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Email from The Club - Grammar Pedantry

Ok, I admit it, I am somewhat of a grammar pedant.

So this morning's email from CAFC left me feeling more pedantic than I usually do:

Subject: Limited spaces still available in Harvey’s for this Saturday’s match

Charlton Athletic will be hosting the Owls here at the Valley on Saturday 1st November, 3pm KO.

There's not a better way to have that match-day experience than to enjoy a pre-match meal for just £25 pp.

The package will consist of:

- Classic Lasagne al Farno (beef lasagne + pasta layered with white sauce + parmesan cheese)
- Severed with homemade oregano garlic + paprika potato wedges
- Mixes salad with black olives fresh herb + olive oil dressing
- Ciabatta garlic bread slices
- Warmed cheery pie served with cream

The package will also consist off:

• Lounge overlooking the pitch
• Match-day programme and team sheet
• Match-day hostess
• Appearance from a CAFC legend


It could be that with a really nasty cold and having to come in to work today I'm just being a grumpy git, but am I being unreasonable in finding the grammar and spelling shocking?



  • You're not very cheery (pie) today at all are you?
  • At least Asterix didn't make an appearance.
  • The warmed Cheery pie sounds nice
  • Garlic AND paprika on the wedges! Too far, too far.
  • cheery pie sounds promising.
  • you can't have much to do at work !
  • Maybe they've got Igor sending out Emails whilst he's injured
  • "al farno" - even the spelling in Italian leaves a lot to be desired...
  • Sponsored links:

  • At first I thought you were going over the top. then I read it. It doesn't make great reading I must admit.
  • Like the sound of a match day hostess no need to take my flask and blanket
  • Should pedantry really have a capital P in the thread Title?
  • I wonder who write's this?
  • edited October 2014
    OK own up, who's making oregano at home? It is actually rather poor though. Prrof; reeders kneeded.
  • I noticed some pretty basic mistakes in my season ticket renewal letter too. It must be to do with the internal staff restructure.
  • fings aint wot they yust too bee
  • OK own up, who's making oregano at home? It is actually rather poor though. Prrof; reeders kneeded.

    I'm having a go at homemade oregano garlic.
  • "al farno" - even the spelling in Italian leaves a lot to be desired...

    That must the variation where you get a double helping of beef lasagne and pasta layered with white sauce
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  • fings aint wot they yust too bee

    Shouldn't that be "fingers ", Lincs ?

  • Wouldn't this be formatted by our sooper dooper new catering company though, as opposed to CAFC staff?
  • Shocking.

    But then I am easily shocked the older I get.
  • nice that you get your own lounge overlooking the pitch
  • I have made my decision about the so called sooper doper caterers by bringing my food with me.
  • edited October 2014
    I blame these damn computers with so called helpful software that can change typos to something the software wants.....honestly.
  • Granpa said:

    I have made my decision about the so called sooper doper caterers by bringing my food with me.

    i knew about bringing a pencil case to the valley, but i didn't think "nik naks" meant the crisps.
  • think they should scrap stadium catering. instead we all bring a food and drink contribution and have a big picnic on the pitch from 1pm to 2.30pm. we can return again around 3.45pm for tea and cakes.
  • I'm more worried that our fans need a detailed description of what lasagne consists of
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