors I noticed it didn't have a beak on! It was in a true state of disrepair and had to be put out of its misery 
    When I lived in The Cronx, I had a white cat who was absolutely petrified of everybody except me and the ex wife (with us he was the most affectionate animal I think I've ever known). With wildlife though, he was absolutely lethal. Rats, mice, birds, voles, moles, squirrels - I even came home one day to find a baby heron stuck halfway through the catflap. F*** knows how he managed that one. Once saw him chase a fox down the garden path and over the fence, clawing at it and yowling the whole way. Idiot - if the fox had been cornered, it would have torn him apart. 
  • edited December 2024
    RIP Sydney. We can only give them the best care we can and our love and it should be a comfort to know that Sydney will have known this and gave it back, with interest, through his life with you. 
  • Such sad news tonight.

    Sleep tight, sweet Sidney.
  • Sorry for your loss.
  • RIP Sidney.
  • @Taxi_Lad so sorry for your loss. He looks a lovely lad and I'm sure he had a wonderful life with you. 
  • Thanks all for your kind messages and so nice to hear him still getting compliments like he always has. He was a very special gentle boy who was loved beyond measure 🐾🐾💔
  • RIP Sidney.

    What a friendly face.
  • Taxi_Lad said:
    Thanks all for your kind messages and so nice to hear him still getting compliments like he always has. He was a very special gentle boy who was loved beyond measure 🐾🐾💔
    A 'man's best friend'.
  • edited December 2024
    Run free over The Bridge, Sidney. So sorry for your loss, it's difficult at anytime of year but especially so now x RIP Sidney xx
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  • fadgadget said:

    What a cutie.
  • Unfortunately, I have had to put down our beautiful red English Staffy who was called Ruby. She has been battling cancer and the time came to say goodbye. She'll be sorely missed and was a fantastic chum accompanying me to the pub and always snuggling up on the sofa to watch Charlton at stupid o'clock.

    No more pain for the lovely pooch.
  • So sorry to hear your sad news, @SidewaysInOz.

    Sleep tight, sweet Ruby.

  • Bailey…Lord of the manor alright 🤔
    What a life!
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