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    Solidgone said:
    Just seen an NHS Vaccination information banner asking us to ‘maintain 2 meters social distance!’ I’ve lost all faith in the quality of the jab!
    I saw a sign in Covent Garden many years ago, it said "EARS PIERCED WHILE YOU WAIT".
    In Jomtien, Thailand, there is a fast-food place called 'Just Burgers'. On the window was the sign 'Now selling pizzas as well!"

    Also, in Thailand, I saw a sign on a Indian restaurant which read 'Our food is very average'. Something lost in translation, I feel.
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    MrOneLung said:
    Three midgets are arguing over who is the smallest.  

    The first one says, "well I definitely have the smallest hands ever." 

    The second one says, "yeah, but my feet are even tinier."  

    The third one says, "maybe so, but I have the littlest dick in the world.  I'm hung like a light switch.  Let's head down to the guiness book of world records and settle this once and for all."  

    When they arrive at  Guinness HQ the first one goes in, and after a few minutes, walks out and says, "that's it.  I'm in the book.  Smallest hands in the world!"  

    The second one goes in, walks out and proudly announces, "check me out! Smallest feet ever!"   

    The third one goes in, walks out of the office and asks, "Who the fuck is @cantersaddick ???”
    Imagine being so proud of this joke that you had to get on a whatsapp group telling everyone to have a look. 

    Also I suggest you ask my missus next time you see her. 
    Your missus told him the joke...
    The  'joke'
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    A man goes to a bar in New Orleans: Can I have a corona and two hurricanes please.
    Bartender: That’ll be $20.20.

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    A convicted murderer escapes from prison after spending 25 years inside.  While on the run, he breaks into a house and ties up a young couple who have been sleeping in the bedroom.  He ties the man to a chair on one side of the room and ties the woman to the bed.  He gets on the bed right over the woman, and appears to be kissing her neck. Suddenly he gets up a d leaves the room, although not the house.

    As soon as possible the husband makes his way across the room to his bride, his chair in tow, and whispers “Honey, this guy hasn’t seen a woman in years.  I saw him kissing your neck.  Just co-operate and do anything he wants.  If he wants to have sex with you, just go along with it and pretend you like it.  Whatever you do don’t fight it and make him mad.  Our lives depend on it!  Be strong and I love you”

    After spitting out the gag in her mouth, the half-naked wife says, “Darling, I’m so relieved you feel that way.  You’re right, he hasn’t seen a woman in years, but he wasn’t kissing my neck.  He was whispering in my ear.  He said he thinks your really cute and asked if we kept the Vaseline in the bathroom.  Be strong and I love you, too”
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    Three midgets are arguing over who is the smallest.  

    The first one says, "well I definitely have the smallest hands ever." 

    The second one says, "yeah, but my feet are even tinier."  

    The third one says, "maybe so, but I have the littlest dick in the world.  I'm hung like a light switch.  Let's head down to the guiness book of world records and settle this once and for all."  

    When they arrive at  Guinness HQ the first one goes in, and after a few minutes, walks out and says, "that's it.  I'm in the book.  Smallest hands in the world!"  

    The second one goes in, walks out and proudly announces, "check me out! Smallest feet ever!"   

    The third one goes in, walks out of the office and asks, "Who the fuck is @cantersaddick ???”
    Imagine being so proud of this joke that you had to get on a whatsapp group telling everyone to have a look. 

    Also I suggest you ask my missus next time you see her. 
    Ask her what?  To borrow her magnifying glass?
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    About a month before my grandfather died. The previous month we had covered his back with lard. After that he went downhill very quickly.
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    Two nuns are riding their rickety old bikes down the bumpy back streets of Rome late one summer afternoon.  It starts getting quite dark and the two nuns are a little nervous.

    The younger nun steers her bicycle closer to the older nun and says “You know, I’ve never come this way before”.

    The older nun nods her head knowingly and says “It’s the cobblestones”

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    Gentlemen if you take a leak outside pay attention the following health information could be critical:
    If your piss attracts ants = too much sugar = probably diabetes
    If it smells meaty = high colesterol
    If it dribbles over your shoes = enlarged prostate
    If it looks like Ribena = kidney failure
    If you can't smell it = COVID
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    Seems Anfield is becoming a difficult place for anyone to win in 2021

    Explains why Liverpool can't do it
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    A father, passing through his son’s uni town late one night on a business trip, thinks he will pay a surprise visit to his boy.  Arriving at the college, he knocks on the door.  After several minutes of knocking, a sleepy voice drifts down from a second floor window.

    ”Whattya want?”

    ”Does Billy Smith live here?” asks the father.

    ”Yeah!” replies the voice.  “Dump him on the front porch and we’ll take care of him in the morning.”
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