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Climate Change / NASA / Jesus / God / Y2k - Waffling expert ? Dangle ya cyber big balls here



  • [cite]Posted By: floydandharvey[/cite]The scum are those who have kids. You can pretty much fly across the Atlantic eight times a week for the damage having a kid causes. Less bad than having a kid is having a pet. Any eco-warrior who has a cat (they all do) I tell to kill their cat before they can possibly preach to me. They swiftly f*** off. Hippocritical scum of the earth.
    Fuck's sake. That's enough - let's leave the hippos out of this alright?
  • But Leroy, they're the animals that cause the most deaths per year in Africa - I think we're allowed to be a bit critical.
  • How much damage to the climate does a hippo fart cause ? Although I suppose it is offset by killing a couple of humans.
  • edited January 2010
    No use complaining about name calling and verbal attacks in a thread called 'Climate Change Scum, Again'.
  • edited January 2010
    [cite]Posted By: RalphMilnesgut[/cite]No use complaining about name calling and verbal attacks in a thread called 'Climate ChangeScum, Again'.

    I agree absolutely, however, as you'll have seen in the preceding page it seems that whenever one side of the argument in particular appears to be losing over a point it does resort very quickly to personal attacks. I know for a fact, because one or two have whispered me, that there must be others out there that are currently reluctant to post in support of some of my own views because they know they'll be next in the firing line. That's not a healthy situation.

    I can't be bothered to go back through the numerous posts on here to come up with a list of the things I've been called and ideas I've negatively and wrongly branded with but it would be a very long list.

    In return I've tried to respond with respect and good humour (and admittedly a degree of sarcasm on occasion). For instance trying to bring out the degree of hypocrisy and "Nimbyism" that exists around this issue. Result? I get called 'thick' for having a view different to the poster. Again.

    That really is it for me on this thread now I think I'll just stick to posting on whether Dickson's the new messiah or just plain crap...
  • Bournemouth if you think Dickson is the new Messiah then you ARE thick!

  • blimey oreilly. First time i've taken a look at this thread. odd.
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]Bournemouth if you think Dickson is the new Messiah then you ARE thick!

    He's just a naughty boy, isn't he Len?
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]blimey oreilly. First time i've taken a look at this thread. odd.

    Same here...Wow!
  • Lol - love the title change.
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  • So, can someone give a summary in 100 words or less?
  • Like the final days on Easter Island, the thread disintegrates, sadly.

    In case any of you enjoy looking at amazing photos taken from the Space Shuttle and various satellites, this site may interest you.
    You can use image of the day and its search option, or use the general topics for more detail.

    Obviously its from NASA so some will dismiss the commentary, but a great site for anyone with an interest and an open mind.
  • [cite]Posted By: Floyd Montana[/cite]Like the final days on Easter Island, the thread disintegrates, sadly.

    In case any of you enjoy looking at amazing photos taken from the Space Shuttle and various satellites, this site may interest you.
    You can use image of the day and its search option, or use the general topics for more detail.

    Obviously its from NASA so some will dismiss the commentary, but a great site for anyone with an interest and an open mind.

    You don't really believe that we've sent people and rockets into outer space and the moon do you. Have you never seen Capricorn One? : - )
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]So, can someone give a summary in 100 words or less?

    A more or less civil debate as to whether climate change is natural or man made with an off topic (largely civil) foray into religion and evidence of it.

    Sadly things then degenerated into a personal spat as has happened all too frequently which is roughly where we are before the (amusing) title change.

    Others are welcome to correct or add if they feel my summary is unfair or misrepresentative.
  • Hmmm tricky one.
    If they havent done this then the firework show they put on when I was in Florida a few years back was mighty impressive, and their model makers are just brilliant!!

    Anyhow Ive got a couple of big heads to finish off - anyone care to help cutting down the last trees on the island to line the route to their resting place?
  • Did my thread title change as a result of natural phenomenon, or was it the actions of man.

    If it is the latter, what can be done about it?
  • Kept out of this for a while. That is because I only operate with facts, not seen too many, I have seen lots of personal attacks on the character of certain people on here, which is bizarre. Why is this, why criticise people for their grammar (sic) is it to deflect from the tenuous arguments you put forward? Very strange, it is not the attacks, but the vitriol attached, retard, fuck wit, etc. Why? Why do you need to do this, why attack someones grammer (sic) is that the main point here. Why attack their qualifications yet when they are shown to be correct, not apologise profusely, grovel you twat, see we can all be offensive.

    Personal opinion only, but there seem to be a lot of ex communists/socialists who seem to be attaching themselves to this flag as their other opinions have been run out of town, stamped on and kicked in the gutter where they belong, discuss!
  • [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]Kept out of this for a while. That is because I only operate with facts, not seen too many, I have seen lots of personal attacks on the character of certain people on here, which is bizarre. Why is this, why criticise people for their grammar (sic) is it to deflect from the tenuous arguments you put forward? Very strange, it is not the attacks, but the vitriol attached, retard, fuck wit, etc. Why? Why do you need to do this, why attack someones grammer (sic) is that the main point here. Why attack their qualifications yet when they are shown to be correct, not apologise profusely, grovel you twat, see we can all be offensive.

    Personal opinion only, but there seem to be a lot of ex communists/socialists who seem to be attaching themselves to this flag as their other opinions have been run out of town, stamped on and kicked in the gutter where they belong, discuss!

    You won't be saying that come the revolution, you retarded fuckwit!!!
  • I am a socialist and not an ex socialist. Proud of it.
  • As with all the threads that begin with good and fun debate, they normally de-rail when they get personal.

    But some people (Steve Dowman, you are a prime example) seem to miss the point. If people are being called names, being made fun of, etc, they will respond. You can't really expect anything else - this is a forum full of strong-minded blokes (on the whole).

    For me, the problem is the fact that the name calling etc starts in the first place. And for me, it is generally always the same person (or couple of people) who shart it off, and make the threads overly aggressive and personal. You can't really blame the others for rising to it.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]Kept out of this for a while. That is because I only operate with facts, not seen too many, I have seen lots of personal attacks on the character of certain people on here, which is bizarre. Why is this, why criticise people for their grammar (sic) is it to deflect from the tenuous arguments you put forward? Very strange, it is not the attacks, but the vitriol attached, retard, fuck wit, etc. Why? Why do you need to do this, why attack someones grammer (sic) is that the main point here. Why attack their qualifications yet when they are shown to be correct, not apologise profusely, grovel you twat, see we can all be offensive.

    Personal opinion only, but there seem to be a lot of ex communists/socialists who seem to be attaching themselves to this flag as their other opinions have been run out of town, stamped on and kicked in the gutter where they belong, discuss!
    LOL - you ice-pick wielding, facile climate-change denying fool :o)

    I think you'll find that most of GH's posts on topics like this are ridiculously antagonistic - even the ones where he doesn't type as though the 'o' key on his keyboard is stuck. What generally tends to happen is some wag starts a thread on some mildly controversial subjet du jour or other, some sensible people weigh in with arguments supporting their 'side' of the argument then, when people singularly fail to see the evidence that is planted before them (or, in this case, ignore reams of evidence and highlight inaccuracies in reporting), when they're challenged on it they naturally rail at the apparently implied suggestion that they're thick. The thread then degenerates into otherwise intelligent people chucking insults at each other.

    GH probably suffers from the same thing that I do - the intelligent working-class man inferiroity complex - reinforced every time some prick from a privileged background looks down on you because of the way you talk. Unfortunately for him, it's double spiteful because of his dyslexia. At least when I'm keyboard warrioring it up, the fact that I am - to all intents and purposes - Council Estate Scum isn't readily apparent.

    Of course, that doesn't in any way account for the lameness of personal attacks on him (or other contibutors) from people who should definitely know better.
  • edited January 2010
    Perhaps if he was less antagonistic, preventing so many irrational outbursts from sallying forth there wouldnt be a problem.
    Isnt it as simple as that?
    Why try to tart it up with excuses and some kind of 'victim' role play?

    What has knowing something about a subject, or having an opinion about it got to do with priviledge? Why do you have to bring priviledge into this? And why associate knowledge or understanding with priviledge and then further associate it with being a prick, as you say?
    Do we have to post differently because you are crossing your fingers and saying you have an (imaginary) complex?
    What is spiteful about responding to the abuse GH throws out?

    Bewildering post Leroy. Right up there with the best of Gooner.
  • I had a chance to look at the breasts at the weekend. Nice pair.
  • [cite]Posted By: Floyd Montana[/cite]Perhaps if he was less antagonistic, preventing so many irrational outbursts from sallying forth there wouldnt be a problem.
    Isnt it as simple as that?
    Why try to tart it up with excuses and some kind of 'victim' role play?

    What has knowing something about a subject, or having an opinion about it got to do with priviledge? Why do you have to bring priviledge into this? And why associate knowledge or understanding with priviledge and then further associate it with being a prick, as you say?
    Do we have to post differently because you are crossing your fingers and saying you have an (imaginary) complex?
    What is spiteful about responding to the abuse GH throws out?

    Bewildering post Leroy. Right up there with the best of Gooner.

    I'm probably opening myself to a charge of what came first the chicken or the egg BUT from my observations Goonerhater doesn't generally start the personal stuff although he will retaliate with interest at times...
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    I'm probably opening myself to a charge of what came first the chicken or the egg BUT from my observations Goonerhater doesn't generally start the personal stuff although he will retaliate with interest at times...
    Sorry Len, I completely disagree.
  • [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]
    I'm probably opening myself to a charge of what came first the chicken or the egg BUT from my observations Goonerhater doesn't generally start the personal stuff although he will retaliate with interest at times...

    Just wait until Dave gets in Len and GH wants to burn all you capitalist bstds on Blackheath. Might change your tune then :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Si[/cite] Sorry Len, I completely disagree.

    That does not surprise me. As I said chicken and egg.

    I can only quote my perception from a few years now on this forum.
  • [cite]Posted By: Sussex_Addick[/cite]Tbh personal attacks will just lead to another page of 'THAT's what gets me about warmists, they attack anyone who has a different opinion' as if BFR and GH's skirmish is licence to ignore all the very good posts that there are on this thread.

    Anyone thinking of padding out their posts with more 'victim' rhetoric, I'll make you a deal: I'll ignore that GH calls anyone vaguely disagreeing with him a 'Guardianista' and 'twonk' or whatever else if you don't fixate on such matters yourself, as they just distract from whatever decent debate there is left in this thread.

    [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]Kept out of this for a while. That is because I only operate with facts, not seen too many, I have seen lots of personal attacks on the character of certain people on here, which is bizarre. Why is this, why criticise people for their grammar (sic) is it to deflect from the tenuous arguments you put forward? Very strange, it is not the attacks, but the vitriol attached, retard, fuck wit, etc. Why? Why do you need to do this, why attack someones grammer (sic) is that the main point here. Why attack their qualifications yet when they are shown to be correct, not apologise profusely, grovel you twat, see we can all be offensive.

    Personal opinion only, but there seem to be a lot of ex communists/socialists who seem to be attaching themselves to this flag as their other opinions have been run out of town, stamped on and kicked in the gutter where they belong, discuss!

    It's nice being able to be so oppressed and marginalised, because it means you can insinuate you're right without, ya know, arguing why you're right.

    There's numerous excellent factual replies such as BFR on oil company astroturfing, Leroy (amongst some froth) on several scientific matters etc. and in general some solid reasoning that conspiratorial views are built on shaky evidence and in most cases just don't add up.

    On the other side, the only sceptic who has actually even argued any points is Len. I don't necessarily agree with them, and feel he extrapolates rather quickly, but at least he has made points and provided links.
  • edited January 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]Kept out of this for a while. That is because I only operate with facts...

    Personal opinion only, but there seem to be a lot of ex communists/socialists ...
    Hmmm, didn't take too long to stray from the facts there.
  • Thanks Sussex.

    You were too modest to mention yourself so I will do it for you. I might not agree with you but your views are sourced and thought through with a welcome lack of personal abuse.

    This is not really the medium for lengthy posts so I tend to try and keep it brief hence why I extrapolate quickly. I was taught to come straight to the point when young as well.
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