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£2bn Paramount Theme park in Kent



  • It was announced last week that a 4000 room hotel was to be built and the operated appointed.
  • "We are committed to going ahead - nothing has changed on that score," he said.
    "What it means in reality is that we will be able to talk to other brands, stories, films and television programmes."
    "It just gives us the freedom to work with other partners."

    Their spokesman could be a Tory talking about Brexit!!

    I suspect they may not know what to do.
  • Would appear to be on go again, with construction starting in 2022 and opening in 2024, I wonder if a football stadium is in the plans.   
  • Dansk_Red said:
    Would appear to be on go again, with construction starting in 2022 and opening in 2024, I wonder if a football stadium is in the plans.   
    Kick another ball out there why don’t you.

    Too exhausted to care at the moment.
  • Redrobo said:
    Dansk_Red said:
    Would appear to be on go again, with construction starting in 2022 and opening in 2024, I wonder if a football stadium is in the plans.   
    Kick another ball out there why don’t you.

    Too exhausted to care at the moment.
    Two options, it's only a hypothetical question.

    1. Charlton Atheleic are liquidated and the Valley becomes flats.
    2. Charlton Athletic are saved and they move to Kent.

    Many, many moons ago Charlton Village was in Kent!

  • There is no provision for a football ground in the plans, unless we will be playing in the big Disneyesk castle or one of the massive car parks!
  • edited July 2020
    sam3110 said:
    So if Paramount have pulled out of the deal, but they're still looking to go ahead, what are the rides going to be based on?
    Funland maybe?
  • The theme park will be on the Swanscome peninsula, but the quarries around Ebbsfleet are empty as far as I know. The “Garden City” has not been started so there are a few possible sites where we could go.
    But why? Our ground and the training ground can’t be built on so have relatively little value to anyone other than in Rolly’s brain, and it would cost a fortune to build.
    Brightons stadium cost £93m, and they have since expanded the stadium so it now has a capacity of 30,000. I think the original stadium held about 22000. Lovely stadium, but not financially worth it for us - and they haven’t become cheaper to build!
  • Has the good dr at ebbsfleet fucked off? Thought him buying ebbsfleet was because of this park and he was going to invest, but backed out because of it falling apart? Now it’s back on? 
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  • PopIcon said:
    Redrobo said:
    Dansk_Red said:
    Would appear to be on go again, with construction starting in 2022 and opening in 2024, I wonder if a football stadium is in the plans.   
    Kick another ball out there why don’t you.

    Too exhausted to care at the moment.
    Two options, it's only a hypothetical question.

    1. Charlton Atheleic are liquidated and the Valley becomes flats.
    2. Charlton Athletic are saved and they move to Kent.

    Many, many moons ago Charlton Village was in Kent!

    Fuck travelling to Kent, Charlton belongs in Charlton (or somewhere else in SE London at the very least).

    Any phoenix club that forms and then moves to Kent is hardly a phoenix club at all.
  • Redrobo said:
    The theme park will be on the Swanscome peninsula, but the quarries around Ebbsfleet are empty as far as I know. The “Garden City” has not been started so there are a few possible sites where we could go.
    But why? Our ground and the training ground can’t be built on so have relatively little value to anyone other than in Rolly’s brain, and it would cost a fortune to build.
    Brightons stadium cost £93m, and they have since expanded the stadium so it now has a capacity of 30,000. I think the original stadium held about 22000. Lovely stadium, but not financially worth it for us - and they haven’t become cheaper to build!
    The quarries have been built in, and the garden city is well underway, including the developments at Castle Hill, there's already a school and a community centre, a pub is in the works and it has a co-op being built too. There is still a lot of space available in the area but I can't see Ebbsfleet being too happy on is us moving down there, nor Dartford
  • Redrobo said:
    The theme park will be on the Swanscome peninsula, but the quarries around Ebbsfleet are empty as far as I know. The “Garden City” has not been started so there are a few possible sites where we could go.

    There are already loads of homes, a pub, a shop and a school in the Garden City, so it most definitely is no longer empty. 

    Other quarries are also being developed, including one near me in Stone. 
  • Tell Lyle Taylor we're moving to Ebbsfleet, he might take his house off the market  :D
  • Wilma said:
    Redrobo said:
    The theme park will be on the Swanscome peninsula, but the quarries around Ebbsfleet are empty as far as I know. The “Garden City” has not been started so there are a few possible sites where we could go.

    There are already loads of homes, a pub, a shop and a school in the Garden City, so it most definitely is no longer empty. 

    Other quarries are also being developed, including one near me in Stone. 
    I hadn’t read anything locally so assumed it had all gone quiet. Please do accept my apologies.
  • Developers of a major new theme park next to the River Thames have had their request for a delay with the planning application rejected.
  • Sounds like it’s dead in the water then..
  • They haven’t spoken once to TfL or Network Rail in the past 2 years
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  • I work in this field and have been following this project (I'm not involved in it). This isn't a planning application as such but an application for a development consent order which is a kind of consents wrapper, providing planinng permission, highways orders, compulsory purchase powers and a number of other consents. It's used for big projects - usually infrastructure but recently also big commercial projects like this one. 

    The DCO process is heavily prescribed. An applicant has to do a lot of work up front before making the application. Once the application is made, the examination process (undertaken by a panel of planning inspectors) must be completed in six months - lots of hearings and papers going back and forth.

    The applicant's approach seems bizarre. They clearly aren't even close to being ready for an examination. The panel has said so and said pretty clearly that they ought to withdraw. If they do try to proceed with the application in March, it sounds like they are in for a bit of a kicking.
  • Jints said:
    I work in this field and have been following this project (I'm not involved in it). This isn't a planning application as such but an application for a development consent order which is a kind of consents wrapper, providing planinng permission, highways orders, compulsory purchase powers and a number of other consents. It's used for big projects - usually infrastructure but recently also big commercial projects like this one. 

    The DCO process is heavily prescribed. An applicant has to do a lot of work up front before making the application. Once the application is made, the examination process (undertaken by a panel of planning inspectors) must be completed in six months - lots of hearings and papers going back and forth.

    The applicant's approach seems bizarre. They clearly aren't even close to being ready for an examination. The panel has said so and said pretty clearly that they ought to withdraw. If they do try to proceed with the application in March, it sounds like they are in for a bit of a kicking.
    They've already put stuff in haven't they? and it's where they hit the problems with TfL where the transport planning was a couple of excel spreadsheets. 
  • Yes, that's right. The application was made a while ago but they are trying to delay the commencement of the examination. From what I can gather the delay isn't due to the transport planning (not to say that isn't a  big issue) - they have put in a 322 page transport impact assessment. Rather, it is because a part of the site was designated a site of special scientific interest in November 2021 which changes the way in which environmental impacts (including transport) are assessed.

    This is what the lead inspector said:

    "In my letter of 21 December 2021, I noted instances of the applicant’s lack of progress and apparently substantial delay in addressing matters arising from the designation of a SSSI over land at the Swanscombe Peninsula. I recorded that ‘the ExA has substantial and rising concern about whether an ongoing delay to the commencement of this Examination as requested by the applicant remains justified, appropriate and in the public interest.’ It is fair to observe that nothing in the applicant’s or other consultees’ responses to the 21 December 2021 procedural decision has led to any reduction in that concern. In summary terms it appears that effective engagement between the applicant and a wide range of relevant statutory consultees and APs has all but ceased. This general lack of progress appears to have affected a broad range of matters, issues and questions relevant to the Examination, not just the question of the SSSI designation. Its scope is such that there must now be very considerable doubt as to whether important and relevant matters bearing substantially on traffic, transport, shipping, ports, water utilities and the natural environment (amongst other matters) can feasibly be addressed in a timescale to an Examination commencing in July 2022."
  • Good, Kent especially anywhere near Dartford does not need the extra traffic this would create.
    If the park doesn't go in there then they'll cram 10,000 houses on it and increase the traffic that way.  One way or the other they will not aloow it to sit as wasteland now 
  • Swisdom said:
    Good, Kent especially anywhere near Dartford does not need the extra traffic this would create.
    If the park doesn't go in there then they'll cram 10,000 houses on it and increase the traffic that way.  One way or the other they will not aloow it to sit as wasteland now 
    Heavily contaminated land - once was the largest cement factory in Europe - some of the lakes on the land are a very strange colour indeed - if the park doesn’t go ahead, it will need a developer with deep pockets to remediate the land so that housing can go on there, and the developer would I agree need to be able to build a huge amount of units to make the finances stack up
  • Swisdom said:
    Good, Kent especially anywhere near Dartford does not need the extra traffic this would create.
    If the park doesn't go in there then they'll cram 10,000 houses on it and increase the traffic that way.  One way or the other they will not aloow it to sit as wasteland now 
    Heavily contaminated land - once was the largest cement factory in Europe - some of the lakes on the land are a very strange colour indeed - if the park doesn’t go ahead, it will need a developer with deep pockets to remediate the land so that housing can go on there, and the developer would I agree need to be able to build a huge amount of units to make the finances stack up
    And a few have deeply unpleasant odours!
  • Swisdom said:
    Good, Kent especially anywhere near Dartford does not need the extra traffic this would create.
    If the park doesn't go in there then they'll cram 10,000 houses on it and increase the traffic that way.  One way or the other they will not aloow it to sit as wasteland now 
    Heavily contaminated land - once was the largest cement factory in Europe - some of the lakes on the land are a very strange colour indeed - if the park doesn’t go ahead, it will need a developer with deep pockets to remediate the land so that housing can go on there, and the developer would I agree need to be able to build a huge amount of units to make the finances stack up
    And a few have deeply unpleasant odours!
    I won’t walk my dogs there - they love the water, and I don’t want them anywhere near those lakes - would probably kill them
  • Swisdom said:
    Good, Kent especially anywhere near Dartford does not need the extra traffic this would create.
    If the park doesn't go in there then they'll cram 10,000 houses on it and increase the traffic that way.  One way or the other they will not aloow it to sit as wasteland now 
    Heavily contaminated land - once was the largest cement factory in Europe - some of the lakes on the land are a very strange colour indeed - if the park doesn’t go ahead, it will need a developer with deep pockets to remediate the land so that housing can go on there, and the developer would I agree need to be able to build a huge amount of units to make the finances stack up
    And a few have deeply unpleasant odours!
    I won’t walk my dogs there - they love the water, and I don’t want them anywhere near those lakes - would probably kill them
    Considering your username, I just imagined you (played by Rik Mayall) walking a couple of dogs and all just going “WOOF WOOF!” at everything.
    Tickled me, that did.

  • Many years ago I was walking down there with my kids (they played a game called Geocashing, where you track down items hidden by other people using GPS), and there were some kids swimming in one of the lakes which was electric blue in colour - I said to them I didn’t think it was a good idea to swim in there, and they said they did it quite a lot in the summer - I dread to think what health problems they have now !!
  • Many years ago I was walking down there with my kids (they played a game called Geocashing, where you track down items hidden by other people using GPS), and there were some kids swimming in one of the lakes which was electric blue in colour - I said to them I didn’t think it was a good idea to swim in there, and they said they did it quite a lot in the summer - I dread to think what health problems they have now !!
    Going back to the 1920’s in a book written by my father, he describes theses pits and the water which they used to swim in, sadly he lost a mate there, when they jumped in, his mate never resurfaced, they assumed the weeds claimed him, and he wasn’t the only one to drown there in those days.
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