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National Orgasm Day



  • makes me rush to play that buzzocks family favourite:

    well you tried it just for once found it all right for kicks.
    but now you found out that it's a habit that sticks.
    and you're an orgasm addict.
    you're an orgasm addict.
    sneaking in the back door with dirty magazines.
    now your mother wants to know what all those stains on your jeans.
    and you're an orgasm addict.
    you're an orgasm addict.
    uh huh, uh huh, uhhhhh, uhhhhh [x3]
    you get in a heat, you get in a sulk.
    but you still keep a beating your meat to pulp.
    and you're an orgasm addict.
    you're an orgasm addict.
    you're a kid cassanova. you're a no-josep
    it's a labour of love fucking yourself to death.
    orgasm addict.
    you're an orgasm addict.
    uh huh, uhhhhh [x10]
    you're makin' out with school kids, winos and heads of state.
    you even made it with the lady,
    who puts the little plastic bobins on the christmas cakes.
    butchers' assistants and bellhops, you've had them all here and there.
    children of god and their joy-strings, international women with no body hair.
    oooh, so where they're askin' in an alley and your voice ain't steady.
    if your sex mechanic's rough you're more than ready.
    you're an orgasm addict.
    you're an orgasm addict.
    johnny want fuckie always and all ways.
    he's got the energy, he will amaze.
    he's an orgasm addict.
    he's an orgasm addict.
    he's always at it.
    he's always at it.
    and he's an orgasm addict.
    he's an orgasm addict.
  • _nam11 said:

    I never know if my wife has an orgasm or not,I'm never there

    Yeah...she does mate ;)
    Does she moan a lot ,she does the rest of the time
  • edited August 2014

    _nam11 said:

    I never know if my wife has an orgasm or not,I'm never there

    Yeah...she does mate ;)
    Does she moan a lot ,she does the rest of the time
    Understatement of the year
  • Well that was over quickly
  • Yup, bit of an anti-climax

  • A while ago I actually had to let someone go who let himself go whilst on the job as it were .He was employed overnight in a solitary yet necessary type of job ,the role had its boring unsupervised moments but he was unaware that there was CCTV on the premises .
  • Haha, please tell me you didnt have to tell him the exact reason why you let him go? The poor bloke must have been mortified lol.
  • all i said was that"you may be unaware that there is cctv on the premises" with a knowing look and the "exit discussion" didnt last very long after that ...true story
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  • not sure why my "orgasm inspiration" thread was closed so rapidly, given the subject was NOT the day, but who/what are our favoured sources of wanky inspiration, which i began by naming a coupla my faves. i thought that it might be fun to see what/who gets charlton fans in the mood, and off;>)?
  • lolwray said:

    A while ago I actually had to let someone go who let himself go whilst on the job as it were .He was employed overnight in a solitary yet necessary type of job ,the role had its boring unsupervised moments but he was unaware that there was CCTV on the premises .

    Did he work a week in hand or did you just let him go?
  • I missed it. I was in the shed.
  • Wanky Warden... In the early 1990's I managed a residential training centre. One day one of the trainers picked up a video cassette and played it. What he saw was the training centre warden in his wife's nightie standing in front of a mirror with the big video camera on one hand. In his other hand, he was...
  • oh, it's saint onan's day?

    After Onan's brother was slain by God, his father Judah told him to fulfill his duty as a brother-in-law (levirate marriage) to Tamar, by giving her offspring. However, when Onan had sex with Tamar, he withdrew before climax and "spilled his seed on the ground", since any child born would not legally be considered his heir.[ He disregarded the principle of a levirate union, so God slew him.

    Early writers have sometimes focused on the spilling seed, and the sexual act being used for non-procreational purposes. One opinion expressed in the Talmud argues that this was where the death penalty's imposition originated. This interpretation was held by several early Christian apologists. Jerome, for example, argued:
    But I wonder why he the heretic Jovinianus set Judah and Tamar before us for an example, unless perchance even harlots give him pleasure; or Onan, who was slain because he grudged his brother his seed. Does he imagine that we approve of any sexual intercourse except for the procreation of children?
    Clement of Alexandria, while not making explicit reference to Onan, similarly reflects an early Christian view of the abhorrence of spilling seed:
    Because of its divine institution for the propagation of man, the seed is not to be vainly ejaculated, nor is it to be damaged, nor is it to be wasted.
    To have coitus other than to procreate children is to do injury to nature, you very naughty boys;>)))

    Fecking hell mate you really know how to kill a hard-on.
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