The 'Brexit Referendum & Reaction/Outcomes thread', never has so many sour grapes been consumed by so few.
It's mind boggling mate, and not just on CL.
Yes true, but the level of no-it-alls on there and the reams and reams of content they are capable of writing in any one post, on one subject is astronomical, a plus is that while they are on the computer they aren't eating chocolates on a park bench. ;o)
The 'Brexit Referendum & Reaction/Outcomes thread', never has so many sour grapes been consumed by so few.
It's mind boggling mate, and not just on CL.
Yes true, but the level of no-it-alls on there and the reams and reams of content they are capable of writing in any one post, on one subject is astronomical, a plus is that while they are on the computer they aren't eating chocolates on a park bench. ;o)
The spelling police who can't even work out that maybe, just maybe, Mr Spellchecker has had a say, such is their inferiority complex.
Oh yes, and it's not really 'priceless' is it?
Don't mess with em Greenie mate, they WILL have the last word
Getting up at 5am thinking this feels like when you get woken up because you're catching an early flight to go on holiday sort of vibe, seconds later to remember you're getting up at 5am because you have a 9am meeting in Hemel Hempstead
F@cking people who win £60 million on the lottery and want to carry on as normal. Give me the money and you can carry on as normal. No to the next question someone's about to ask I'd be worse than Roland.
On the end of the £60m winners, is that lad the boyfriend or hubbie of one of the girls and of so, what's the chances of that lasting then?
They said they were splitting it 12 mill each, that includes ginger bollocks an all by my math. Mum, dad, two sisters and him. I started to think he was the brother till he got off with his sister....
Saying rain on your wedding day would be ironic if you were marrying a weather man and he picked the date
Toe jam
Give me the money and you can carry on as normal.
No to the next question someone's about to ask I'd be worse than Roland.
Can't be entirely discounted the brother and sister thing but on balance I think he is the boyf of the one got off with.
£12m each, tidy.
In the last couple of days I've heard 'cutting off your nose despite your face', and about how someone was made an 'escape goat'.
Do they not realise that would make no sense at all?