The 'trend' for calling even the smallest music event a festival. Bands playing to 25 people at the local working mens club in aid of some obscure charity does not a festival make. So stop it.
People referring to their infant with the prefix "Baby" as in "Baby James". Makes me retch.
This is also going to sound callous but I also can't deal with any story about someone else's kids.
Chap at work today was telling me that they had a plumber round because their boiler packed up. Plumber was asking if they knew of any leaks, chap at work said his 2 year old son start pointing to his knob (willy in their langauage) saying "here's the leak"
I stood there motionless for a split second whilst he was looking at me for a reaction and amusement. My emotional intelligences kicks in and I let out a just about believeable forced chuckle a'la Boyce laughing at the Driscoll brothers in that episode of only fools and horses.
People who sound their horn (I assume) when they think there isn't enough space for two vehicles to pass through.
Look, I'm going to keep driving forward because I can clearly see there is enough room for both of us. If you don't think there is, then you stop and let me through, don't keep driving forward and beep at me to stop. Better yet, sell your car and get a bus pass because you clearly are not fit to drive. Generally these people seem to be constantly driving four or five feet away from the curb like idiots anyway.
People who sit in the outer lanes of roads when they have no intention of going more than 0.00056% faster then the car they will eventually overtake in 4 miles time.
People who sit in the outer lanes of roads when they have no intention of going more than 0.00056% faster then the car they will eventually overtake in 4 miles time.
I can't stand it when i'm doing 110mph in the outside lane and some VW polo is chugging along at 90 in front of me. Get out of the way!
The OXO advert where some teenage girl has bought round her rude friend from school for dinner at her parents house and is putting pressure on her overworked mousy mother to cook something nice because this ignorant, rude sket is the most popular girl at school.
The family then all stare expectantly at the school bully to see her reaction when she pulls her ignorant face out of her phone and the nasty little shit doesn't even say thank you for this lovingly prepared slop. Simply takes a photograph of the dish and tweets it or something equally as menial to replace having an opinion or personality. The try hard daughters family then ask the try hard daughter if her troll of a friend likes the food given to her and because this social leper has got a notification of activity from the human sat silently and ungratefully at the head of the table she tells her try hard family 'yeah she liked it' knowing that this tweet will be the one that begins the cyber campaign of hate against her and her from her mute soon-to-be tormentor
I can't begin to describe what an assault on my eyes and ears that abominable advert was. In a world of shit on television it somehow made me actually angry.
Whoever is responsible for this monstrosity needs their fingernails ripping out with pliers and then yo be fed those same fingernails
In the gym people talking away on their phones. Had two yesterday , one had a 30 minute convo seemingly about nothing at all. I had music on (Oasis , hardly quiet) on my headphones and could still hear every word.
Bands playing to 25 people at the local working mens club in aid of some obscure charity does not a festival make.
So stop it.
Chap at work today was telling me that they had a plumber round because their boiler packed up. Plumber was asking if they knew of any leaks, chap at work said his 2 year old son start pointing to his knob (willy in their langauage) saying "here's the leak"
I stood there motionless for a split second whilst he was looking at me for a reaction and amusement. My emotional intelligences kicks in and I let out a just about believeable forced chuckle a'la Boyce laughing at the Driscoll brothers in that episode of only fools and horses.
I just don't care
Look, I'm going to keep driving forward because I can clearly see there is enough room for both of us. If you don't think there is, then you stop and let me through, don't keep driving forward and beep at me to stop. Better yet, sell your car and get a bus pass because you clearly are not fit to drive. Generally these people seem to be constantly driving four or five feet away from the curb like idiots anyway.
The family then all stare expectantly at the school bully to see her reaction when she pulls her ignorant face out of her phone and the nasty little shit doesn't even say thank you for this lovingly prepared slop. Simply takes a photograph of the dish and tweets it or something equally as menial to replace having an opinion or personality. The try hard daughters family then ask the try hard daughter if her troll of a friend likes the food given to her and because this social leper has got a notification of activity from the human sat silently and ungratefully at the head of the table she tells her try hard family 'yeah she liked it' knowing that this tweet will be the one that begins the cyber campaign of hate against her and her from her mute soon-to-be tormentor
I can't begin to describe what an assault on my eyes and ears that abominable advert was. In a world of shit on television it somehow made me actually angry.
Whoever is responsible for this monstrosity needs their fingernails ripping out with pliers and then yo be fed those same fingernails
And by the way it was Jon Snow!!!
(This joke only works until midnight)
Festival of Lights this weekend.
Unless Santa and Rudolph were on the roof, in which case, I agree, cretins.
They thought though that Midnight meant Wednesday evening!!