I thought there was a thread dedicated to Netflix recommendations but unable to find it.
Baby Reindeer is a disturbing watch but excellent acting.
The Final was quite rubbish.
Green Frontier worth a watch if only to see the Amazon people.
In the Land of the Saint and Sinners - enjoyable.
Pablo Escobar El Patron del Mal was excellent
If you're not worried about adding to the ten million views Piers Narcissist has garnered, and you've watched Baby Reindeer, this interview is well worth watching:
I find it pretty appalling they're giving her a platform to be honest, she needs help rather than being paraded on TV.
We sold him to Blackpool.
Lets be honest, her and gadd very much both have issues, also the fact he pretty much outed her but not the TV guy is beyond bizarre.
If you want a short summary, weirdo stalker becomes obsessed with another weirdo, who then encourages the weird stalker, as he's probably an even bigger weirdo. Complete drag, and a few scenes that were better left to the imagination probably.
98% on rotten tomatoes, absolutely ridiculous. They've got Sopranos down as 94%, which is a masterpiece. That website can't be trusted at all.
Not too keen on most of Netflixs exclusive series, think their films are a lot better.
My reasoning in the form of a gif:
Netflix does have a lot of overatted content. Walking Dead has 78% on Rotten Tomatoes. That was a real drag. 🥱
I know the show itself had a lot going on, I just didn't enjoy it, and think it's been a bit of a hype job. True crime and obscure stories like this seem to be all the all the range at the moment. Personally, I don't enjoy any of it. The Jeffrey Dahmer story was another one gathering a lot of hype on social media, and I found it completely pants.
I've never watched walking Dead the whole way, only one season. I didn't find myself very engaged which is odd, as I love a series binge, and I love doomsday/apocalyptic/zombie type films. Might try it again at some point.
It's just that it's on Netflix.
If it was on C5 the majority wouldn't give it a second thought.
It's for the best that we don't all have the same taste otherwise we'd all be sat around watching Elvis Presley films.
For ballance, i enjoyed Fallout, Breaking Bad, the Last of Us and some of the Star Wars shows.
Easily the most overrated programme for a good while.
Love Breaking Bad, timeless. Love anything to do with Star Wars, even the stuff that's not seen as good by the Star Wars fanatics I enjoy, as I just love the lure of it all.
I am definitely more drawn towards make belief/fantasy or English/American dramas with a bit of realism in them, rather than the true crime stuff.
Also found it really difficult watching his stand up shows, I know it's acting, but I found it unbearably cringey, as I knew it was him portraying himself.
I'm amazed he went ahead with it tbh, as it doesn't put him in a good light at all. By about 5 episodes in, I started feeling sorry for how tragic the woman was, and just thought he seemed like an utter weirdo.