When your washing machine crosses the kitchen and approaches you like a horny cross between r2-d2 and HAL from 2001 space odyssey. Scared the shit out of me
I don't think I've ever laughed at anything on this essay board as much as this
When your washing machine crosses the kitchen and approaches you like a horny cross between r2-d2 and HAL from 2001 space odyssey. Scared the shit out of me
I don't think I've ever laughed at anything on this essay board as much as this
Is this supposed to be general or specific things?
Colin properly annoys me. PL54 I have a grudging respect for and occasionally annoys me. I annoy myself through posting drunken nonsense that I read back and must assume it was written by someone else.
Generally annoyed by realising my own mistakes and fallibility much more than my perceived views of other people's.
You're the dim one right? New gig with the British Broadcasting Corporation doing a show about cars that mostly focusses on cars no one can afford or challenges that are sometimes amusing.
I'll probably still watch you do donuts in a mustang outside St. Paul's cathedral during the wedding photos but I'll hate myself for it.
(Have to admit through a series of girlfriends have probably ended up being forced to watch the entire friends series' more than once, cannot recall a single useful thing I've got from those hours wasted. Nothing)
I'm quite OCD when I post on here but it really annoys me when I type a comment and a single word goes on to the next line on my screen, it means I have to play around why my comment which is why you see so many of them being edited.
Worst thing is my computer at home is a wider screen so there isnt a constant / easy way to check it
Traffic Lights where there is a phase now for the pedestrian to cross on their green light even there are no pedestrians around!!... Why not go back to the original way of things where the pedestrian phase only comes into play when someone presses the button to cross to road, instead everyone has to piss around waiting stationary at a light whilst traffic builds up for no reason!!
Whats even more stupid is the fact they still have the button there for the pedestrian to push...
Whats the bloody point when they dont need to press it anyway these days!!!
I'm quite OCD when I post on here but it really annoys me when I type a comment and a single word goes on to the next line on my screen, it means I have to play around why my comment which is why you see so many of them being edited.
Worst thing is my computer at home is a wider screen so there isnt a constant / easy way to check it
I'm quite OCD when I post on here but it really annoys me when I type a comment and a single word goes on to the next line on my screen, it means I have to play around why my comment which is why you see so many of them being edited.
Worst thing is my computer at home is a wider screen so there isnt a constant / easy way to check it
Colin properly annoys me. PL54 I have a grudging respect for and occasionally annoys me. I annoy myself through posting drunken nonsense that I read back and must assume it was written by someone else.
Generally annoyed by realising my own mistakes and fallibility much more than my perceived views of other people's.
Selfish twat.
You're the dim one right? New gig with the British Broadcasting Corporation doing a show about cars that mostly focusses on cars no one can afford or challenges that are sometimes amusing.
I'll probably still watch you do donuts in a mustang outside St. Paul's cathedral during the wedding photos but I'll hate myself for it.
(Have to admit through a series of girlfriends have probably ended up being forced to watch the entire friends series' more than once, cannot recall a single useful thing I've got from those hours wasted. Nothing)
Worst thing is my computer at home is a wider screen so there isnt a constant / easy way to check it
I'm not Irish and you're fully aware of that you daft twat.
Please go away, I want to pretend to be working in peace.
Whats even more stupid is the fact they still have the button there for the pedestrian to push...
Whats the bloody point when they dont need to press it anyway these days!!!
Slow down Charlton!!
Roll Around The Fuckin Floor Laughing My Arse Off
What other type of shot would it be?!!