For some reason, can't think why, somebody at work thought I might be interested in the link below:
Pans People dancing
All I remember from way back then, was Top of The Pops was compulsive viewing for any teenager going through the Kevin & Perry stage. Am I the only sad old git out there ... ?

ps......anyone remember those Woolworths TOTP albums, all covers of current hits by session musicians?
Apparently alot of the covers were done by Elton John.David Bowie,etal.........
Who sung that, a band called Thrush .... ?
My nan bought me one of those a month for a few years..bloody awful they were
The Mike Samm Singers on K-tel records. Lol
Not that I would have had a cat in hell's chance even if I had!
Jesus Christ !!
Jesus Christ !! ........ some people might think that was sacrilegious......( Robert Powell played Christ in a famous tv adaption for the younger ones) until you saw them dance , and that was a sin...
How you dance to 'Voodoo Chile' is a mystery to Hendrix himself....although jimi would have screwed them at the time.......
Was she supple? :-)
I heard she broke it off. :-0