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Acid Reflux Disease



  • Eat more bananas. If you ever have heartburn/acid reflux they're an amazing cure.

    They don't help me.
    You're meant to eat them!
  • If you have persistent acid reflux see your doctor as in some cases it can progress to Barrets disease. My sister had this and later it developed to osophegeal cancer . Don't take chances .

    I have Barrett's Oesophagus. There is a valve between stomach and oesophagus that doesnt work properly and allows acid into the oesophagus. The lining of the oesophagus is not designed to withstand acid and therefore over time it changes its character so that it is more like the lining of the stomach. The problem is that this change can cause cancer and so I have a camera shoved down my throat every two years to see if there any cancerous cells. I take omeprazole twice daily. Eating late is probably the worst thing you can do.
  • Avoid, greasy and acidic foods (curries, coffee, deep fried stuff etc), eat more bananas and take Zantac (the extra strength ones work well for me - I get em in bulk from Costco, cheaper in the long run).
  • Avoid, greasy and acidic foods (curries, coffee, deep fried stuff etc), eat more bananas and take Zantac (the extra strength ones work well for me - I get em in bulk from Costco, cheaper in the long run).

    Is Zantac the trade name for omeprazole ?
  • Avoid, greasy and acidic foods (curries, coffee, deep fried stuff etc), eat more bananas and take Zantac (the extra strength ones work well for me - I get em in bulk from Costco, cheaper in the long run).

    Is Zantac the trade name for omeprazole ?
    Don't think so, it's generic name is 'ranitidine'. Its an over the counter medicine here in Canada, don't know if I'd come across it before I moved here though.

  • I had it for ages. Turns out it was because I was a fat bastard.

    Lost weight - stopped getting it

    Certain things used to trigger it with me - white bread, lager and milk, mainly - but generally it was because I was overweight and had a slight hiatus hernia as a result.
  • Most of the obvious advice has been given but I would add that you need to identify what foods and drinks are more likely to cause you problems. Bananas are not good for me ! Also, I have found, unfortunately, that too much chocolate is not good. You may find some foods are ok during the day but not within a few hours of going to bed. Trial and error .....
  • Thanks to everyone who has responded. Some of the remedies mentioned I have tried, but nothing at this point seems to be giving me long term relief.

    As I said got this about a month ago, with pain and regurgitation (puke!). Went to a local clinic, doc thought it was probably acid reflux but could also be a bug, he told me to take pepto bismol and see how it went for a few days. About 3 or 4 days later the pain and discomfort were so bad I went to emerg at the local hospital. They put me on a proton pump inhibitor and continue with pepto and also a stomach coating. They told me to go see my own doctor in 4 or 5 days. Had some regurg. about a week apart. My own doctor continued with proton pump inhibitor and wanted to see me in a month and then send me to a specialist if no improvement. Long story short, was due to see him in about 10 days, but he is away at present and have had a couple of bad regurg attacks in last couple of days. Will be seeing his locum tomorrow so hopefully will get some things moving.

    Would be nice to eat something that will stay inside me for a while.

    Need to get this sorted out fast as we will be coming over on 10th Sept to 20 Oct and was hoping to get to see a couple of games. Staying this wife's sister in Southend, so not to far to go and always nice to trudge around Greenwich for bit and see my old schools ( Halstow Road and Roan School), Greenwich Park etc

    Anyway thanks again to everyone, there are some new things mentioned that I will try, am also keeping a daily journal of what I eat and drink. Will let you know how it goes.
  • I had it for ages. Turns out it was because I was a fat bastard.

    Lost weight - stopped getting it

    Certain things used to trigger it with me - white bread, lager and milk, mainly - but generally it was because I was overweight and had a slight hiatus hernia as a result.

    Exactly the same for me. Suffered with it for years, had a bit of a scare before Christmas (luckily turned out to be nothing) have cut back on what I eat, excercised regularly rather than lumber round a football pitch once a week and go to the gym when I felt like it, which was hardly ever. Lost 2 stone so far and haven't had to use gaviscon for months.
  • Thanks to everyone who has responded. Some of the remedies mentioned I have tried, but nothing at this point seems to be giving me long term relief.

    As I said got this about a month ago, with pain and regurgitation (puke!). Went to a local clinic, doc thought it was probably acid reflux but could also be a bug, he told me to take pepto bismol and see how it went for a few days. About 3 or 4 days later the pain and discomfort were so bad I went to emerg at the local hospital. They put me on a proton pump inhibitor and continue with pepto and also a stomach coating. They told me to go see my own doctor in 4 or 5 days. Had some regurg. about a week apart. My own doctor continued with proton pump inhibitor and wanted to see me in a month and then send me to a specialist if no improvement. Long story short, was due to see him in about 10 days, but he is away at present and have had a couple of bad regurg attacks in last couple of days. Will be seeing his locum tomorrow so hopefully will get some things moving.

    Would be nice to eat something that will stay inside me for a while.

    Need to get this sorted out fast as we will be coming over on 10th Sept to 20 Oct and was hoping to get to see a couple of games. Staying this wife's sister in Southend, so not to far to go and always nice to trudge around Greenwich for bit and see my old schools ( Halstow Road and Roan School), Greenwich Park etc

    Anyway thanks again to everyone, there are some new things mentioned that I will try, am also keeping a daily journal of what I eat and drink. Will let you know how it goes.

    I was at Roan 73-80. Yourself ?
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  • I had some stomach acid probs off the anti inflammatory drugs I was on for for various injuries over the years and was given Ozmozprale or however its spelt,cleared it in days only get it now occasionally and a tablet clobbers it for ages again.
  • I have had various tests done over the last year to try and diagnose my symptoms which are an almost constantly blocked throat, sometimes to the point at which I struggle to talk. GP and ENT specialist can't decide whether it's acid reflux or a nasal drip. All antibiotics prescribed so far have failed to do the job but have noticed a slight improvement since cutting out diary, fizzy drink and caffeine. Are these symptoms similar to those experienced by anyone here? It's a real pain as I often need to chair meetings and speak publicly in my line of work.
  • Nexium works wonders for me. Far better solution than Rennie or Gaviscon.
  • I have had this for a year or two now, I get tablets from the Docs, Lansoprazole. I take them infrequently, when I eat spicy or drink alcohol. My Doctor tells me to have a maximum of 2 pints twice a week! This would be a massive lifestyle change. Sometimes even if I haven't had a drink or eaten spicy I get it. Stress may well have something to do with it. It ties in with my job being under threat and I have been at the same place in the same situation since.
    The cancer thing really worries me though.
    Doc just seemed annoyed I drank. Perhaps I should ask for further investigation.
    Otherwise I am a healthy, slim built, excersizing 34 year old.
  • Covered End - quite a bit earlier than that, 1954 - 1959. BTW how do you highlight someone elses post and then put you answer after?
  • Covered End - quite a bit earlier than that, 1954 - 1959. BTW how do you highlight someone elses post and then put you answer after?

    Click on the word "quote" at the bottom of the post, you wish to quote.
  • Lansoprazole will do the trick.
  • Covered End - quite a bit earlier than that, 1954 - 1959. BTW how do you highlight someone elses post and then put you answer after?

    Click on the word "quote" at the bottom of the post, you wish to quote.
    Thanks a lot, appreciate that.
  • Covered End - quite a bit earlier than that, 1954 - 1959. BTW how do you highlight someone elses post and then put you answer after?

    Click on the word "quote" at the bottom of the post, you wish to quote.
    Thanks a lot, appreciate that.
    IF your doctor does not suggest it .. you MUST insist on a cancer check .. any delay in diagnosis means any necessary cure is more difficult and will take longer .. this is NOT to alarm you, I am just insisting that a routine check MUST be carried out for a man of your age with severe reflux .. all the very best and enjoy your stay in Saaaaffend ((:>)
  • Covered End - quite a bit earlier than that, 1954 - 1959. BTW how do you highlight someone elses post and then put you answer after?

    Click on the word "quote" at the bottom of the post, you wish to quote.
    Thanks a lot, appreciate that.
    IF your doctor does not suggest it .. you MUST insist on a cancer check .. any delay in diagnosis means any necessary cure is more difficult and will take longer .. this is NOT to alarm you, I am just insisting that a routine check MUST be carried out for a man of your age with severe reflux .. all the very best and enjoy your stay in Saaaaffend ((:>)
    Thanks Lincs, doc is arranging for a check as you suggest. Have just had my medication increased feeling much better today, all docs I've seen so far are convinced it's just acid reflux, but I have to get the stomach acid under control before we can move forward. Had a bout with cancer in the early 1980's so not too alarmed at your comment. Generally speaking though, for a man of my age, of course, I'm doing pretty well. Thanks for your good wishes, sarrfend here I come!!!
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  • jamescafc said:

    I have had various tests done over the last year to try and diagnose my symptoms which are an almost constantly blocked throat, sometimes to the point at which I struggle to talk. GP and ENT specialist can't decide whether it's acid reflux or a nasal drip. All antibiotics prescribed so far have failed to do the job but have noticed a slight improvement since cutting out diary, fizzy drink and caffeine. Are these symptoms similar to those experienced by anyone here? It's a real pain as I often need to chair meetings and speak publicly in my line of work.

    you really must cut out eating diaries.
  • edited July 2015
    The guy who invented omeprazole should get a knighthood. Goodness only knows how it works (if you don't produce the acid how do you process food?) but I've been on it for nearly 20 years and it has saved my life.
  • Really good thread for me this, I've been on omeprazole for about a year and the difference is astounding for me. Really interesting to put my issues into some context, seems I'm not at the top end anyway! I feel for anyone suffering with this, the symptoms it can cause can be very scary and hard to comprehend how it can be stomach acid causing them, and not something more sinister

    Hope this thread has helped @vancouverbcaddick over the counter stuff helps, but make sure if it carries on through Zantac, gaviscon et al go to the doctor.
  • Covered End - quite a bit earlier than that, 1954 - 1959. BTW how do you highlight someone elses post and then put you answer after?

    Click on the word "quote" at the bottom of the post, you wish to quote.
    Thanks a lot, appreciate that.
    IF your doctor does not suggest it .. you MUST insist on a cancer check .. any delay in diagnosis means any necessary cure is more difficult and will take longer .. this is NOT to alarm you, I am just insisting that a routine check MUST be carried out for a man of your age with severe reflux .. all the very best and enjoy your stay in Saaaaffend ((:>)
    Thanks Lincs, doc is arranging for a check as you suggest. Have just had my medication increased feeling much better today, all docs I've seen so far are convinced it's just acid reflux, but I have to get the stomach acid under control before we can move forward. Had a bout with cancer in the early 1980's so not too alarmed at your comment. Generally speaking though, for a man of my age, of course, I'm doing pretty well. Thanks for your good wishes, sarrfend here I come!!!
    nice .. I am sure that all is well, it's better to be safe than sorry .. enjoy your Blighty stay .. have a couple of trips to the Valley of Dreams ((:>)
  • I had it quite bad a few years ago when I would bolt up right in bed with it coming out my nose (horrible feeling) I don't know what I done but it just stopped and I haven't had an attack for the last 5 years thank god!!
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