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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • Perhaps it was for bullshitting and shite stirring in one post?
    Perhaps someone could explain the meaning of bullshitting and shite stirring to you? If you are going to bite, at least try and get the terminology right...
  • aliwibble said:

    Depends what you mean by Parliament, and what you mean by endorsed. The House of Lords Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee published a scathing report about the current state of the Brexit Bill a few days ago (if you don't fancy reading the whole thing there's a summary of their recommendations on p30, or have a look at the slightly lurid if entertaining BBC report on the report) flagging up serious concerns about the extent of the powers it would hand over to individual ministers to change the law without getting approval from Parliament as a whole. And for reasons I don't understand well enough to explain here, there's also the possibility of regulators and quangos being able to do the same thing.

    As the report itself says
    We judge powers not on how the Government say that they will use them but on how any Government might use them
    (my emphasis). While you might not be bothered by this apparently boring technical detail in the grand scheme of the Brexit implementation, you're basically a cabinet reshuffle away from your Most Hated Tory MP being able to rewrite the law as they deem appropriate without any intervention from Parliament, or if the Government collapses and we have another bloody general election in the next year or so, your Most Dreaded Labour Frontbench Bogeyman (or woman) being able to do the same. This does not put Parliament in control of our future, but hands it to a limited number of ministers instead.

    This Bill is going through Parliament now and is open to amendment,as it should be. If a majority of our MPs vote for it then it will go through, and vice versa.
    It seems to me that your real problem is that the Tories are the biggest party. That is democracy for you, I am afraid.
  • aliwibble said:

    Depends what you mean by Parliament, and what you mean by endorsed. The House of Lords Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee published a scathing report about the current state of the Brexit Bill a few days ago (if you don't fancy reading the whole thing there's a summary of their recommendations on p30, or have a look at the slightly lurid if entertaining BBC report on the report) flagging up serious concerns about the extent of the powers it would hand over to individual ministers to change the law without getting approval from Parliament as a whole. And for reasons I don't understand well enough to explain here, there's also the possibility of regulators and quangos being able to do the same thing.

    As the report itself says
    We judge powers not on how the Government say that they will use them but on how any Government might use them
    (my emphasis). While you might not be bothered by this apparently boring technical detail in the grand scheme of the Brexit implementation, you're basically a cabinet reshuffle away from your Most Hated Tory MP being able to rewrite the law as they deem appropriate without any intervention from Parliament, or if the Government collapses and we have another bloody general election in the next year or so, your Most Dreaded Labour Frontbench Bogeyman (or woman) being able to do the same. This does not put Parliament in control of our future, but hands it to a limited number of ministers instead.

    This Bill is going through Parliament now and is open to amendment,as it should be. If a majority of our MPs vote for it then it will go through, and vice versa.
    It seems to me that your real problem is that the Tories are the biggest party. That is democracy for you, I am afraid.
  • Sorry, not sure what happened there, only the last paragraph is from me
  • Of course, massive margins to be made on exporting pigs ears to China. Never mind the fact that any pork from pigs reared in this fashion can never be exported to the EU due to traceability rules.

    That should definitely more than make up the loss of increased tariffs on UK exports to the EU. Another Tory success story. Anyone up for a fox hunt?
  • or a badger cull?
  • I cannot listen to gove on the radio without an image of his nose getting longer as he speaks, I have never heard anyone so comfortable lying
  • Pigs ears. You can't even write that. What next? Cows arses and banjos?
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  • The way the Spano's are carrying on, there won't be an EU for us to leave in 2019 :smile:
  • The way things are going, there won't be a EU as we know it in 10 years time.
  • The way things are going, there won't be a EU as we know it in 10 years time.

    Fully agreed.
  • @E-cafc

    Couple of edits there fella. No prob having your say but with respect for fellow posters please (including those with opposing views).

    Deep breath and count to ten before the hitting the post comment button squire
  • E-cafc said:

    give it a rest with your negative bollocks. Come on, let's have the truth about the EU - UK trade deal as it stands now. The EU has a massive annual trade surplus with the UK. Do you honestly for one tick of a second think that they are going to sacrifice that or put it at risk? The UK has a massive trade deficit with the rest of the EU. Do you think for one second that the UK wants that to end? Don't talk shit!

    Take your silly blinkers off, be proud of your nation and look at the real, true data that is coming out of the UK over the last few months. That is after all of the negative crap from the EU and from EU puppets like Carney at the BOE who gets bunged by the EU to spout shit. Unemployment at it's lowest since 1972, trade and investment up by billions of pounds. exports booming beyond anyone's expectations, record numbers of tourists coming to UK and spending records amounts of money and a rate rise to come which will boost the currency and the economy even further.

    If you don't understand the way the financial markets interpret political news, events and statements then don't comment on something you know bollock all about. An interest rate rise will see the pound rally hugely because it is seen by the markets as a positive for that currency and that economy.

    I am sick to death of you giving the UK the thumbs down every day. Seth Plum, you are the worst of all. You have posted the same old on here every day for the last 15 months. Give it a rest and find something new to say. You are boring!

    I'm not here to be laughed at
    Barfed at
    Or spat upon.
    I'm here to sell my pills.
    So he said 'come forth'
    But he came fifth
    And so he lost the race.
  • You lost mate. You have nothing to say. No worries AFKA, I have had a fair few beers tonight here in Athens. Appreciate what you are after. Not commenting again tonight lol
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  • edited October 2017
    I've lost confidence in the goverment and it's Brexit negotiations with the EU...well not while Theresa May is in charge. A good few months ago she said Brexit means Brexit and no deal is better than a bad deal but she is imposing a two year transitional period after we leave the EU which is not good enough.

    If things don't change within the Tory goverment then it's obvious Labour will win the next election and then we willl find ourselves in the Single Market after Brexit. Corbyn is a secret Brexitier but he is following his backbenchers so he is weak as anything.

    Whether you like Trump or not BUT he is chasing for a trade deal with us before the next president takes us at the back of queue.

    I'd like someone strong to take on this because May is not doing a great job at the moment!

  • E-cafc said:

    give it a rest with your negative bollocks. Come on, let's have the truth about the EU - UK trade deal as it stands now. The EU has a massive annual trade surplus with the UK. Do you honestly for one tick of a second think that they are going to sacrifice that or put it at risk? The UK has a massive trade deficit with the rest of the EU. Do you think for one second that the UK wants that to end? Don't talk shit!

    Take your silly blinkers off, be proud of your nation and look at the real, true data that is coming out of the UK over the last few months. That is after all of the negative crap from the EU and from EU puppets like Carney at the BOE who gets bunged by the EU to spout shit. Unemployment at it's lowest since 1972, trade and investment up by billions of pounds. exports booming beyond anyone's expectations, record numbers of tourists coming to UK and spending records amounts of money and a rate rise to come which will boost the currency and the economy even further.

    If you don't understand the way the financial markets interpret political news, events and statements then don't comment on something you know bollock all about. An interest rate rise will see the pound rally hugely because it is seen by the markets as a positive for that currency and that economy.

    I am sick to death of you giving the UK the thumbs down every day. Seth Plum, you are the worst of all. You have posted the same old on here every day for the last 15 months. Give it a rest and find something new to say. You are boring!

    In the spirit of AFKA's post, I will make no comment. I will just leave these here.

  • How much more dangerous is massage oil in the USA?
    Hurrah for EU labels.
  • Isn't all that on there to cover themselves?
  • edited October 2017

    Rare picture of The UK leaving the EU

    Is that a photo of Brexit Cloud Cookoo Land?
  • edited October 2017
    Well e-CAFC enjoy Athens while you can. In 18 months you will be spending several days queuing at Customs having paid 25% more for your holiday as the government has yet to recruit and train airport security staff despite media reports they are already under-resourced. Ditto Ebsfleet, Harwich, Dover etc haven't planned for the extra time for customs tarrif paperwork. M20 car park. Who is going to pay for the agricultural subsidies our landed gentry currently receive? EU currently vet imports from outside. Are we now hiring and training our own or will we just let any goods in until people die from shoddy products. What is the true cost of No Deal? Trade deal with USA looks unlikely given Boeing issue. As long as Amazon, Apple, e-Bay etc can pay peanuts in C Tax it will be a one way street as Trump has promised to protect US industry. EU are trying to pursue tax evasion but UK was absent from countries wanting Swiss transparency on bank accounts.
  • In 18 months you will be spending several days queuing at Customs having paid 25% more for your holiday as the government has yet to recruit and train airport security staff despite media reports they are already under-resourced.

    What if there is a entry line that says " UK passports only" ?
    It will be quicker than all the UK entry points that I have experienced in the last few years.

    Yes, they are already under resourced (and we are still in the EU), so no change there then.

    If the EU are not going to trade with us, then that's the M20 cleared of all the trucks for a start.

    The Boeing issue is just a ploy for them to make a bid for Bombardier (IMO).

    How long have those big corporations been avoiding tax through Lichtenstein/Lux etc ? - we get a Brexit vote and suddenly the EU goes all tax efficient. Could it be that they will need the dosh soon, as we won't be filling the coffers for them?

    We have been outside the EU before, so we have had to deal with all the issues you raise.
  • Well e-CAFC enjoy Athens while you can. In 18 months you will be spending several days queuing at Customs

    I used to date a Venezuelan girl, we traveled a fair amount together, I'd always try and blag my way through the non-EU line, it was always way, way shorter.
  • In 18 months you will be spending several days queuing at Customs having paid 25% more for your holiday as the government has yet to recruit and train airport security staff despite media reports they are already under-resourced.

    What if there is a entry line that says " UK passports only" ?
    It will be quicker than all the UK entry points that I have experienced in the last few years.

    Yes, they are already under resourced (and we are still in the EU), so no change there then.

    If the EU are not going to trade with us, then that's the M20 cleared of all the trucks for a start.

    The Boeing issue is just a ploy for them to make a bid for Bombardier (IMO).

    How long have those big corporations been avoiding tax through Lichtenstein/Lux etc ? - we get a Brexit vote and suddenly the EU goes all tax efficient. Could it be that they will need the dosh soon, as we won't be filling the coffers for them?

    We have been outside the EU before, so we have had to deal with all the issues you raise.

    What - in France, Italy or Portugal? Doubt it, but it might happen. :wink: I expect Boris to be telling you that any minute now...
This discussion has been closed.

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