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To all on Charlton Life (and Into the Valley as well)

Moderators, I apologise for starting a new thread on this but I just feel I need to voice my opinion on here as this is becoming a joke now.

I occasionally post on Into the Valley and there a few members that post about Powell I do not agree with (Reams in particular) but it's their opinion and you have to respect that. To call them clowns and say they are an embarrassment to the club is pretty pathetic and childish. I would say your an embarrassment for making those stupid comments!

I have seen 1 or 2 threads that certain fans started on here calling for Powell to be sacked and this person is easily being mocked, simply because you don't agree with them.

Its about time we stopped fighting and bickering with each other and have a proper debate with each other. We are Charlton fans and not Millwall fans.

This goes the same for you that post on into the valley as well! We are all Charlton fans at the end of the day and we need to stick by one another, especially if you strongly disagree with each other on important issue concerning the club.


  • You mean, "why can't we all just get along?"
  • get a grip, starting a thread ffs
  • I do agree to a certain extent but think simultaneous posting on both sites would have been good. However most supposed bullying on here is down to humour and in jokes.
  • Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya.
  • “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

    Martin Luther King.
  • edited August 2013
    Bloody hell - get over yourself. Its an Internet messageboard ffs! :)
  • edited August 2013

    Bloody hell - get over yourself. Its an Internet messageboard ffs! :)

    Thanks Wassiname, was just about to break out into a chorus of "Ebony and Ivory" and sob myself to sleep worrying about the disintegration of message board culture.

  • Ban ki moon
  • Bloody hell - get over yourself. Its an Internet messageboard ffs! :)

    Thanks Len, was just about to break out into a chorus of "Ebony and Ivory" and sob myself to sleep worrying about the disintegration of message board culture.


    Ouch, that's gotta hurt!
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  • Off_it said:

    Bloody hell - get over yourself. Its an Internet messageboard ffs! :)

    Thanks Len, was just about to break out into a chorus of "Ebony and Ivory" and sob myself to sleep worrying about the disintegration of message board culture.


    Ouch, that's gotta hurt!
    Oops !!! (edited)
  • Damn soapy, that's harsh.
  • vffvff
    edited August 2013
    On some of the threads, I have seen (not the thread today, which I didn't really look at) is not that the poster expresses the opinion, but they didn't seem to accept that people didn't agree with them with their particular axe to grind, and resort to insults, assign opinions to people that they didn't have, ignored the responses and continued to attack other posters for holding those opinions that they didn't have, and generally being blinkered, irrational, rude and irritating.

    Its fine to hold an opinion, express it and all but they are plenty of threads on here, on contentious subjects, which are mostly reasonably discussed without resorting to insults or threats. If you start topic, you have to be prepared for people who don't agree with your thread.

    I post on this site, but look on Into the Valley and Not 606, can have different viewpoints and come up with interesting information or a different view. That's fine. Generalised statements / insults about others and wholesale misrepresentation who post on other forums, I agree is way over the top - on whatever forum it is posted. Some of it is just plain unhealthy.

  • Mocked for calling or Powell's head ? .

    Blood good job he/she was mocked.

    He/she is an idiot of the highest degree.
  • Hey fella don't expect you or any other of us to always agree with alternative views but you downgrade your own opinions by being the sole arbiter of the mental health of other posters. Remember the old adage - it takes one to know one ;-))
  • Off_it said:

    Bloody hell - get over yourself. Its an Internet messageboard ffs! :)

    Thanks Len, was just about to break out into a chorus of "Ebony and Ivory" and sob myself to sleep worrying about the disintegration of message board culture.


    Ouch, that's gotta hurt!
    Want a fight Big Fella?
  • No i aint a friend of reams, my post on the closed forum was tongue in cheek, o by the way Powell out now!!
  • Anyone who calls for Powell to be sacked is a **** **** ******. Further more he or she should ***** and ****. End of.
  • LenGlover said:

    Off_it said:

    Bloody hell - get over yourself. Its an Internet messageboard ffs! :)

    Thanks Len, was just about to break out into a chorus of "Ebony and Ivory" and sob myself to sleep worrying about the disintegration of message board culture.


    Ouch, that's gotta hurt!
    Want a fight Big Fella?
    Jeez, that's it - I'm off before it gets too much for me. I can cope with towering fellas swinging for me, but when those crazed accountant types come at you with their staplers and Manila envelopes then it really is time to shit oneself and run up the white flag!

    Sorry Len, the floor is yours.

  • edited August 2013
    JonnyK said:

    Hey fella don't expect you or any other of us to always agree with alternative views but you downgrade your own opinions by being the sole arbiter of the mental health of other posters. Remember the old adage - it takes one to know one ;-))

    Fella ???
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  • I agree JK - the whole point of a forum is to have different views - no point otherwise.
  • Anyone who calls for Powell to be sacked is a **** **** ******. Further more he or she should ***** and ****. End of.

    He shouldn't be sacked but he needs to be less stubborn - he did nothing on Saturday to change what wasn't working.
  • Anyone who calls for Powell to be sacked is a **** **** ******. Further more he or she should ***** and ****. End of.

    He shouldn't be sacked but he needs to be less stubborn - he did nothing on Saturday to change what wasn't working.
    The game did only get to half time mate. He might've been planning a treble substitution for all we know.
  • Bit gutted opening this thread, reading the subject I thought it might be an open letter to the fans from Jiminez finally setting the record straight (or offering us all out)
  • Can't recall treble substitutions at half time before but then again can't recall what was effectively two half times before and only playing 45mins.
  • Blimey, a discussion about having a discussion ! I think we should discuss why this needs discussing. Surely if we want to discuss we don't need to discuss the options of having that discussion via an online discussion?

  • Can we all agree to disagree?
  • Pot calling kettle black all over the shop. I lurk on into the valley and although I disagree with most posters, they don't completely shut you down if you do disagree, unlike on here. At the end of the day we're all charlton supporters and ultimately want the best for the club. Even if we seriously disagree on the means (sacking Powell after 3 games, what an absolute joke of a club we'd become! But hey ho)
  • I think you are all idiots and I am entitled to my opinion !!!
  • Legitimate criticism of Powell is fine, but anyone who is seriously calling for him to get the tin-tack should be openly mocked for the imbecile that they are. With the conditions that he is working under at present, I just hope that he doesn't decide to walk. Then we really would be in the shit.
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