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  • best line in finale..."with all the crazy stuff that goes on here, the one thing you can rely on is gaffa tape"

    so true
  • It's worth watching to the end just for Richards episode "ab aeterno" - which for me is the greatest episode of television ever made.
  • edited October 2014
    se9addick said:

    It's worth watching to the end just for Richards episode "ab aeterno" - which for me is the greatest episode of television ever made.

    pine barrens
  • se9addick said:

    It's worth watching to the end just for Richards episode "ab aeterno" - which for me is the greatest episode of television ever made.

    Fantastic episode. Nestor Carbonell is an underrated Anthony Perkins impersonator actor
  • Bin it and Watch walking dead, sopranos or game of thrones instead if you haven't already that is. MUCH better than lost which died after season 2.

    the sopranos is the king of tv shows and will be forever. Such an amazing show.
    JiMMy 85 said:

    it appears as if the writers were just making it up as they went along.

    Isn't that how you write a story?
    at your first draft, yes. Then you rewrite, rewrite and rewrite. Showrunners should've had a plan but their expectation was because it was so expensive to make that they would get cancelled after 2 seasons or so and people would say what an awesome show it was like Twin Peaks or Firefly. That's why there was loads of random mysterious shit happening in those first 2 seasons. Then they realised they would have to explain it all and just made it up on the spot and it showed.
    Before the pilot was written, Abrams and Lindelof spent a fortnight mapping out the opening half-season and came up with a 'series bible' that covered the show's mythology and a rough 5-season storyline.

    After 12 episodes, when the show got picked up for the long term and Abrams left to direct MI3, new showrunner Cartlon Cuse had a writing summit with Lindelof to continue planning the big points over the next few seasons (Locke and Jack's mirorring arcs, the departure and return to the island, the time travel etc).

    ABC had been insistent on the money-spinning show running on and on, while the show runners argued that audiences would get fed up with it. So during season three, they agreed with ABC to end the show after 6 seasons, and planned out the character arcs accordingly (Stranger In A Strange Land was a major factor in this development, and Catch 22 soon after is the effective beginning of the end).

    You might argue they didn't do a very good job in the planning, or with the show bible (I wouldn't), but it's not entirely fair to say they didn't plan ahead.
  • Carter said:

    Seasons 1 & 2 were really good, it went batshit crazy after that. I sacked it ofd after seasom three. I watched intermittently if my housemate had it on and did his head in with questions that part timers ask. 'Why are they in the seventies' 'why are they on a golf course' and the like.

    Dexter was a bit the same for me, started brilliantly but the last series was like a piss taking parody of the show

    Dexter is my favourite TV show of all time. I ignore the final season because it was so, so shit that it's painful to admit it's the same series.
  • se9addick said:

    It's worth watching to the end just for Richards episode "ab aeterno" - which for me is the greatest episode of television ever made.

    pine barrens
    Great call.
  • edited October 2014

    se9addick said:

    It's worth watching to the end just for Richards episode "ab aeterno" - which for me is the greatest episode of television ever made.

    pine barrens
    Great call.
    ...Mayonnaise! ...MAYONNAISE!!
  • Ok - just finished watching the final season again and I think I get it but there's one thing that's bugging me.

    In the very final scene at the church, Walt and Michael are missing. I presume Michael is stuck on the island because he was a very naughty boy and killed a couple of innocents. I assume Walt wasn't there because he was just a young lad on the island and during his life he would have made more important connections than those he forged with the other people on the island (which is why they are all together, because the connections they made with one another on the island were the most important in their life).

    If I'm correct in the above, then why was Aaron in the church at the end ? Surely his time on the island was even less significant that Walts ?
  • Move on...........
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  • edited October 2014
    se9addick said:

    Ok - just finished watching the final season again and I think I get it but there's one thing that's bugging me.

    In the very final scene at the church, Walt and Michael are missing. I presume Michael is stuck on the island because he was a very naughty boy and killed a couple of innocents. I assume Walt wasn't there because he was just a young lad on the island and during his life he would have made more important connections than those he forged with the other people on the island (which is why they are all together, because the connections they made with one another on the island were the most important in their life).

    If I'm correct in the above, then why was Aaron in the church at the end ? Surely his time on the island was even less significant that Walts ?

    I don't think the people in the church make a huge amount of sense. Sayid with Shannon is another that bothers me.

    Ultimately, Walt was written out of the show because of his age. The scene with Locke in season 4 was the writers saying 'no more Walt, ever again'. As for Aaron, the kid apparently lived a full life before going to heaven, so he's probably just pissed off that he's in the body of a baby again.

    Edit - Michael is stuck because he can't forgive himself as much as anything. Murder didn't stop Sawyer and Kate making it.
  • Just finished this. What a pile of wank. Calm somebody explain it?
  • WayneK said:

    Just finished this. What a pile of wank. Calm somebody explain it?

    You have too watch it from start to finish at least twice to understand it.
  • WayneK said:

    Just finished this. What a pile of wank. Calm somebody explain it?

    What do you want to know? Happy to field all questions you might have! Except for one.
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