Wifey did a good a job this year by planting a ps5 under the tree.... Then followed it up with a load of age defence moisturisers and what not.... I don't know if I should be offended...
Two books I was very happy I got. The Scorsese one got with a dvd too on american films that went with the book. I'm big into clothes, in particular the Ivy League/Modernism style.
Pair of classic Adidas Sambas. Very happy with that.
When the present was handed over, it had an xP (expected present rating ) of 0.63 but upon opening it hit the back of the net and was a full win present
Got some great presents from Mrs RM, however one I was very pleased with. Just got to get it framed now. I don't know where she got it from and I doubt it was expensive, but I was chuffed with it!
What do you get kids for Xmas nowadays? I’ve not seen any on new bikes go past all morning.
I got my two boys a second hand BMX Mongoose from 1998 as an extra surprise. It’s in great condition. The 14 year old couldn’t believe how great the suspension is.
What do you get kids for Xmas nowadays? I’ve not seen any on new bikes go past all morning.
I got my two boys a second hand BMX Mongoose from 1998 as an extra surprise. It’s in great condition. The 14 year old couldn’t believe how great the suspension is.
My favourite was a crate of Chinottos from my wife. My favourite drink and hard to find in England. The good thing is, I am the only one that likes it! I'm still getting through them too quickly though.
My favourite this year, VIP tickets in July to this exhibition at the excel. if anyone who has been to the war of the worlds virtual reality event in London, it’s put together by the same company
My favourite was a crate of Chinottos from my wife. My favourite drink and hard to find in England. The good thing is, I am the only one that likes it! I'm still getting through them too quickly though.
Myrtle-leaved orange. Not something I’ve seen before. Seems they make jam from it in Türkiye.
My father in law celebrated turning 70 this year by travelling the world. He gave us various random bits of food from Japan, including this tin - even he doesn’t know what it is.
The small screen seems to be the thing now.
Most wtf present of the whole shindig was a thermal headband that runners use, with Bluetooth "headphones"built into them.
I got some CAFC jimjams this year, surprisingly good but incredibly naff and sad at the same time.
if anyone who has been to the war of the worlds virtual reality event in London, it’s put together by the same company