Nat West in Dartford have a machine for paying in cash. It rarely works. Having been there with a load of coins from the egg box a few times when it’s broken I decide to bag the cash up and take it in. No - they don’t take cash. WTAF? I need to use the machine.
So where can I take £700 of loose change?
The trend is for customers to do a lot of their banking online or via apps. However there are still customers who want old school banking.
Sympathise with you though, all the Natwest branches round me are closing
Opened my first bank account there back in the day. Dover has now closed, Hythe went a few years back .
My how we all chortle when I say... "Gimme my money"
I don't think I've had more than £10 worth in my life.
Your local Post Office will take money that you’re paying into your bank account.
When my kids were small and had coins one shop was more than happy to exchange them for notes, as long as the copper was bagged into £5 etc.
If you have some small shops locally perhaps ask there.
You may even be able to sell your eggs to small food selling stores.
I suspect it’s not they won’t take cash but maybe not that much and/or pre counted.
I have a vague recollection of limits being in place.
It's not good enough. so ring 03457888444 and ask to speak with Marcus Wogart - he is Head of Compliance. You won't get him but you will get one of his PA minions. Be clear that you wish to make a formal complaint and check that the conversation is being recorded by them. Explain that your branch has failed to provide the service advertised, the machines never work and you have been inconvenienced.
This will do two things, first it will massively piss off Wogart or his PA and as a consequence the branch will get a bollocking. Second you will get an apology; the service you deserve next time you visit; and you should receive a monetary "goodwill gesture".
Alternatively, but it won't work as well, deal with these guys.
PO Box 594
ME4 9DPM E 4 9 D P