Flannelett sheets, & while I'm at it . American politicians, the M25, our SMT, Americans, Piers Morgan, Amercan tv programmes, the fact that all women's breasts are not as magnificent as Victoria Coren's,that we haven't got Our Charlton back yet & foxes shit in my garden
1. The constant feeling as though you're going to shit yourself after on a night out drinking ale.
2. It's my last day at this office and people have just realised I'm actually pretty good at I don't care about my job, and that they can approach me bugger off with their problems.
3. People asking me questions at work when I'm trying to post on CharltonLife.
4. Getting flagged for calling @cantersaddick a "dirty f*cking slag" in on the SE7 Valiants groupthread.
Going down the pet shop to buy my dog a pink, plastic pig and finding out they've sold out for some reason. When the assistant rang other nearby stores about availability, same story.
The regime apologists I seem to be surrounded by in the lower west. And the fact they don't even shout for their team, though they are happy to tell me to shut up during We Want Roland out.
Please, CARD, don't ask me to sit with these fuckarses again.
The regime apologists I seem to be surrounded by in the lower west. And the fact they don't even shout for their team, though they are happy to tell me to shut up during We Want Roland out.
Please, CARD, don't ask me to sit with these fuckarses again.
We should all get seats over there,(god knows there's room) and really make them happy. Its been a while since I've been to the Valley but I like the entertainment on the field and from you lot over there.
The regime apologists I seem to be surrounded by in the lower west. And the fact they don't even shout for their team, though they are happy to tell me to shut up during We Want Roland out.
Please, CARD, don't ask me to sit with these fuckarses again.
I can't believe the number of people who still cannot see what the regime is doing to the club. They're the kind of people who would sit in a house fire and complain that the firemen were getting them wet.
When a friend is following your car because they don't know the way and they drive as slowly as humanly possible from start to finish and allowing multiple opportunities for cars to join traffic between us.
Being at a christening all afternoon, not being able to drink because I was playing football in the evening and having to watch my wife getting drunk with our friends. Amused myself by getting hold of her phone and putting a message on her Facebook page.... "OMG, can't believe we've been so careless, wish I hadn't given all our baby clothes away"
getting on a train the weekend to watford junction was oblivious to the amount of fellas getting on the train turned out to be the train to northampton with a fine array of millwalls finest, one of them was drinking vodka out of a bottle with a straw classic.
The regime apologists I seem to be surrounded by in the lower west. And the fact they don't even shout for their team, though they are happy to tell me to shut up during We Want Roland out.
Please, CARD, don't ask me to sit with these fuckarses again.
I echo this. I still hold firm that everyone has the right to have their opinion given our mess and because we are all Charlton, I have to respect them, but I'm sick to death of this argument 'well why don't you buy the club then' or 'why don't you all put in xxxx and stop moaning'
I'm sure if we had the chance, given the circumstances most of us would now accept an AFC type model. Yet that's not where we are. We have a lunatic cancer for an owner with an inept management team overseeing day to day operations. Just because he's funded what is so far a tenure of failure, doesn't mean we have to f***** accept it. This has all been brought about because they aren't to be trusted. This weekend's events go to reinforce this.
Another argument that I hear is that this is also because we've crap on the pitch and the football is shit. Granted had we had sustained success since they took over then maybe, just maybe we wouldn't have anything happening. However, I seem to remember the team playing some pretty average/shit football under Curbs in the early/mid 90s. I don't remember fans calling for the club to be sold then.
IMO, if people can't put 2 and 2 together and see this has been brought because of their complete cuntish ownership rather than a greedy bunch of supporters wanting the earth then they just don't get the magnitude of the situation.
People that actually think a new £5 note is worth anything more than 5 bloody pounds! People seem to genuinely believe they've got some rare note, but there's 440 million of them in circulation. Idiots!
I heard this on the Tory BBC Breakfast this morning during one of the Business reports.....'Marmite Gate'. Now any journo or person who puts gate as a suffix should be put against a wall and shot, for three reasons, 1) its been done loads of times, 2) its just shit.....and, 3) "Watergate was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s, following a break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. in 1972 and President Richard Nixon's administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement".
The HQ building was called Watergate, not Watergate gate was it? Twats.
I heard this on the Tory BBC Breakfast this morning during one of the Business reports.....'Marmite Gate'. Now any journo or person who puts gate as a suffix should be put against a wall and shot, for three reasons, 1) its been done loads of times, 2) its just shit.....and, 3) "Watergate was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s, following a break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. in 1972 and President Richard Nixon's administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement".
The HQ building was called Watergate, not Watergate gate was it? Twats.
Arriving at Gatwick from a weekend away and having to travel back home via East Croydon.
An absolute rats nest. We are on the tram back to Lewisham and hear some little rodent girl talking about her friend "fam, she keeps trying to take paracetemol every day to get rid of the baby" this girl must have been about 14.
Paracetemol for a home made abortion....I prefer them going crazy over pokemon Go.
Probably has been posted at least once in the 4,000 odd posts in this thread...
1) the drivers that push in for the queue at the Blackwall Tunnel at the last possible moment on the last flyover.
2) the drivers that turn off the A102M /A2 at Kidbrooke in the right hand lane then try to go straight across at the traffic lights when its a right filter lane.
Probably has been posted at least once in the 4,000 odd posts in this thread...
1) the drivers that push in for the queue at the Blackwall Tunnel at the last possible moment on the last flyover.
2) the drivers that turn off the A102M /A2 at Kidbrooke in the right hand lane then try to go straight across at the traffic lights when its a right filter lane.
1) I feel like there's a fine art to this, you need to wait for someone to get complacent - and then 'BAM!'. Snooze you lose.
Also, you need to go across late enough to the outside lane so not to miss out on the inside lane being the fastest coming up to the red sculpture thing (just after the final junction)... but also not too late so that you can't get into the outside lane and skip the unmerge/re-merge palaver just before the tunnel.
2) Yeah, that's pretty annoying - but I feel like it's just the done thing so I go with it.
That moment of realisation when you discover you're the arsehole.
2. It's my last day at this office and people have just realised I'm actually pretty good at my job, and that they can approach me with problems.
3. People asking me questions at work when I'm trying to post on CharltonLife.
4. Getting flagged for calling @cantersaddick a "dirty f*cking slag" in the SE7 Valiants thread.
Please, CARD, don't ask me to sit with these fuckarses again.
Its been a while since I've been to the Valley but I like the entertainment on the field and from you lot over there.
I'm sure if we had the chance, given the circumstances most of us would now accept an AFC type model. Yet that's not where we are. We have a lunatic cancer for an owner with an inept management team overseeing day to day operations. Just because he's funded what is so far a tenure of failure, doesn't mean we have to f***** accept it. This has all been brought about because they aren't to be trusted. This weekend's events go to reinforce this.
Another argument that I hear is that this is also because we've crap on the pitch and the football is shit. Granted had we had sustained success since they took over then maybe, just maybe we wouldn't have anything happening. However, I seem to remember the team playing some pretty average/shit football under Curbs in the early/mid 90s. I don't remember fans calling for the club to be sold then.
IMO, if people can't put 2 and 2 together and see this has been brought because of their complete cuntish ownership rather than a greedy bunch of supporters wanting the earth then they just don't get the magnitude of the situation.
Will this now become a recurring theme when two teams who play in the same colour play each other on a week day?
And it can't be Red Monday anyway because they won't be both playing in red will they, you morons.
Fancy listening to Blue Monday by New Order now.
Now any journo or person who puts gate as a suffix should be put against a wall and shot, for three reasons,
1) its been done loads of times,
2) its just shit.....and,
3) "Watergate was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s, following a break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. in 1972 and President Richard Nixon's administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement".
The HQ building was called Watergate, not Watergate gate was it? Twats.
An absolute rats nest. We are on the tram back to Lewisham and hear some little rodent girl talking about her friend "fam, she keeps trying to take paracetemol every day to get rid of the baby" this girl must have been about 14.
Paracetemol for a home made abortion....I prefer them going crazy over pokemon Go.
1) the drivers that push in for the queue at the Blackwall Tunnel at the last possible moment on the last flyover.
2) the drivers that turn off the A102M /A2 at Kidbrooke in the right hand lane then try to go straight across at the traffic lights when its a right filter lane.
Also, you need to go across late enough to the outside lane so not to miss out on the inside lane being the fastest coming up to the red sculpture thing (just after the final junction)... but also not too late so that you can't get into the outside lane and skip the unmerge/re-merge palaver just before the tunnel.
2) Yeah, that's pretty annoying - but I feel like it's just the done thing so I go with it.
That moment of realisation when you discover you're the arsehole.