While you can still donate direct to the latest CL fund raiser for the Upbeats, the Down's Syndrome team run by the Community Trust, here
http://www.charltonlife.com/discussion/54711/upbeats-new-kit-charlton-life-fundraising#latestyou can also try and win some of these lovely auction prizes and the money still goes to the upbeats.
All donated by It'smyball, for which many, many thanks, the first two were given to him by the players themselves, the third he wore when his team played against the Charlton vets team.
I don't think the two players shirts are matchworn as they both still have Joma tags on them but they were issued to the players and have the Premier league arm badges. Both are also long sleeve so quite rare and collectable.
Usual auction rules. Only bid if you can and intend to pay. Winner pays postage or collects. Auction ends at 5.00 pm on Wednesday 1 May. Bids after 4.59 pm not accepted.
Happy bidding
Lot A
Large black Llanera/Joma away shirt with "Zheng Zhi" on the back. Long Sleeve with "Barclays Premiership" arm flashes. Excellent conditions and still with tags.
Opening bid £10
Lot B
XXL White and Gray Goalkeepers short with "Andersen 16" on the back. Long Sleeve with "Barclays Premiership" arm flashes. Excellent conditions and still with tags.
Opening bid £12
Lot C
XL White Llanera/Joma shirt worn in veterans match and signed by 11 players including Leroy Ambrose, Peter Garland, Ritchie Bowman and others I can't make out. Any help with names gratefully received.
Opening bid £10
Happy bidding

A £40 cafcdave123
B No bid yet
C £20 Greenie
B £15 Athletico Charlton
C £20 Greenie
B £20 Tango Flash
C £20 Greenie
Cheers guys
A £60 Tel
B £30 Tel
C £20 Greenie
Many thanks.
Thanks again
Oh and £35 for B please.
B - 35 - DaveMehmet
C - 40 - shirty5
Thanks chaps
B - 35 - DaveMehmet
C - 40 - shirty5
Quiet period but expect a late rush