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Mini Cabs



  • I don't know any Indian cab drivers. I know plenty of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Somalian, Nigerian, Sierra Leonean and English ones though.
  • [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]I don't know any Indian cab drivers. I know plenty of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Somalian, Nigerian, Sierra Leonean and English ones though.

    Do you hang around cab ranks or something? ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]I don't know any Indian cab drivers. I know plenty of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Somalian, Nigerian, Sierra Leonean and English ones though.

    That is the definition of mixed race. Crazy family tree situation.
  • edited August 2010
    [cite]Posted By: wwaddickson[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]I don't know any Indian cab drivers. I know plenty of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Somalian, Nigerian, Sierra Leonean and English ones though.

    That is the definition of mixed race. Crazy family tree situation.

    How long would the programme be, when doing " Who do you thing you are."?
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: andyaddick[/cite]cabs 'taxis' up here (Solihull) are all run by indians who hardly know a word of english on top of that they ask YOU the directions of where to go which makes me think they share cabs and id's. On top of that they charge a fortune, its about 5 miles to the airport and they charge 15 quid ! rip off !
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]no racist assumptions from you then Andy : - (

    I can't see it's racist to say Indians hardly know a word of English & they ask you the directions.

    When I'm abroad a lot of foreigners can't speak English, that's a fact, not a matter of racism :-(

    "All" cab firms are run by "Indians". All of them? Andy has done a survey no doubt. And are they Indians or are they Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans or even British Asians. But it's OK to just lump them all together.

    And none of them can speak more than a few words of English? Andy has spoken to all of them has he? Of course not but if one or two do then that applies to all of "Them".

    And they switch IDs and Cars. His evidence of this is what? Oh, yeah they are all "Indian" and they ask directions so it must be true. What more proof for a slur could you need?

    Blimey listen to yourself. His comment was just generalising. If i say that most cab drivers outside the Venue at New cross are black and most of them don't know where they're going, does that make me racist?!
    I've got a couple of mates who live in Birmingham and i've been up there for plenty of nights out and to be fair Andy's not far off the mark with what he says. I can honestly say i bet you're the only person on this board who thought his comment was racist.
  • I fell asleep on the last train home once. I woke up in Gillingham and it cost me £70 for a cab back to Charlton.

    I was gutted because I remember still being awake going through Westcombe Park yet still managed to miss my stop (and 20 others) before finally waking up in Gillingham.
  • [cite]Posted By: Zinedine Bagheri[/cite]I fell asleep on the last train home once

    My father-in-law works around Liverpool st and 5 times in the last 3 years I've had to run down to Brighton to pick him up
  • Mini cabs may be licenced nowadays but a lot of them are still going to rip you off, If you can use a REAL london Black cab ( when in London) they will know the way and use a meter that you can clearly see.....

    Colin in Thailand ..Retired ..London Black cab Driver.
  • When you pull up at your destination just get out and leg it!! It doesn't matter if they are Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Somalian, Nigerian, Sierra Leonean, White (whatever that is?) or any other ethnic minority I have not mentioned, if they are a lump they wont chase you!!

    Or you could put the dough towards are new watch!!!
  • It should be £2 a mile with a minimum of £5.
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  • edited August 2010
    Andy, if you don't want to be offended don't make sweeping generalisations (and yes that is racist) about ethnic groups.

    Suggesting that ALL the INDIAN mini cabs drivers are breaking the law by using false identities solely on the basis of their knowledge of the local area is making a racist assumption.

    You brought race in the debate, no one else. Maybe just think for more than two seconds and stop assuming that because your Asian "pals" (funny that they are Asian now not Indian) say it happens doesn't make it true for EVERY Asian driver.
  • [cite]Posted By: chris from Sidcup[/cite]Blimey listen to yourself. His comment was just generalising

    No, you read what you just wrote.

    Generalising ie making an assumption about all people in an ethnic group based on the behaviour of one or a few members of that group is just what racism is.

    Should I judge all people from Sidcup on the basis of what you say? No that would be irrational and stupid. But accusing all cab drivers of an (badly defined) ethnic group of criminal behaviour is, as you yourself admitted a "generalisation" and so racist.

    Thanks for proving my argument.

    And don't give a toss if I'm the only one on here who thinks so.

    Finally I didn't call him a racist I said he'd made a racist assumption. I can distinguish between the behaviour and the personality.
  • I'm against Black cabs.
  • Henry I'm with you mate - I hate ALL sweeping statements ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: GNelson[/cite]Henry I'm with you mate - I hate ALL sweeping statements ;-)

    No one could disagree with that : - )
  • for what my opinion counts on this board i think Andy has a right to be upset.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bexley Dan[/cite]for what my opinion counts on this board i think Andy has a right to be upset.

    And I have the "right" to challenge racist assumptions when they are made on here.
  • Just because you have the right to do something, does it really make it the right thing to do?

    It certainly isnt what the board is intended for (imo) and I imagine most reading it arnt really interested in reading it either, surely a whisper would be better, so you can get your point across without having to clog the forum up for everyone else?
  • couldn't have put it better myself Stu - if things are well 'out of order', fair enough but....
  • [cite]Posted By: Stu of HU5[/cite]Just because you have the right to do something, does it really make it the right thing to do?

    It certainly isn't what the board is intended for (imo) and I imagine most reading it arnt really interested in reading it either, surely a whisper would be better, so you can get your point across without having to clog the forum up for everyone else?

    I agree racist assumptions aren't what the board should be for.

    Andy could have kept his to himself but he didn't.

    Shame you decided to pick me up, and not via a whisper as you yourself suggested was more appropriate, and not the one who initiated the racial slurs but that's your "right" as well.
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  • [cite]Posted By: GNelson[/cite]Henry I'm with you mate - I hate ALL sweeping statements ;-)

    I hated Dick Van Dyke's sweeping statement in Mary Poppins...
  • pedantic alert
  • Sink alert.

  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Boring.

    Too right.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bexley Dan[/cite]for what my opinion counts on this board i think Andy has a right to be upset.

    I didnt think Andy was one bit racist. Maybe people just like being to P.C now days. As someone said earlier all cab drivers are black out side Venue. I dont think I have every got into a white persons cab outside there, thats just the way it is.
  • I'm from sidcup, not a pikey yet find I'm buying more and more from primark.

    And every mini cab I have ever got in leeds had an asian driver.

    Generalising, I think I'm becoming a racist pikey. With a new found love for picnic bars, but I'm sure that is going off topic....
  • You've got no choice but to embrace your 'Sidcupness' Afka. Now you have kids Primarni is the only store you can afford.

    How sad this thread is.

    Sums up the madness of the modern world.

    Andy had no intent of being racist in what he said.

    Henners felt that what Andy had said was racist.

    Who is right?

    You don't have to prove the intent. You only have to have a victim. Someone who found what you said to be 'ist' i.e. sexist, racist, ageist etc....

    Moral of the story in this crazy paranoid world we live in?

    Be careful what, where & when you say it.

  • You have to be very careful when you accuse someone of being racist.
  • I am also the victim of pc world. Forgot to cancel the tech guys package after my 2 months free had run out. Bugger
  • Henry how do you get yourself so worked up about stuff. this has made an entertaining read but jeesus crist if ive ever met anyone that needs to take a chill pill its you.

    Felt a bit sorry for andy as i dont think he meant any damage. The problem with this country now days is that there is always someone watching and waiting to have a moan when someone slips up.

    so many threads get sunk and they are the ones i read first. and if its a row it usually involves henry haha.
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