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Messages for Roland - delivered to Roland



  • Great idea this thread IMO. Good luck for those delivering the messages to our beloved owner.
  • One last push. I know Roland is going to live receiving all these messages. I'm sure he would live to receive many more.

    He's a busy man as we know. Let's get a few more succinct messages to him.

    Here is my effort at this.


    M. Duchatelet,

    Under your ownership Charlton has become a joke in the football world.

    You have made so many mistakes there is no way back.

    The fans of the club will never accept you.

    Sell now and the protests will stop.


  • Dear Roly
    Please do fook off
  • Dear Roly
    Please do fook off

    Deep Reg.......deep
  • Unlikely to make the cut that one. Even when translated into Flemish as:


    Ga je hondje neuken


    short and to the point though. It may make the cut after all.
  • This is a great initiative. We will put an announcement about it on The Supporters Trust website shortly which will bring it to the attention of a lot of people who don't read Charlton Life. Is there a deadline for receipt of letters ?
  • As early as poss Pico as we have a lot of work to do on them before delivery.
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  • Dear M. Duchatelet,

    Your understanding of what comprises a football club is lamentable. You and your ill-equiped CEO, with her Senior Management Team, choose to see only the tangible assets, - the player's contracts, the real estate. None of you have the wit or imagination to be able to recognise the rich resource that is the fan-base of our football club; these legitimate stakeholders who have invested money, time and emotions into CAFC over many years. As far as you are concerned these people are outside the club, they are an irrelevance in terms of the direction and policies that you pursue, they are just customers represented perhaps only on a database somewhere.

    Most people with average intellect would be able to see that this community of fans are in fact, the most valuable part of what your millions have purchased, and many people with an average intellect would acknowledge that you have a moral duty to engage with fans and to nurture the football club as a community asset for the benefit of future generations, - you are after all, merely a temporary custodian.

    There have been many occasions when the fans have attempted meaningful communication with you and your regime; to offer help, advice and to express their concerns, but without fail, you have turned your back on these efforts.

    You and your network scout have interfered in team matters, and on numerous occasions, you have undermined the positions of talented people, to the point where they've had no choice but to leave the club.

    The team management merry-go-round and your calamitous player recruitment strategy, have lead to us occupying our lowest league position since 1926.

    You have expressed no desire for the team to be competitive, only to produce players to be sold on to premier league clubs. You've made no attempt to understand the long-established culture of English football, nor the unique history of Charlton Athletic Football Club. You never attend games, and the claim from your CEO that you watch every match on a live feed, was shown for the lie that it is, when you were recently caught having lunch at Stayen, whislt we suffered a 0-3 reverse at Swindon Town.

    You assert that our protests are without reason. However, considering the above, I contest that the protests are absolutely reasonable and they should continue until you and your interim regime depart.


    Tremendous message.
  • Dear Mr Duchatelet.
    Personally i couldn't give a flying fxxc weather you attend matches or not .
    What does concern me though is that in you're absence you leave a competent person to run the club in a competent and professional manner.
    Unfortunately the person who you have left in charge has proved beyond doubt that she is completely out of her depth. The list of mistakes that she has made is truly staggering.
    She has sold our best players for ridiculously low fees.
    She has brought in players who are simply not good enough.
    Been forced to loan these players out because nobody wants to buy them, while at the same time we are paying their wages.
    Got through seven or eight managers in about two and a half years.
    Called life long supporters of the club customers.
    Said she has no interest in the club's history.
    Oversean our relegation to league one.
    Seen supporters leave the club in there thousands.
    Seen all sorts of protests including one i am sure you are aware of on you're birthday.
    I could go on but i think you get my drift.
    If you have any feeling or ambition for this club you simply have to replace Miere with someone far more qualified to run the club in you're absence.
    If you do this and supporters see that the club is being run properly you may still yet get the supporters all getting behind the club, but while Miere remains this will never happen.
    Regards Steve
  • Thanks for all the emails I have been adding them all to the list.

    Some great letters, when the protest is finished I will try and post them all on CL as many came via email.
  • Great post Arsenetatters.
    I say I do not care. Then spend Saturday afternoon watching sky as the results and updates come in.
  • Thanks everyone for your messages so far both on the forum and to the email account.

    We have to have a cut off time and that time is 17.00 on Monday.

    Messages received before that date will be delivered, those after will not.



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  • If I might make a suggestion: I don't know what you've prepared, so it's possible this suggestion isn't adding much at all, but I'd suggest it would be more effective to post these out individually and at a staggered pace so that they aren't as easy to ignore as one big parcel. A drip feed would certainly be harder to ignore and more irritating.
  • Ignore ^ if you're not actually posting them!
  • I wondered if it might be more noticeable if these excellent stories were published in a book format. You could even include some photos of the contributors (if they wanted) to help bring the stories to life.

    As well as printing one for Roly, contributors and others could have the option of buying a copy for themselves. I know I'd buy one and I bet the museum would like a copy.

    There are loads of companies offering self-publishing via the web, and I don't think it has to be that expensive. You could then have a 'book launch' and invite the press along to gain more publicity.
  • edited November 2016
    Dear Mr Duchatelet,

    I'm sure you bought Charlton Athletic, with the intentions of making it a viable and self sustaining business.

    However the evidence thus far suggests that you are running the club into the ground , wiping away over 100 years of history and tradition.

    The spectacular appointment of Katrien Meire (please enlighten us what your relationship is with her?) Because in any other business she would have been sacked by now, alienating a complete 'customer' fan base in under 3 years is no mean achievement, but she has to go.

    Let's be completely honest here, you're heart is not really in this club, no one wants you here anyway , you have stunk the place out and it's time to sell up and go.

  • Been trying to shit in an envelope all week but it just goes soggy and falls apart. So the message will have to be verbal...

    "Fuck off you senile old Belgian cnut"
  • Well indeed.

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Roland Out Forever!