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Cameron effortlessly puts Romney back in his place



  • Blair did go to an expensive boarding school but has a very different background to Cameron. Blair's dad was the illegitimate son of two actors, adopted by a Glaswegian shipyard worker. His mum was the daughter of a butcher. His dad got a good education and became a barrister and law lecturer.

    Cameron, comes from an aristocratic family of stockbrokers descended partly from royalty. He followed his father to Eton.

    They really don't have the same background, not that that (IMO) being posh means that you can't be in touch with "normal" people. Politicians are out of touch because so many of them have nver done anything other than politics - including all three of the party leaders.
  • Would the media & the establishment ever let a normal bloke who has lived his life like many normal blokes do reach high enough to become PM? Or even an MP!?

    I'd relate more to someone and believe in them more if they'd spent a bit more time walking in our shoes.
  • edited July 2012
    Still, don't worry. Jeremy Hunt has got things off to a flying start.
  • Haha, this is brilliant! No holding back from Boris

  • Still, don't worry. Jeremy Hunt has got things off to a flying start.

    FFS....don't let him get his hands on a starting pistol!!

  • Would the media & the establishment ever let a normal bloke who has lived his life elike many normal blokes do reach high enough to become PM? Or even an MP!?

    I'd relate more to someone and believe in them more if they'd spent a bit more time walking in our shoes.

    They don't come with more ordinary backgrounds than John Major, he did not even go to University.

    His humble background meant many of the Tory establishment never felt he was one of their own, hence the constant back biting.

    I met him briefly at The Oval in 1997 after he lost the election, a real gentleman and disturbingly bigger than he appears on TV.
  • colthe3rd said:

    Saga, going by your opening sentence "America - the land of the free, where anyone can be president." That to me seemed like a dig at their country, now I'm all for having a dig at their faults but when digging at something where we are just as bad as them seems a bit short sighted.

    Oh and thanks for the politics lesson, much appreciated.

    Happy to oblige - I normally charge for lectures. :-)

    We're worse than them surely though? Only a close relative of the queen could hope to be head of state here.
  • Would the media & the establishment ever let a normal bloke who has lived his life elike many normal blokes do reach high enough to become PM? Or even an MP!?

    I'd relate more to someone and believe in them more if they'd spent a bit more time walking in our shoes.

    They don't come with more ordinary backgrounds than John Major, he did not even go to University.

    His humble background meant many of the Tory establishment never felt he was one of their own, hence the constant back biting.

    I met him briefly at The Oval in 1997 after he lost the election, a real gentleman and disturbingly bigger than he appears on TV.
    In fairness, Cameron is the first truly posh Tory leader since Douglas-Hume.

  • The famous John Major jibe that he ran away from the circus to join a bank.
  • Ormiston Addick said:

    To be fair TN has turned increasingly red in the last decade, not many Dems outside Memphis these days.

    TN is not even on the Obama play book, he will kill Romney in the Midwest and pick up Florida on the back of the Hispanics too.

    I know people in US politics and they tell me that Obama's back room team do not feck about and are already slicing and dicing Romney the same way they did the "inevitable" Hillary Clinton in the primaries.

    By contrast Romney is surrounded by little leaguers, no way in the world Obama's people would have let today's fiasco unfold.

    You are correct about Obama's team with out doubt. Our company is very large hence we have people from all over the US but the feeling remains the same regradless certainly Tennessee is very Republican I would say on the conservative side of that party but I talk to colleagues who come from Chicago, Boston and other more cosmopolitan backgrounds and they all say the same. Obama is a big disappointment and a wind bag....only my experience Ormy so there you go.
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  • Ormiston Addick said:

    To be fair TN has turned increasingly red in the last decade, not many Dems outside Memphis these days.

    TN is not even on the Obama play book, he will kill Romney in the Midwest and pick up Florida on the back of the Hispanics too.

    I know people in US politics and they tell me that Obama's back room team do not feck about and are already slicing and dicing Romney the same way they did the "inevitable" Hillary Clinton in the primaries.

    By contrast Romney is surrounded by little leaguers, no way in the world Obama's people would have let today's fiasco unfold.

    You are correct about Obama's team with out doubt. Our company is very large hence we have people from all over the US but the feeling remains the same regradless certainly Tennessee is very Republican I would say on the conservative side of that party but I talk to colleagues who come from Chicago, Boston and other more cosmopolitan backgrounds and they all say the same. Obama is a big disappointment and a wind bag....only my experience Ormy so there you go.

    As a matter of interest what sort of company do you work for out there? TN is not the normal destination for expat Brits!

    I would live to make it out to TN one day and see Memphis and go see more of rural, heartland America, it would be fantastic.

    In terms of Obama, if he is a windbag then Lord knows what that makes Mitt with the Magic Pants.
  • Obama's re-jig of America's health system alone should earn him another term.
  • i hate politics as they are nearly all hypocrits.

    on one side you have a load of toffs that keep the working class down and on the other, you have the working class, who, when they make it, they do what the toffs do! (Who remembers what schools Diane Abbot and Tony Blair's children went to?....Lord Kinnock anyone??)

    All a bunch of lying cheats!!!!
  • Blimey just watched Boris speech and although I'm an old lefty and would never vote for them I think when he becomes leader of the Tories everyone else might as well give up.
  • Im surprised. Watching them now against our girls and they look crap.
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