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West Upper Service



  • I got to the West Upper (South concourse) at 7pm last night and it took about five minutes to get a pint even though no-one else was in the queue - there was a new guy (with an uncanny resemblance to Kevin Lisbie) who first of all somehow managed to tap £99.60 into the till (thus requiring the supervisor to help him cancel it), and then it took him a further two minutes or so to enter the correct price, whilst counting out the change was so tortuous I almost offered to leave it him as a tip. Can't even imagine how bad it might have been at HT.
  • red_murph said:

    I just don't get why they can't do the same as at the cricket or other venues and have people walking around with those backpacks on which are full of beer and they pour it out through the pipe?! Takes pressure off the other queues as well.

    Good point. They had them at the Olympics also.
  • Somebody posted a picture of an instant pint pourer device on here some time back - that's one solution. The other may be to serve beer in plastic bottles or have a large number of pints ready poured.
  • They really are missing a trick here, unless they've done the figures and it would cost more to sell more beer than they'd make on it. Maybe Airman has the figures?
  • Serious point. I know they might be expensive but surely the club could invest in 1 of those magnetic beer dispensers for each bar like the one here to at least speed up the service:

    They are used at a lot of the festivals nowadays & must increase revenue

    That's like watching a Dynamo trick - mesmerising!
  • I sit North Upper L block and they weren't serving draught beer yesterday I think something broke about 10 mins before kick off (seemed as though they got to the bottom of the barrel and no one had a clue what to do so just stopped serving it). They were only serving bottled beer which is a waste of time.
  • I sit North Upper L block and they weren't serving draught beer yesterday I think something broke about 10 mins before kick off (seemed as though they got to the bottom of the barrel and no one had a clue what to do so just stopped serving it). They were only serving bottled beer which is a waste of time.

    And it was warm!

  • Bayern Munich have a system of were you put your money on a card at a seperate kiosk and when you get to the food kiosk they just swipe your card so there is no pissing about with money! Worked very efficiently when I went. Also they have people walking round with beers and just swipe your card. Maybe could be done?
  • red_murph said:

    I just don't get why they can't do the same as at the cricket or other venues and have people walking around with those backpacks on which are full of beer and they pour it out through the pipe?! Takes pressure off the other queues as well.

    Good point. They had them at the Olympics also.
    Had them at Fulham away last year.
  • use to have something like that up notting hill, bloke with a dustbin full of ice and lagers.

    police have stopped them now. shame cos it use to be a pound a can.
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  • That clip above. I make it 20 pints served in around 1 minute. How many do our lot knock out in that time - 2 if you're lucky?

  • edited August 2012
    I like the idea of the beer pouring machine , might get one and practice at home , will let you know the results... burp...
  • edited August 2012
    Over here in Oz you used to be able (at the cricket mainly) to bring a "Beer Wench" with you, which was typically an extremely attractive young lady, modestly attired, who would fetch your group of friends beers and food all day.

    Our group of about 15 blokes from our cricket club would pay her about A$300 for the day and she would be 'on duty' from about 0900 til stumps at which point she would refuse all offers of further 'engagement' from hugely inebriated drinkers and go home - normally with pissed up players from our group giving her more cash as tips as well!

    They've banned it at the Gabba now!
  • If the club invested in some of those six-pint pumps, that fill six glasses at once that you will see in beer tents at festivals (or even at Kent on a t20 day). That would go some way I to speeding up the problem. Just a thought.
  • Took the about 5mins to serve me 3bottles of coke and work out my change the chap got tottaly confused!! Not rocket science 3 x 2.10 then trying to work my change from a 10 pound note? All done with a brain dead look on his face.
  • edited August 2012
    Ordered tea
    Blank look from cashier
    Tea ?
    Yes please tea
    Erm ok
    Looks at till for about a minute
    Wanders off to colleague who advises that there isn't a tea button but one marked tea/coffee that needs to be selected
    She returns and presses the button
    I hand her £2 for the £1.85 tea
    She rings up a tenner
    More blank looks
    She walks over to the cups and fills a tea up with water
    She then hands it to me along with a lid
    The lid is far too small to fit the cup
    I ask for another lid
    Blank look
    Her colleague takes pity on me and gives me the correct size lid
    Cashier then serves the next person
    I try to catch her eye in a "can I have my change please" type way
    Blank look
    A mouth the word "change" to her with a gentle smile
    Blank look
    I am forced to ask for my 15p
    Blank look, soon to be replaced with one of apologetic realisation
    I get my change

    Total length of time it takes me to get a cup of tea plus change (without anyone else in the queue)
    ..... 4 minutes

  • edited August 2012
    Classic! That sums it up perfectly, its even worse when bar staff do this and you are dying for your pint.
  • Sitting in the NU, I've long given up on trying to get a pint at HT, unless a mate of mine says he's going to get one 5 mins before and he grabs me one.

    Gotta say, that machine that fills from the bottom is excellent.

    Ormiston Addick. Those costumes look great, but have you seen the staff at the Valley lately? thanks!
  • Ordered tea
    Blank look from cashier
    Tea ?
    Yes please tea
    Erm ok
    Looks at till for about a minute
    Wanders off to colleague who advises that there isn't a tea button but one marked tea/coffee that needs to be selected
    She returns and presses the button
    I hand her £2 for the £1.85 tea
    She rings up a tenner
    More blank looks
    She walks over to the cups and fills a tea up with water
    She then hands it to me along with a lid
    The lid is far too small to fit the cup
    I ask for another lid
    Blank look
    He colleague takes pity on me and gives me the correct size lid
    Cashier then serves the next person
    I try to catch her eye in a "can I have my change please" type way
    Blank look
    A mouth the word "change" to her with a gentle smile
    Blank look
    I am forced to ask for my 15p
    Blank look, soon to be replaced with one of apologetic realisation
    I gt my change

    Total length of time it takes me to get a cup of tea plus change (without anyone else in the queue)
    ..... 4 minutes

    Classic! That sums it up perfectly, its even worse when bar staff do this and you are dying for your pint.
    Absolutely spot on. The trouble is you pay peanuts....
  • Sitting in the NU, I've long given up on trying to get a pint at HT, unless a mate of mine says he's going to get one 5 mins before and he grabs me one.

    Gotta say, that machine that fills from the bottom is excellent.

    Ormiston Addick. Those costumes look great, but have you seen the staff at the Valley lately? thanks!

    True, you do need the right kind of staff, for the Test against England in 2006 we had German backpacker girls doing it for us in the proper gear.....

    Un-bloody-believable looking but also good value and took no crap either.
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  • edited August 2012
    How much would you pay to have a pint delivered from one of those machines £4 (i'm guessing) would people pay it?

    Would be interesting to know how many pints we do sell on matchdays , and how many more we could sell if we had the right offer, do any other football clubs use this new fangled technology?
  • Blackburn, Middlesbrough, Southampton all have the six pint wonder machines.
  • I always have my beer ready for me at half/time:
    I send @AdamTheAddick out to buy it after 40 minutes of the 1st half.
  • We dont have any of this trouble in the East Stand, the half time whistle blows, quick stand up to let those wanting to use the toilet out then sit down, unscrew flask, pour and savour..............ahhhhhh.
  • We dont have any of this trouble in the East Stand, the half time whistle blows, quick stand up to let those wanting to use the toilet out then sit down, unscrew flask, pour and savour..............ahhhhhh.

    That's why it's so annoying in the WU..... I thought we were supposed to be full of blanket hugging tea lovers. Why are there so many people buying something as common as a pie'n'pint?

  • Friend used the furthest kiosk on the East Stand concourse on Tuesday evening circa 7pm and asked for 2 teas. These were duly served , but no milk. So milk was politely be met with blank stares as if to say "What's that ?" . Seemingly no milk was available so friend was asked to take his tea to another kiosk to obtain his cow juice...

    Needless to say , we NEVER buy anything to eat or drink at The Valley !

    Shall I try to bring this issue up AGAIN at the forthcoming FF meeting due to be held on 25th September ?

  • Shall I try to bring this issue up AGAIN at the forthcoming FF meeting due to be held on 25th September ?

    Please! Out of choice I probably would make my beer/food choices elsewhere too, but the kids like to watch the players warm up and it adds to the clubs coffers plus gives myself and my brother a chance to relax whilst supping some dubious brew.

    I hate bringing up problems without at least a suggestion of a solution (admirable though the magnetic gizmo is, I don't think that the demand is that great), but it would be good to highlight to the club that at ground level, even the fans can see a missed sales opportunity.

  • Friend used the furthest kiosk on the East Stand concourse on Tuesday evening circa 7pm and asked for 2 teas. These were duly served , but no milk. So milk was politely be met with blank stares as if to say "What's that ?" . Seemingly no milk was available so friend was asked to take his tea to another kiosk to obtain his cow juice...

    Needless to say , we NEVER buy anything to eat or drink at The Valley !

    Shall I try to bring this issue up AGAIN at the forthcoming FF meeting due to be held on 25th September ?

    Yes please. The directors are basically paying ( or not?) a company serious money to deliver a service. The new guard at the Kremlin may not be fully aware of the extent of the problems and consequent loss of potential revenue?

  • edited August 2012
    I suggest that those at the club responsible for concourse catering should forgoe their luncheon/smoked salmon sandwiches etc and go out and about for a few games. Queue up yourselves at various locations throught the ground and simply see for yourselves the appaling level of service and time wasted by poorly trained staff.
    I can assure you all that they would pretty soon come to the same conclusion that we all have.
    In this day and age we should also be looking way beyond the easy fix hot pies wrapped in suspicious looking plastic with Bovril', crisps and Kit-Kat scenario....please let's be a little more imaginative with the fare on's not rocket science, the British public is a lot more savvy and knowlegable about food nowadays and expect something more enticing and pleasing on the palet.
  • Carter said:

    Blackburn, Middlesbrough, Southampton all have the six pint wonder machines.

    Derby County have them as well. They do the job well.
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