Opening the back of the dogs van Just after lunchtime today to find a couple of bags of dog sh*te have been gently simmering on a steady heat since around 9.30 last night.
In between every other game in the Murray v Fognini match, being told that Eastenders or whatever other programme is scheduled to be on BBC1 is now on BBC2. Why don't they just put the tennis on BBC2? It's not like anyone, in this day and age, isn't able to get BBC2 on their TV, is it?
Councils that put up lights outside your mates new house early in the morning.
I put right genuine instances of things like this on a daily basis. Just imagine for a second how you explain that and the embarrassment (that shouldn't be there) of just being near something like that. It happens daily and they walk amongst us
LGBT !!! I don't care what your sexuality is or what you do (as long as its between consenting adults) - but why do you have to label yourselves & have your own clique. I don't go round saying "look at me , I'm a HWM - join my gang". Its life, just get on with it - we don't care who or what you are.
LGBT !!! I don't care what your sexuality is or what you do (as long as its between consenting adults) - but why do you have to label yourselves & have your own clique. I don't go round saying "look at me , I'm a HIV - join my gang". Its life, just get on with it - we don't care who or what you are.
The fat family that have just sat behind me on the 4 hour train home from Devon. Empty carriage, yet they decided right behind me was the best place to sit and shovel crisps into there face and grunt, kick my chair.. cough and generally be annoying
The fat family that have just sat behind me on the 4 hour train home from Devon. Empty carriage, yet they decided right behind me was the best place to sit and shovel crisps into there face and grunt, kick my chair.. cough and generally be annoying
Make a fake phone call ans say something along the lines of "yeah that's me on the train, hotel was lovely but wish I had skipped breakfast as they will be giving out free burgers and hot dogs in the next carriage down"
The fat family that have just sat behind me on the 4 hour train home from Devon. Empty carriage, yet they decided right behind me was the best place to sit and shovel crisps into there face and grunt, kick my chair.. cough and generally be annoying
Make a fake phone call ans say something along the lines of "yeah that's me on the train, hotel was lovely but wish I had skipped breakfast as they will be giving out free burgers and hot dogs in the next carriage down"
Great idea, but once again my chair would have to be used as a Crane to heave them of of said seats... then the sweating and grunting as they return from the 2 minute expedition
LGBT !!! I don't care what your sexuality is or what you do (as long as its between consenting adults) - but why do you have to label yourselves & have your own clique. I don't go round saying "look at me , I'm a HWM - join my gang". Its life, just get on with it - we don't care who or what you are.
LGBT !!! I don't care what your sexuality is or what you do (as long as its between consenting adults) - but why do you have to label yourselves & have your own clique. I don't go round saying "look at me , I'm a HWM - join my gang". Its life, just get on with it - we don't care who or what you are.
'We don't care' well that's obviously a huge pile of bollox ... a lot of people do care and for the wrong reasons. As 'hwms' we all the least oppressed beings on the planet
LGBT !!! I don't care what your sexuality is or what you do (as long as its between consenting adults) - but why do you have to label yourselves & have your own clique. I don't go round saying "look at me , I'm a HWM - join my gang". Its life, just get on with it - we don't care who or what you are.
Never mentioned to anyone that you are an Addicks fan then Golfie?
3 lads playing footy in next doors garden, obviously I'm being drawn in chuckingthe ball back, anyway 1 shouts Megs and Do a Rabona I think that's it, so I can take it time is marching on for me and I'm being taken the piss out off by under 10's now, think I'll retreat for a bovril and a wee lap blanket.
The boring boring music that my neighbours bang out at top volume every weekend. Whether it's the parents with their dull as ditchwater middle of the road soft rock, or the kids with their chart style misnamed r&b, it's all so anodyne and bland it makes me feel like I want to top myself. I don't mind a bit of loud music, but I genuinely want to go round and shake them and tell them to play something interesting. It's like they have a whole catalogue of songs with the same rhythm, the same tempo, the same chord progression and the same small-world boring subject matter. Arrgghhhhhh!
Why don't they just put the tennis on BBC2? It's not like anyone, in this day and age, isn't able to get BBC2 on their TV, is it?
house early in the morning.
I wouldn't mind but I've never used the thing, let alone have date from it
What is the bottom button for?
Is the answer, 'Multiple orgasms'?
'We don't care' well that's obviously a huge pile of bollox ... a lot of people do care and for the wrong reasons. As 'hwms' we all the least oppressed beings on the planet
25 minutes to get a hot dog
30 minutes to get a drink
45 minutes to get her face painted.