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Letter from Boris

edited December 2008 in Not Sports Related
So i get back early hours of 2day. Going thru 2 inches of mostly rubbish mail. There i find a letter from the Mayor of London !! even with two pics, how nice.

pics being of my car reportidly being on a red route and not moving ! a very nice CCTV main from TFL thought he would let me know.

now the 2 pics are (i kid you not) 2 seconds apart yes that is two seconds apart. In was 10.40 at night with no other traffic about. This was in darkest Bermndsey and as said 10.40 at night and the CCTV man MR 291 could have been checking 4 muggers or drug dealers etc but in order to help the flow of traffic at 10.40 PM was focusing on my car which may or may not have been moving at its difficult to see when the 2 pics are only 2 secs apart !!!!

Of course i realise that this is done to stop villians like me from bringing London to grid lock and has nothing to do with stealth tax !

Transport for London oxymoron

PS who voted for this wa**ker Boris anyway.


  • Did you vote for Ken then? ;-)
  • Someone has to pay for my studies I guess, eh GH! ;-)
  • Bring back Red Ken!
  • Sounds like a fair cop to me ;-)
  • Stop winking!
  • Motor Vehicle Driver = Common Criminal FACT
  • Goonerhater, unless it was stopped at the lights you'd have expected your car to have made some progress in 2 seconds if there was no traffic about, wouldn't you?
  • at 10.40 at nite the CCTV operator should actually be doing something like looking for real f**king crimes OK

    as 4 the pics one showes the car with time and number plate the first pic (2 seconds before) shows the car from distance both show lights full on and on amajor high way, you cant tell if car is still or moving as the is no referance point.

    in 10 years i have picked my wife up from work (she is a chef) at nite 95% of the time she has worked. She finishes at 11 Pm. Maybe i wouldnt have to do that if our transport system was safer for women to travel at night. Maybe f**King TFL and their CCTV people should f**KIN well do a better job at that rather than using CCTV tofine a driver that may or may not have stopped on a red route at 10.40 at night ! what do you say mr Wibble ?
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]mr Wibble

    I have to say GH i was taking everything you said dead seriously until this point...

    In all seriousness the "catch you out" approach to traffic offences is becoming more and more of a joke
  • Ali -Wibble queried i answered.

    So they are now deploying CCTV operators to be 24 hr traffic wardens.

    Its serious to me mate i have 2 pay £60.
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  • GH, they don't look at the CCTV at the time, they skim the tapes a day or so later. If you're convinced that the photos don't show that an offence has been committed then appeal the ticket using that as your grounds (although if it runs true to form there probably is a better picture of the offence but you can't see your number plate clearly in that one, so they didn't send it to you).

    As for our transport system not being safe at night, I'd argue the tube network's pretty good, buses aren't bad (where they are running), and the overground trains are variable, but they aren't within TFL's remit anyway.The bigger problem is the lack of provision late at night, especially in South East London. I live out west now, and it makes such a nice change not to have to rush back to Charing Cross after a night out in order to make the last train at just gone eleven.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]at 10.40 at nite the CCTV operator should actually be doing something like looking for real f**king crimes OK

    Agree with Aliwibble, the offence will be picked up electronically, shown to the officer during the day and your banged to rights, sad but true - appealor pay the fine, but don't take long to decide as I think it then doubles and hey you got a pic of Boris
  • edited December 2008
    Offence do f**k off . Stopping on ared route (maybe) at 10.40 at night


    I quote " the alleged contravention was seen and recorded by camera operator number 291" so it was some numpty looking and recordng not "picked up electron ically" someone there looking for traffic " contraventions" . 24 CCTV PARKING WARDEN.

    In the mean time ill still pick up my wife from work every nite instead of her traveling on trains and busses at 11pm at nite ----------------- still good to know TFL realy give a shit about safety rather than stealth tax.

    still Kap Borris is going to chop TFL so not all bad news !!!
  • edited December 2008
    [cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]GH, they don't look at the CCTV at the time, they skim the tapes a day or so later. If you're convinced that the photos don't show that an offence has been committed then appeal the ticket using that as your grounds (although if it runs true to form there probably is a better picture of the offence but you can't see your number plate clearly in that one, so they didn't send it to you).

    As for our transport system not being safe at night, I'd argue the tube network's pretty good, buses aren't bad (where they are running), and the overground trains are variable, but they aren't within TFL's remit anyway.The bigger problem is the lack of provision late at night, especially in South East London. I live out west now, and it makes such a nice change not to have to rush back to Charing Cross after a night out in order to make the last train at just gone eleven.

    Even if transport IS safe which is a moot point, the streets certainly are not whilst waiting for connections which for a traveller effectively amounts to the same thing.

    In my experience those who airily consider public transport to be safe either don't use it much or are lucky enough never to have been a victim of street crime or confronted in a carriage, bus or platform by a mob handed gang. If you have been a victim it is a life sentence of fear and wariness forever more unlike the derisory sentences handed to the perpetrators.

    No waiting is fine during the rush hour but at 10:40 at night is a joke. This is purely a money making exercise by traffic Nazis and it amazes me frankly that people are in favour of it.

    I am with Goonerhater here. If the car haters want motorists off the road then bang up the scumbags who commit street crime so people can and as importantly FEEL they can travel safely.

    Those in power have no interest in the welfare of the decent law abiding majority though other than its ability to keep paying to enable them to keep their snouts in the trough.

    If the circumstances are as GH has described then he has been the victim of a licenced mugging.
  • GH, I do tech support for a council that uses the same system for parking fines as TFL do, and trust me they don't do it in real time, they get the tapes to review a day or so later. The CCTV operator is the person who will have checked the tape, confirmed (in their opinion) that you were committing a traffic offence, and copied the images to the computer system. It's far more efficient, not to mention cheaper that way.

    Len, the vast majority of my travelling is done by public transport as I don't have a car, and the only "street crime" I've suffered is having my phone lifted out of my backpack on a crowded bus in rush hour. The biggest problem late at night are the lairy drunks, and I've never come across a "mob handed gang" unless we're counting the rowdy groups of young (and not so young) males I encounter on the way to football. I'm sure that a number of the general travelling public would find that quite intimidating, even though we know that the vast majority of football fans aren't hooligans.

    It's not about being a car-hater, it's about wanting drivers to obey the law and stop ranting about Nazis or whinging that the authorities have got their priorities all wrong if they get caught breaking it.
  • None of this is new, TfL have been doing CCTV PCN's for a 5+ years they work 24 hours a day; 365 days of the year as does the Boroughs of Camden and Westminster. So issue on Christmas Day and Boxing Day just in case anyone thinks there are no parking controls in force. Most local authorities are off Christmas Day

    Why were you stopped presumably in a yellow box junction for 2 seconds (which is the legal minimum) at 10.40 in the evening in Bermondsey? Was it due to congestion?

    And the camera's and staff that they use for parking and traffic enforcement are not the same camera's or staff that are use for public protection, they require different qualifications and licensing. It is illegal currently to skim the tape a day or two later they have to have someone watching it.

    They generate a surplus which keeps all of Londoner's council tax lower.
  • edited December 2008
    Pardon me 4 f**king "whinging" when i have commited (or not) the F**K ALL OFFENCE of maybe stopping on a red route at 10.40 PM whilst picking up my wife from work at night.

    Breaking the law ? yes arch criminal.

    I have the chance of viewing the tape if i wish. I just might so i can tell the f**kin jobs worth what i think face to face, might call him(or her) a nazi as well.

    not a box junction as said it was a red route
  • You're right to moan about it but the best thing to do is... not stop on a red route?
  • Thank heaven you weren't speeding though - they'd throw away the key

    I got done on the M25 at 3am. "what if someone walked in front of you" he said.

    I replied he'd be dead if I was doing 70 so this would be quicker death

    He asked what my stopping distance was from 101mph - then told me it was about a mile.
    Right mate - so an Evo take a mile to stop at 100 mph does it!?!?

    That's when I realized there would be no clip around the ear and an "off you go sunny"

    Since been stopped at 31 in a 30 (let off)
    70 in a 40 (dual carriage way - 3 points)
    41 in 30 (3 points)
    36 in a 30 (3 points)

    Yet they proved that excessive speed affects 1% of road deaths I think
  • edited December 2008
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Pardon me 4 f**king "whinging" when i have commited (or not) the F**K ALL OFFENCE of maybe stopping on a red route at 10.40 PM whilst picking up my wife from work at night.

    Breaking the law ? yes arch criminal.

    I have the chance of viewing the tape if i wish. I just might so i can tell the f**kin jobs worth what i think face to face, might call him(or her) a nazi as well.

    not a box junction as said it was a red route

    Ok, some "inside" information.
    My wife works for TfL in the Congestion Charging & Traffic Enforcement directorate. As Pickwick says, they work all hours. Bus lanes, red routes, box junctions and banned turns - they're all covered. Anyway, she started-out as a CCTV camera operator 6 years ago & I asked her about your ticket. Basically, any appeal will depend on the context of the pictures. Are you pulled-over right to the curb and parked, or are you a couple of feet out into the road? Was there congestion or was the road empty? There should be a long distance shot to show all the road conditions, and a zoomed shot to show the number plate detail. If you're parked, I'm afraid you haven't got a hope of winning an appeal.

    You're NOT a crimnal - you've committed a CIVIL offence - hence the fact TfL can issue the ticket rather than it having to come from the Police.

    I know it's a pisser to get caught like this, but there are parking areas marked-out on red routes...

    Oh, and this wasn't Boris - this was all introduced by Ken!
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  • edited December 2008
    [cite]Posted By: aliwibble[/cite]

    Len, the vast majority of my travelling is done by public transport as I don't have a car, and the only "street crime" I've suffered is having my phone lifted out of my backpack on a crowded bus in rush hour. The biggest problem late at night are the lairy drunks, and I've never come across a "mob handed gang" unless we're counting the rowdy groups of young (and not so young) males I encounter on the way to football. I'm sure that a number of the general travelling public would find that quite intimidating, even though we know that the vast majority of football fans aren't hooligans.

    It's not about being a car-hater, it's about wanting drivers to obey the law and stop ranting about Nazis or whinging that the authorities have got their priorities all wrong if they get caught breaking it.

    I'm glad you've avoided being robbed violently. As I said above your attitude may be different if that changes.

    In England laws have evolved by consent. People recognise that in a civilised society there needs to be boundaries. However recent governments have cynically devised laws and arbitary limits for other reasons, primarily financial often as identified by Pickwick.

    Now some may dismiss me as a swivel eyed right wing crank but, given that members of my family died for my freedom fighting fascism, it would betray their memories if I did not express the view that it is totalitarian in the extreme to impose an arbitary two second stopping limit at all times (if my understanding of Pickwick is correct) and then use a camera to spy on and then prosecute a man quite properly protecting his wife in a dangerous city at 10:40pm by collecting her from work.

    That is not what my forbearers died for.
  • edited December 2008
    [cite]Posted By: F-Blocker[/cite]

    Oh, and this wasn't Boris - this was all introduced by Ken!

    Fancy that! Doesn't sound like the anti semitic former mayor at all!
  • The problem with targeting motorists is that its the fault of the courts that this has got out of hand. It was identified that persistant criminals (Burglars, robbers, Drug Dealers etc) weren't getting custodial sentences by the courts but drink drivers and people who continued to drive whilst disqualified were. It was also noticed that most of the criminal element were also driving with no insurance, MOT etc and weregetting disqualified as a result of the 'totting-up' procedure.

    Therefore a conscious decision was taken by law enforcement to target the criminal element who were using motor vehicles, however what wasn't taken into account was that some of the greater normally law abiding populace would also get caught up in the various sweeps with regards to minor vehicle offences. In the good old days common sense and descrection would prevail before policing became political. To make matters worse the various councils and enforcement bodies also jumped on the bandwagon and they have no sense of discretion, therefore minor offences which would normally havebeen dealt with by police are dealt with by faceless council employees.

    We all used to moan about traffic wardens but at least some would allow discretion to come into play! Contest the offence and give it a run
  • Sorry, what I didn't make clear was that the police found it easier to get the real criminals custodial sentences by getting them disqualified from driving,which they would breach and end up getting put inside, thats why it suddenly seemed that the motorist was being persecuted, when the various road sweeps started taking place.
  • [cite]Posted By: stubs1310[/cite]Sorry, what I didn't make clear was that the police found it easier to get the real criminals custodial sentences by getting them disqualified from driving,which they would breach and end up getting put inside, thats why it suddenly seemed that the motorist was being persecuted, when the various road sweeps started taking place.

    It would be a good idea if a bit of discretion and common sense was applied.

    I can't help but be cynical though and think that nicking a few "innocent" motorists improves the figures. Instant crime instant nicking. Soup de jour as Delboy would say!
  • No doubt the black rats (Met Traffic Officers) and Snakes (Kent Traffic Officers) do but the rank and file normally avoid doing so as it entails too much aggro
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: stubs1310[/cite]Sorry, what I didn't make clear was that the police found it easier to get the real criminals custodial sentences by getting them disqualified from driving,which they would breach and end up getting put inside, thats why it suddenly seemed that the motorist was being persecuted, when the various road sweeps started taking place.

    It would be a good idea if a bit of discretion and common sense was applied.

    I can't help but be cynical though and think that nicking a few "innocent" motorists improves the figures. Instant crime instant nicking. Soup de jour as Delboy would say!
    WARNING: Pedantic post follows:
    It should be borne in mind that we've moved from talking about civil offences to criminal offences....
  • No we haven't as Police deal with BOTH, with regards to traffic offences (Parking tickets are civil as is No Road Tax, Police don't prosecute you for this they report you to the DVLA who do, however they are still part and parcel of the strategy that I was talking about when dealing with traffic offenders)
  • [cite]Posted By: F-Blocker[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: stubs1310[/cite]Sorry, what I didn't make clear was that the police found it easier to get the real criminals custodial sentences by getting them disqualified from driving,which they would breach and end up getting put inside, thats why it suddenly seemed that the motorist was being persecuted, when the various road sweeps started taking place.

    It would be a good idea if a bit of discretion and common sense was applied.

    I can't help but be cynical though and think that nicking a few "innocent" motorists improves the figures. Instant crime instant nicking. Soup de jour as Delboy would say!
    WARNING: Pedantic post follows:
    It should be borne in mind that we've moved from talking about civil offences to criminal offences....

    Point taken but either way the "innocent" motorist is still persecuted!
  • Not looking for an argument here guys, but the fact remains that the rules are there for everyone to abide by whether we like them or not.
    If you break the rules, you should be ready to pay the fine (& I've paid a few over the years!).

    The alternative is to campaign to get things changed or stand for public office & try to change things form the inside...
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