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edited November 2011 in General Charlton
I, and I know many Charlton fans, were proud of the fact that we always used to have our own independent website, something which very few clubs seem to have, and now we seem to be on a more secure financial footing would the club consider ever going back to the old format?

I for one hate the "new" design. I counted 7 adverts on the homepage (including one for a Snow Patrol concert) at the last count and I feel that going back to having a site that we have complete control over in terms of design (I don't want our site to look like everyone elses), advertising & content is something we should look into.

Any thoughts?


  • visited three times since they changed.
    Truly awful.
    I feel like a ''product consumer'' whenever I look at it.
  • Agree, truly awful.

    I believe we were forced into signing a 7 year contract.
  • edited November 2011
    Understand but just have no desire to check it like I used to in the olden days
  • Stuck with it, no point going on about it to be honest.

    If you don't like it, just use it when you have to.
  • Stuck with it, no point going on about it to be honest.

    If you don't like it, just use it when you have to.
    thank you. I will. No need to go on about it ;-)
  • I've steadily got used to it. It's fine and still provides all the information it used to with the exact same people working on the content, that's good enough for me if it's saving the club money.
  • If thats the cross we have to bear for having a better team then so be it.
  • Stuck with it, no point going on about it to be honest.

    If you don't like it, just use it when you have to.
    that's what I do the new site does my head in, however it serves it's purpose when you need it
  • Think it's fine personally. Same guys write the words and pics are still good quality. What more do you want?
  • To be honest i only use this site for any information. Can't be asked for !
  • Sponsored links:

  • If it pays for itself then I have no problem with it.
  • It's a shame, but beggars can't be choosers and we signed on the dotted line when we desperately needed the cash.  No point crying over spilt milk!
  • Pretty much the same - use it when I need to
  • Only use it when i need a ticket
  • Old site was way better.

    Used to all my food shopping, book concert tickets, get the latest goss on TOWIE, get it to do my DIY and service my car.

    New site does none of these.

  • I don't mind it.
  • Its ok and it generates revenue for the club, so its fine by me.
  • The club Web site still looks awful and i very rarely go to it but i like the fact that i can watch other clubs interviews on Player for the one subscription.
  • It's a football club website. It has the fixtures and ticket news on it. What else do you want it to do?
  • It's a football club website. It has the fixtures and ticket news on it. What else do you want it to do?

    1) Act as an effective communications medium between club and fans.

    2) Differentiate our club and its particular values from those of others (brand identity, if you like).

    3) Look professional and attractive and thereby encourage traffic.

    4) Promote the club's ticket and hospitality offers and retail products instead of FLi's own services.

    5) Make money in its own right.

    It does 5). That's about it.


  • Sponsored links:

  • Like many, I have got used to it and use it for a source of information. As for all the ads, I don't see them as I run ad block.

    It's also a vital tool for Henry when it comes to confirming rumours too.
  • edited November 2011
    Oh my, just tried the main page without Adblock Plus in Firefox.  I can see what you're all whinging about.

    It's worth using Firefox, just for ABP. If you have an old machine, it makes browsing very much quicker.

  • I might be in the minority here , but i like it , easy to navigate seems like there is more on there than the old site which is updated more often


    the ads are a pain in the arse but not an issue


    i didnt really care when we changed over because i didnt see the big deal in what most were saying,


    it does a good enough job for me

  • I was a regular visitor and contributor to the old site, and I positively hate the new one. I only visit it if I have to. Whatever happens, don't ever do the same with the programme !
  • I never use it for the simple reason I rarely go on a computer other than at work and the Charlton site (unlike most similar sites) gets blocked because of the TV bit in the address

    If it was then I would go on it.

  • It's just a clone of all the others who use the same comapny and sadly it has no originality.

    It does a job I suppose but that's about all one can has no soul!

  • edited November 2011

    I never use it for the simple reason I rarely go on a computer other than at work and the Charlton site (unlike most similar sites) gets blocked because of the TV bit in the address

    If it was then I would go on it.

    It is  

    It looks ugly but the writing and information are excellent.  Content over style.
  • I never use it for the simple reason I rarely go on a computer other than at work and the Charlton site (unlike most similar sites) gets blocked because of the TV bit in the address

    If it was then I would go on it.

    It is  

    It looks ugly but the writing and information are excellent.  Content over style.
    This. The comms team are busting a hump to overcome the handicaps set by the awful site templates to continue to provide one of the best club media services available, though the CAFCOfficial twitter in my mind is the best tool we can all use to avoid the pitfalls of the site. Most of the vital information comes up on Twitter now.
  • edited November 2011
    I could and have made better sites before, and ive only ever doddled about, im crap.

    Saying that, the old site was well outdated, needed freshing up, but not like this. There is to much going on, mainly because of the ads all over the place.
    You can make money through advertising without using these FL sites. Dont get why we have it.

    Less ads, better layouts, incorporate CAFCOfficial Twitter, sorted.

    All my info & stats comes from twitter/skysports.
  • It's a football club website. It has the fixtures and ticket news on it. What else do you want it to do?

    1) Act as an effective communications medium between club and fans.

    2) Differentiate our club and its particular values from those of others (brand identity, if you like).

    3) Look professional and attractive and thereby encourage traffic.

    4) Promote the club's ticket and hospitality offers and retail products instead of FLi's own services.

    5) Make money in its own right.

    It does 5). That's about it.


    And thats 4 reason's I dont read it, it tells me nothing I dont know/have heard here.
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