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Missing Malaysian plane



  • Exactly that NLA read somewhere that the US probably know where it is but do not want to reveal there radar capabilities for that area to potenial enamies and as there were no yanks on board will no disclose the info
  • edited March 2014
    Took 2 years to find the French plane that crashed off Brazil and the route that took was known and crash site relatively predictable. In this case over more disputed waters, I expect some air force has shot it down and they are now covering tracks. Would even have bought enough time to do a clear up operation by now.
  • Sunday sport have found it !!!!
  • I don't understand why a tracking device would have a disable switch????

    It's so they can be switched off whilst at the airport, where you could have hundreds in a very small area.
  • Took 2 years to find the French plane that crashed off Brazil and the route that took was known and crash site relatively predictable. In this case over more disputed waters, I expect some air force has shot it down and they are now covering tracks. Would even have bought enough time to do a clear up operation by now.

    They found wreckage from the Air France crash in 5 days. It took 2 years to find the black box recorders - largely because the homing beacon only lasts 30 days and they were in 14,000ft of water.
  • smiffyboy said:

    Exactly that NLA read somewhere that the US probably know where it is but do not want to reveal there radar capabilities for that area to potenial enamies and as there were no yanks on board will no disclose the info

    3 Americans on board
  • cafc-west said:

    3 Americans on board
    I do think NLA has a point. There was an ex senior officer from the RAF interviewed a few days back who said the whole situation was embarrassing for that region as it's showed how poorly secured their airspace is, especially considering it's over disputed/volatile territories. Those countries must know more than they're saying.

    There were indeed Americans on board though; including a group of Electronics Engineers working for a company that has contracts with the NSA. It was reported in one of the papers and then the conspiracy theorists immediately jumped on the theory that someone wanted NSA tech so took the whole airplane..

    Personally I don't understand the whole concept of No Strings Attached technology though.
  • reminds me of the ending of the Sean Connery film "The Anderson Tapes"...........everyone deleting what they knew as it was obtained illegitimately
  • ACARS and transponder turn offs are required on board if there is an electrical fire; basically, nearly all (if not all) the various electrical operations have switch off capabilities in case of fire, emergency etc. Most pilots (it seems) know how to turn them off...
    I am now of the opinion that the plane was flown south (the so called southern corridor), and crashed into the Indian Ocean. There are few ships down there, so it may be some time before wreckage is discovered (probably by a Japanese whaling ship!). Sad if so...
    If it did go north, then the valuable cargo theory is still live I think, but I just cannot beleive that someone in one of the countries it passed through would not have tracked it as a potential threat? Maybe I have missed it, but has the cargo manifest been released yet? There was talk of gold bullion at a very early stage but I've seen nothing to dispell it. Even then, the cost of the whole operation would be extensive and you would need upwards of $10,000,000 in bars to make it worthwhile if you were a baddie!
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  • The problem with this theory is it isn't new, yet no wreckage has been found. Also, the Malays have said that the transponder was turned off deliberately prior to last radio message. There is so much re-circulating theory and speculation that it is preventing some of the investigation, according to the Malays.
    On another point re the phones still ringing, I liked this suggestion - Take your own I-Phone; place it on the floor; stamp on it several times until it is in pieces; borrow a friends phone; call your number. Does it still ring?
  • It's been reported that the Captain was a big supporter of the Malaysian opposition party. Only the day before their leader Anwar Ibrahim had been jailed for the second time for what was widely regarded as a trumped up sodomy charge.

    If you're sent to jail for sodomy and the stories I hear about jail are in any way true then that could end up being a whole life sentence.

  • It's been reported that the Captain was a big supporter of the Malaysian opposition party. Only the day before their leader Anwar Ibrahim had been jailed for the second time for what was widely regarded as a trumped up sodomy charge. I'm not sure if the press have made this link yet, but I think there could be a link.

    Lazy journalism again. Reports by media that the pilot was some kind of fanatical political supporter, but from what i can gather the politician he supported is a democrat who was being targeted by the corrupt system that exists in Malaysia. So basically supporting this guy was a very honourable position to take. A bit like supporting Ghandi or Mandela.

    The press would have you believe that this politican was some nutjob like Mugabe or Kim Jong Un

  • For a plane to change course and send no mayday message/signal it has to be a deliberate act by the Pilot. If we agree that, then there can only be two conclusions - the pilot has crashed into the sea - suicide (But why then has no wreckage been found when radar can reportedly pick up a football in calm seas? Also. why change course? One part of the ocean is as good as another to crash into). The other conclusion is that the plane has landed somewhere. But if that is the case - why?

  • If it landed somewhere, why haven't any passengers sent a text message on their mobiles? Even if the mobiles were taken away, surely one of them would have had a chance to send something?

    For that reason, I think it has crashed.
  • stonemuse said:

    If it landed somewhere, why haven't any passengers sent a text message on their mobiles? Even if the mobiles were taken away, surely one of them would have had a chance to send something?

    For that reason, I think it has crashed.

    Which brings us back to Muttley's question of why change course?

  • I believe the likelihood is that the plane has just crashed into the sea somewhere slightly off-course although even this theory has its holes. The oceans are small these days and you'd think someone would have seen something.

    Must be awful for the families but this is going to make for one hell of an air crash investigation episode.
  • For a plane to change course and send no mayday message/signal it has to be a deliberate act by the Pilot. If we agree that, then there can only be two conclusions - the pilot has crashed into the sea - suicide (But why then has no wreckage been found when radar can reportedly pick up a football in calm seas? Also. why change course? One part of the ocean is as good as another to crash into). The other conclusion is that the plane has landed somewhere. But if that is the case - why?

    Or 3. Deliberate act but badly done so it crashed?
  • edited March 2014
    Rizzo said:

    Which brings us back to Muttley's question of why change course?

    im no expert but apparently (going by the news a week or so ago) if decompression happens the plane automatically changes course or changes altitude to enable the passengers to regain consciousness, this happens because the pilots may be incapacitated and cant fly the plane due to no oxygen
  • Or the plane is landed somewhere, the passengers have all been executed, it will remain a mystery for a number of years before the group that stole it load it with nuclear waste and crash it into a city somewhere.

    One of the more worrying theories I've seen.
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  • edited March 2014
    Also, the fact that the plane changed course almost immediately after leaving Malaysian airspace suggests the pilot, or whoever was calling the shots didn't want to be detected! I suppose if you are going to land the plane somewhere, you don't want anybody finding it - but to do this would require so much planning and organisation. What would be worth that level of risk and planning?

    The worrying bit is that even if the plane hasn't crashed - the fact that we haven't heard anything by now suggests this wasn't a hijacking in the usual sense so all or most of the passengers would be an expendable nuisance. You sort of hope it did crash for their sakes!

    Lastly, at some point you would imagine the plane has to enter somebody's airspace and I can't see how it could do it undetected. So maybe if you work out which countries it could conceivably be - it then might be worth investigating why they would want the plane.
  • @mutley phone jammer maybe while on the plane ? Then plenty of time to do a proper search before landing ?

  • im no expert but apparently (going by the news a week or so ago) if decompression happens the plane automatically changes course or changes altitude to enable the passengers to regain consciousness, this happens because the pilots may be incapacitated and cant fly the plane due to no oxygen
    That would not explain why the transponder stopped transmitting or why the plane continued to fly for up to 4 hours without any communications being sent.

  • What seems to be known suggests the plane was being flown to avoid detection (changing course, low altitude).
  • This obsession with this shows us how we all revel to some extent in misery.

    Let me ask you this, and I'd ask you first to realise that most people talk about this instead of talking about other gossipy stuff, the biggest mouthed tart in my office all of a sudden has taken an interest in this instead of how big Kim Kardashian's arse is this week.

    So let me ask you... Is it entirely horrible to hope that the plane has been hijacked, rather than crashing, because it will make it even tastier?

    I guarantee you a few newspaper editors are hoping for that!

  • Lazy journalism again. Reports by media that the pilot was some kind of fanatical political supporter, but from what i can gather the politician he supported is a democrat who was being targeted by the corrupt system that exists in Malaysia. So basically supporting this guy was a very honourable position to take. A bit like supporting Ghandi or Mandela.

    The press would have you believe that this politican was some nutjob like Mugabe or Kim Jong Un

    I read that the captain attended the court (when Ibrahim was jailed for five years) in the afternoon. The flight then left that same night. If his goal was to cause as much embarrassment as possible to the incumbent Government, then he's done quite a good job.
    But why, if he wanted to commit suicide, would he continue flying the plane for hours, going to great lengths to avoid radar. There is so much about this that doesn't make any sense.
  • I think the reason why a lot of people are interested is that so much about this doesn't make sense and some people are curious to understand what has happened.
  • I believe the likelihood is that the plane has just crashed into the sea somewhere slightly off-course although even this theory has its holes. The oceans are small these days and you'd think someone would have seen something.

    Must be awful for the families but this is going to make for one hell of an air crash investigation episode.

    This is Hollywood film shit.
  • The US know where it is, but cannot tell us as that would give away their spying capabilities on certain countries.

    I may have made that up though...
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