If we go on to get promoted, this will be a proper “I was there” moment, right up there with Jacko’s two free kicks vs the Sheffields. Fair play to everyone there, I’m well jel. You’re going to have a very good evening!
No fucking way, we were losing 1 nil, then a palace acquaintance turn up, at my local spoons, circa 85 minutes. He likes charlton btw, dodgy hair, he agrees!
Six points behind Wycombe now, given that we need to beat them to get ahead of them!!
Calm down. We're eight behind Wycombe.
Yup... and we need to beat them when we face them, which would put us five behind them, however their GD is better, which would put us six behind them
All IFs and BUTs but still possible - Basically the gap is very tight with a lot of games still to be played, that deficit can be changed very quickly if they're not careful... Its only other two defeats
They were winning two of them!!
Who would have thought that after Crawley at home.
I love and hate Charlton in equal measures at times
All IFs and BUTs but still possible - Basically the gap is very tight with a lot of games still to be played, that deficit can be changed very quickly if they're not careful... Its only other two defeats