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Absolute gash tonight



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    er suzi.

    thats is he most riduculous post i've ever read.

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    [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]As for Abs, when you travel the length of the country midweek and lose,

    Hardly length of the country for our Northern Addick....
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    Curb_It beat me to it ;-)

    (You had me dreaming for a minute though!)
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    Is suzi drunk?

    I love the positive thinking, just can't help but imagine it's all a little too much to wish for though.
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    Suze you're my hero.

    What are we going as fancy dress?
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    Wss> we're going as positive fans! Silly!!!!!

    well i hope it gave everyone a smile on this windy wednesday! :-)
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    ps> if my little story comes true, you can all buy me vodka each. its only £1.60 in the liberal. thanks :-)
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    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]ps> if my little story comes true, you can all buy me vodka each. its only £1.60 in the liberal. thanks :-)

    I'll happily buy you ten!
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    Don't have a go at Suzi ....... she's been taking my happy pills :o)

    Suzi is just seeing what could happen.

    That's how people who achieve things in life give themselves a chance in the first place.

    Better than giving up part way through or filling your life with doom and gloom.
    Those who believe in failing usually get exactly what they believe.
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    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Don't have a go at Suzi ....... she's been taking my happy pills :o)

    We're just having a chat, Oggy, no-one's having a go.
    And I do hope she hasn't ;-)
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    I still dont get it !!!!!!!

    Being positive isnt about if you build it he will come.

    I am being positive in saying that we need a settled side. We need a creative midfielder. We need a leader, a proper captain.

    This isnt about being negative for negatives sake.

    Say we get in the playoffs. We go to wembley, we are in the Prem. Will we be worst than DERBY?
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    [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Don't have a go at Suzi ....... she's been taking my happy pills :o)

    We're just having a chat, Oggy, no-one's having a go.
    And I do hope she hasn't ;-)

    My comments were meant tongue-in-cheek too, Weegie...... ;o)

    Though Suzi's made a great 'what if we looked at it a different way' post.
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    [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite] Fair enough, it can be irritating when people moan and moan just for the sake of moaning, but trying to brush the problems under the carpet will do more harm than good in the long run - both to Charlton and CharltonLife.

    I'm glad you've raised that, because in the words of Duncan Bannertime "let me tell you where i'm at" !!

    I personally am not purposely blocking out every negative that happens to us and going round pretending everything is positive in the garden; Its quite clearly not: players have underperformed, team units has under performed, and management have underperformed. We are well below where we should be at this stage of the season. With that, i'm in agreement with virtually every single moaner.

    My point is that i see little good in people continuously banging on about things that have happened, mistakes that have been made, things that cannot be changed. By doing so just creates a see of negativity and unhappiness that eventually rubs off on others.

    Some vocal internet people have wanted Pardew sacked since the start of the year, have their agenda, and continue looking for people to support that. What good does it do by keep flogging that line ? It was never ever going to happen mid-season so what is to be gained by continually trying to create a division ?

    We have 7 games left and those 7 games will determine what division we are in next season. That is effectively 7 cup finals. In sincerely hope the players are looking at it that way and not the same way as what seems a lot of fans. Expect the worse and the worse normally happens.

    I have said for a while that we are both not good enough for promoted, and not ready yet as a squad to be promoted. A 2nd year in the Championship will not harm us as a club to the extent some people fear, and will be essential in our long-term rebuilding.

    Whether Pardew is still the right man to head that rebuilding, should be addressed in the Summer, not while the season is very much alive.

    For now, we need a very united front to try and get that little bit extra out of every player.
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    [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]Fair enough, it can be irritating when people moan and moan just for the sake of moaning, but trying to brush the problems under the carpet will do more harm than good in the long run - both to Charlton and CharltonLife.

    I'm glad you've raised that, because in the words of Duncan Bannertime "let me tell you where i'm at" !!

    I personally am not purposely blocking out every negative that happens to us and going round pretending everything is positive in the garden; Its quite clearly not: players have underperformed, team units has under performed, and management have underperformed. We are well below where we should be at this stage of the season. With that, i'm in agreement with virtually every single moaner.

    My point is that i see little good in people continuously banging on about things that have happened, mistakes that have been made, things that cannot be changed. By doing so just creates a see of negativity and unhappiness that eventually rubs off on others.

    or the people continuously moaning about our away support which is irriating just about everyone on here bar the ones moaning about it.
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    [cite]Posted By: Riscardo[/cite]I still dont get it !!!!!!!

    Being positive isnt about if you build it he will come.

    I am being positive in saying that we need a settled side. We need a creative midfielder. We need a leader, a proper captain.

    This isnt about being negative for negatives sake.

    Say we get in the playoffs. We go to wembley, we are in the Prem. Will we be worst than DERBY?

    The Board won't worry about that though, Riscardo.

    To them, promotion to the Prem means financially underpinning the club for the foreseeable future.

    If we stay up - great!
    If we get relegated, then they will have already budgeted for that - just like they did before with our 98-99 Prem season.
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    edited March 2008
    I for one havent been banging on about bad performances, Pardew, mistakes, etc. I am raising "MY" concerns in a Charlton forum. No hidden agenda, no bullshit, just saying it as I see it.

    I'm sorry if its not positive enough. I dont feel positive. I went out for dinner and a few drinks with a friend last night. Put the wap on on the way home, to see the result. Didnt give it much thought until reading the OS. You can fool some people, some of the time etc. A silk purse etc, etc.
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    I appreciate where you are coming from, AFKA, and can see from many of your posts that you are realistic about our current situation. What I don't really understand is why it is OK for there to be debate about the pros and cons of individual players - heated ones recently about ZZ, Ambrose, Halford, etc, signings, tactics, formations etc, yet it is completely taboo now on here to dare to criticise Pardew? That is not harking back to mistakes in the past, it is giving consideration to where we might be headed in the future.

    I have no hidden agenda to create a campaign to get rid of Pardew, and I hope you're not including me in that reference. Yes, I was one of the first to dare to voice that I'd lost patience with him, but I was not doing it to be destructive to the Club (nor to Charlton Life to be absolutely clear). In the calmer light of day away from the immediate aftermath of the match, I knew it would not have been a sensible thing to do, and I have said so. I support the board of Charlton wholeheartedly and will trust them to know whether he is the right manager for next season if we are still in this division. I do, however, think it should be a topic that can be discussed among Charlton supporters - I discuss it with those I see and speak to face to face (sensibly!) but for the sake of keeping the peace, I am avoiding the subject on here.

    PS I may be imagining this, but I think Rothko and I have made up ;-)
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    edited March 2008
    Not wanting to speak for AFKA but i very much doubt he was aiming his comments at you Ric/Weegie.

    Raising concerns about Pardew's tactics, man management skills and general personality ( which many on here have done) is a bit different from being outright ridiculous saying:

    "Pardew is a complete c*nt" and "Get rid of Pards he is the worst manager we have had and he's a c*nt"*

    *these comments may or may not have been said on this forum but you get the point.
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    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Not wanting to speak for AFKA but i very much doubt he was aiming his comments at you Ric.

    Oh he was, he's jealous of me being 27 ...
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    [cite]Posted By: Riscardo[/cite]I for one havent been banging on about bad performances, Pardew, mistakes, etc. I am raising "MY" concerns in a Charlton forum. No hidden agenda, no bullshit, just saying it as I see it.

    Wasnt't directed at you Riscardo, i agree with virtually all you said.
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    [cite]Posted By: Riscardo[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Not wanting to speak for AFKA but i very much doubt he was aiming his comments at you Ric.

    Oh he was, he's jealous of me being 27 ...

    Haven't you been 27 for about 3 years now, Riscardo ........? ;o)
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    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Riscardo[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Not wanting to speak for AFKA but i very much doubt he was aiming his comments at you Ric.

    Oh he was, he's jealous of me being 27 ...

    Haven't you been 27 for about 3 years now, Riscardo ........? ;o)

    try 8 years.
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    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Riscardo[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Not wanting to speak for AFKA but i very much doubt he was aiming his comments at you Ric.

    Oh he was, he's jealous of me being 27 ...

    Haven't you been 27 for about 3 years now, Riscardo ........? ;o)

    try 8 years.

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    [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Riscardo[/cite]I for one havent been banging on about bad performances, Pardew, mistakes, etc. I am raising "MY" concerns in a Charlton forum. No hidden agenda, no bullshit, just saying it as I see it.

    Wasnt't directed at you Riscardo, i agree with virtually all you said.

    Wishful thinking, WSS - it obviously was directed at me!
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    reams said this is the worst championship for years - How many champs side in the FA CUP semis then - or does that make the PLthe worst in the world
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    great point ledge. its topsy turvy, unexplainable, inconsistant, unconventional, unexpected, and more often than not, rather exciting!
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    I actually find it very hard to believe Reams has a clue about football when I read some of his drivel.

    This is one of best Championships for years in my opinion, the difference between top and bottom is very, very close, no one team is running away with it like previous years.
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    Posted By: AFKA Bartram
    As for Abs, when you travel the length of the country midweek and lose,
    Hardly length of the country for our Northern Addick....

    It werent too bad in that respect. Two hours there and back.

    It felt odd driving on the M65 and having to pass signs (remember the gas powered Lexus, Medders?!) for Ewood park and thinking oh gawd "Carry on we're playing Burnley"

    Roll on Ipswich. Enjoy the day lads
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    [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]I actually find it very hard to believe Reams has a clue about football when I read some of his drivel.

    This is one of best Championships for years in my opinion, the difference between top and bottom is very, very close, no one team is running away with it like previous years.

    No one is running away with it but that doen't change the fact that this is a poor league. The fact that teams can be as incosistant as we have been and remain 5th for so long pretty much sums it up.
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