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Memories of Upton Park



  • Getting ejected in the away FA Cup fixture, after shoving the old bill on the terrace.
  • Uboat said:

    If be embarrassed if our fans did that, but the same rules don't apply because they're salt of the earth, loveable chimney sweeps.
    It's OK as Sullivan is blaming Man Utd for turning up late - "They should of got here by 4pm"

    Poisonous dwarf.
  • Not a West Ham fan, but why have the media decided in the last year it's the Boleyn Ground- it's Upton Park.
  • edited May 2016

    Not a West Ham fan, but why have the media decided in the last year it's the Boleyn Ground- it's Upton Park.

    The Boleyn Ground, often referred to as Upton Park, is an association football stadium located in Upton Park, east London
  • Bizarrely remember I think the 2nd home game there, on a Sunday I think v Derby. There was a break in play for an injury and their keeper was resting his arse on the advertising hoarding behind the goal waiting to take a goal kick.

    Suddenly someone from behind put their arm around him and pulled him backwards over the fence. All you could see was these two legs flying up in the air.

    Anyone else remember that?

    Yes, the keeper was Stuart Taylor.

    Their winger, the fat jock Ted McMinn, then had an ongoing row with the culprit from the next corner and tried to get him slung out - not sure if he did though.
  • Yes, the keeper was Stuart Taylor.

    Their winger, the fat jock Ted McMinn, then had an ongoing row with the culprit from the next corner and tried to get him slung out - not sure if he did though.
    Martin Taylor.
  • Martin Taylor.
    Yep - that's the fella!
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  • My first memory was of my Old Man taking a ten year old me and half a dozen kids from our flats to a West Ham v Chelsea match in the early 70's. He was a Copper and a Chelsea fan and he got us all in to the Northbank on his Warrant Card and dumped us behind the goal at about 12.30. Him and West Ham mate proceded to get pissed in the bar at the side of the stand whilst the crowd filled up and it kicked off with Chelsea fans invading the Northbank from the Southbank (big mistake). All the while I stood there with my oversized Chelsea rosette.

    Remember a lot of the other posts above but also the 4-1 humping we got in the last game of the 1979-80 season. There was less than about 600 Charlton fans there that night in the Southbank (we had been relegated) and as a lairy 17 year old with half a dozen mates we were very cocky with dozens of police between us and thousands of West Ham. Into the second-half all the police in the ground left and we were forced to shuffle our way nervously down to the front of the terracing with a big mob building up behind us. It was then, with minutes to go, that Derek Hales chose to score our consolation goal. Cheers Killer.
  • Memories of Upton Park?

    Trying to find the closest places to park.
    Finding every possible rat run to get back to the Blackwall Tunnel
    Freezing my nads off on boxing day and losing 5-0.
    Konchesky's penalty (I don't think the ball has landed yet)
    Melrose's 7 second goal against West Ham.
    Counting down from 7 at kick off the next time we played them at Upton Park.
    A live televised 0-0 game against Birmingham (I didn't know how they could possibly make it seem interesting)
    My nearly 300 consecutive game run coming to an end.
  • fog horn said:

    Beating Millwall and my Millwall mate from school getting a slap from charlton in the foot tunnel.

    That story nearly had an ending where we nearly got carved and battered with bricks fortunately we dived into the Catholic club in Woolwich before they reached us, bricks were flying past our head, all they were shooting was we had done a Millwall Lad yet there was three charlton and two Millwall in our group walking home, and they were not interested in that detail
  • Memories of Upton Park?

    A live televised 0-0 game against Birmingham (I didn't know how they could possibly make it seem interesting)


    Randomly I remember taking Jamie Stuart on the tube up with me that day. Linvoy Primus got MoM
  • edited May 2016
    Leicester game is THE most surreal sight I have ever witnessed at football. First they filed into the away cage, then they filled the whole end... then they started filling up the Chicken Run. What a turn out, they just kept coming, they tripled the attendance in about 15 minutes!

    My first Charlton season ticket at the Boleyn.
  • I missed our stint at Upton Park as by then I had moved to Bournemouth to run a family hotel business.
    I actually think the only time I have seen Charlton there was the Dowie game.
    Went over there a couple of times as a lad in the 60's when Charlton were away.
    I suppose my best memory was seeing the ManU side of Charlton/Law/Best beat the Hammers side of Moore & co. 6-1 in about 1968. Absolutely cracking game and Matt Busby waved at me and my kid brother from the ManU team coach. Meant a lot at the time.
  • edited May 2016
    Having my car broken into down one of the side streets and having the Alpine stereo nicked and some kid on a bike telling me he saw some lads break into it. Silly fuckers didn't look under the passenger seat where the sub woofer was though which was a bit more expensive. Salt of the earth though.
  • boogica said:

    I think it was mark fords escort van a few of us ended up in Covent Garden with some Chelsea lads if I remember , proper outnumbered by Pompey good laugh though ,hairy moment could have come right on top .
    PC Rogers died a few years back
  • Randomly I remember taking Jamie Stuart on the tube up with me that day. Linvoy Primus got MoM
    I was playing a cup game near Wormwood Scrubs that day and got into the bar just as they announced that Primus got MOM, why that stuck in my mind I'll never know. Think that was the only home game I missed that season.
  • 0-1 defeat to Tranmere 2nd from last game of the season done us. John Aldridge scored with a scuffed shot. We then lost the last game 1-0 away to Bristol Rovers.
    Yeah, we ran out of energy and players that season. If we could have reversed the last two results it would have been perfect. I wonder, based on my own experiences, how many goals Aldridge actually scored as opposed to claiming as he was in the same postal district.
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  • The smell of cigar smoke, which I'll always associate with football. from the man in front of me, I was 9 or 10 sitting in the main stand when my Dad and I had West Ham season tickets.

    My Dad driving me over the Canning Town flyover shouting "Come on you Irons".

    The players at that time, Bonds, Brooking, Devonshire, Neighhbour, Parkes, Lampard, Martin, Cross, Pike, Stewart etc.

    And of course our stint there, the darkness on the north bank, the refreshment areas in the corners where you could watch the game from, the chicken run.

    West Ham leaving is nearly as bad as Charlton leaving The Valley for the peninsula.

    It's progress, but so is the closure of pubs, the axing of Concorde, the art of letter writing and the disappearance of the red phone box.

    Modern Life is Rubbish.

    Sanitised Rubbish.

  • I seem to remember Colin Cameron writing in either the programme or one of his books, or both, that the record crowd at Upton Park was against Charlton in 1935-6. Apparently all the records were lost when UP was bombed in the war, but it was higher than the record normally quoted (40,000 ish). Oooh aah would be impressed :-)
  • Fond memories there 9 second Melrose goal, Walsh with a 25yard curler same match, beating Millwall, thrashing Hoddles Swindon, beating Leicester with my brother in law who supports Leicester, my how' times have changed
  • The way sky have acted this week has annoyed me so much. It was ridiculous to go on about Upton park so much and interview everyone possible.
    It wasn't until about ten minutes ago I remebered I was mascot when we played Brighton at "home". Won 2-0, with goals from Nelson and Walsh I think.
  • A shithole
  • My 21st that day

  • It wasn't until about ten minutes ago I remebered I was mascot when we played Brighton at "home". Won 2-0, with goals from Nelson and Walsh I think.

    They were wearing a full Tesco bag kit that day.

    Kicked off on the tube back from Upton Park @Terry Naylor
  • Not read whole thread so apologies if posted previously.

    I am sure I have not dreamed this up.
    Anyone remember this?

    We were away to West Ham and at half time they were filming for some tv show, and West Ham youth team and our youth team were acting out a scenario where West Ham broke away and scored a goal but our players kept on defending the cross or the goalie would save the ball and they took about 10!attempts to film the scene.
  • I remember Robbo making his debut, what game was that?
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