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Absolute gash tonight



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    we have Weegie, fancy a cuppa?
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    agree no hidden agenda, all I personally am doing is saying my view as I see it on a discussion board, thats what its all about right? In balance Pards had actually done pretty well over the first 20 games or so, with the squad he had if that's any measure.

    Its an interesting point though, does us harping on here actually affect anything Charlton wise, maybe a little but I suspect not very much. No disrespect to anyone but this is slice and a very thin one of what our fan base are thinking, right?

    Whether its for therapy or for the sake of a good argument, lets not stop talking about stuff, and hopefull soon we'll have something better to talk about, and its something we all I think care quite a lot about.

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    [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]we have Weegie, fancy a cuppa?

    Your place or mine :-)

    (About to head out for a couple of hours now, so we can sort it out once I'm back!)
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    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]No disrespect to anyone but this is slice and a very thin one of what our fan base are thinking, right?
    Agreed - I think quite a few people who come to The Valley on a saturday couldnt care less.

    At least we have passion - in whatever form it is. I think it shows we care.
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    Weegie Addick: Fair enough, it can be irritating when people moan and moan just for the sake of moaning, but trying to brush the problems under the carpet will do more harm than good in the long run - both to Charlton and CharltonLife.

    I pretty much agree with that Weegie. Unfortunately people moaning and moaning for moaning's sake have become the norm on here. They post unfounded and unintelligent knee jerk reactions, twist statistics to make their case, dominate the conversations on here by hijacking a majority of threads and posting reams of hyperbole. They insult the intelligence of anyone who doesn't agree with them by telling us that we are wearing rose tinted spectacles and that they are the only ones with a grasp on reality and through their smugness and repitition make this forum a pretty miserable read and a pointless debate to contribute to.

    There is a surge of positivity on here this morning and it probably has no right being here but thank God it is, reasonable debate about players or strengths or weaknesses or expectations has become impossible as it is simply overshadowed by the volume and extremism of the negativity, there's a few on here who are obviously bored of reading the same old smug posts about how clever the doom mongers are and have gone to the opposite extreme to try and counter it - and good on them! The last thing I want to do when I've watched a performance like Saturday is log onto a forum with fellow Charlton fans rubbing my nose in it - it's bad enough when the opposition do it let alone your own.

    (This isn't directed at you by the way Weegie, it was just that your mention of doing harm to Charlton Life gave me a good inlet to have a rant!).
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    [cite]Posted By: PassItToLeaburn[/cite]posting reams of hyperbole.
    see what you did there
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    No one is running away with it but that doen't change the fact that this is a poor league. The fact that teams can be as incosistant as we have been and remain 5th for so long pretty much sums it up.

    Or it could prove the fact the league is so competetive nobody can string a long run together, just depends what way you look at it.
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    edited March 2008
    is this the first time someone used the term hyperbole on this board, someone better explain what it means.... its not some Dutch stadium is it??

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    What happened at full time? I heard a few of the Charlton fans were laying into the players which ended up with Sodje retilliating back in some way? Not what you want really.
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    i head that a few of them ran to the front to give the fans a bit of abuse as they were clapping the fans for making the journey.
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    edited March 2008
    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]is this the first time someone used the term hyperbole on this board??

    Nope. The much under-used search facility reveals that 'hyperbole' was first introduced to the Forum by Len Glover in Aug 2006, in relation to club journos analysing young players.

    The reigns were picked up by T in Dec 2006, discussing the US media and the heavyweight boxing decision.

    Since Dec 2006, hyperbole has been absent from the forum for 16 months, though i'm sure many will disagree with that ! :-)
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    ok so where is this stadium?
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    Short sightedness once again Ledge, picking what bones out you can, the three championship teams left in the Fa cup are involved in a knockout competition based on winning 4 matches not 46 as in the championship and Barnsley apart the other two have not played anybody of note.

    Stu of SE7 I was employed in all aspects of football for 14 years so your right I know sweet FA!!

    As for drivel you are the first to disagree about my comments on this thread I see
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    The way things are looking we might miss out on the play-offs while at the same time abandoning AP's "two year plan" because we are scared of giving our exiting young players experience while relying on seasoned performers who just aren't delivering.

    I do want to see Youga & Moo2 bombing down the wings and have AP work on their defence in training.
    I don't want to see Thatcher & Halford's physical precence if their only attacking threat is a long throw.
    I do want to see Varney and McLeod/Lita pulling defences around with their movement to create chances for each other and the midfield.
    I don't want to see the ball being lumped up to ageing target men like Iwelumo & Gray.
    I do want to see intricate short passing of ZZ & Semedo, Sam and look forward to glimpsing skills of Arter, Wright, Wagstaff & Shelvey
    I have grown tired of the honest endeavour of Matt Holland and prima-donnas like Thomas and Ambrose who are interested only in their wage packets.

    C'mon AP let's us see something that looks like a game plan rather than a football talent audition for 34 players.
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    I wasn't at the game, so I can't comment
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    Perhaps Pards should have a Football Idols competetion and we can vote someone off each week until we have 11 players that we the fans have chosen and then if we lose we have no-one to blame but ourselves.
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    [cite]Posted By: Stu of SE7[/cite]
    No one is running away with it but that doen't change the fact that this is a poor league. The fact that teams can be as incosistant as we have been and remain 5th for so long pretty much sums it up.

    Or it could prove the fact the league is so competetive nobody can string a long run together, just depends what way you look at it.

    You seem to be confusing competitiveness with quality. Just because there isn't much between the sides doesn't mean that the football is any good.

    Having watched quite a few games this season, not just Charlton, I think you would struggle to find examples of quality football in this division.
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    Which explains what I have said in another thread we are still 5th because of the the kind of division we are in, not because of our own qualities as a team.
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    [cite]Posted By: Reamsofverse[/cite]Which explains what I have said in another thread we are still 5th because of the the kind of division we are in, not because of our own qualities as a team.

    thats something to be thankful/positive about then surely...its not ideal....but it'll do!
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    i think we just need a couple of versatile players.
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    Threadkiller, very well said
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    What like Bryan Hughes and Kish.

    Pretty sure people would then start going on about us having versatile players rather than players who can play in one position.

    Versatile players we have now in my opinion (whether they are being used are not if a different matter):

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    you could put Varney on that list - whether people rate him in either position is another matter....!
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    What I dont understand is, If the standard of this league is so crap,how is it that 3 of the 4 teams in the FA cup semis are from th championship ,and got there by beating premier teams. Someone please explain.
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    It always helps if you have players who can do just ONE job eh.
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    Bexley, the standard of football played that I've seen is awful.
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    edited March 2008
    It's called raising your game on the day, do you honestly believe that whoever Barnsley should have been playing in their cancelled league games when they played Liverpool and Chelsea in the cup instead that they would have put in the same performance?? Before they won at Liverpool their previous 3 away matches were:

    Lost at QPR 2-0
    Lost at Coventry 4-0
    Lost at Plymouth 3-0

    Then there is Cardiff who won 1 of their previous 7 games before they won at Middlesbrough??

    It is a well known fact that cup shocks in football happen and that is from a sunday league level right up to the professional game, players raise their game match by match, self belief sets in the further you go in the competition, Barnsley and Cardiff have played 4 FA Cup games and find themselves playing each other at Wembley in an FA Cup semi final yet between them in the Championship they have won 22 out of 72 games.

    Carl Zeiss Jena are last but one in the German 2nd division yet knocked Stuttgart out of the German Cup 10 days ago and are too in a semi final, does that make their league so great??

    Good Luck to Barnsley and especially Cardiff City who were once my former employers but I will tell you now that their fans have asked themselves thousands of times since the weekend....Why can't we do that in the league?
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    [cite]Posted By: Imissthepeanutman[/cite]Of course the Championship is a crap league

    In the FA Cup Championship teams have only dismissed

    Man City

    Utter crap the teams in this league
    [cite]Posted By: Imissthepeanutman[/cite]Not sure where the freakiness is

    Top to Bottom points in divisions

    Prem Top 65 Bottom 10 Difference 55
    Champs Top 66 Bottom 32 Difference 34
    League 1 Top 73 Bottom 22 Difference 51
    League 2 Top 74 Bottom 29 Difference 45

    I extracted these from another thread. I would of course accept the point about teams raising their game for a Cup competition. But its happened too often this year to be written off as not relevant. And I dont think many League 1 and 2 teams raised their game to knock out as many Championship teams.

    And the points position at the weekend shows that this league is in my words 'more competitive'. I think calling it Crap is a little bit arrogant.
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    it a awful league mate,theres no excuse to losing at burnley and at home to preston,yes were fifth i would expect to be at least fifth with our status as a club.
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    Its also the league with 2 teams that Curbs highlighted as the clubs he wanted Charlton to emulate

    Southampton and Leicester
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