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Surely the best tree/cricket ground. Latest Cricket scores; 2009/2010.



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    Those favouring Edgbaston over Hartlepool on Aug 15 - what about a block of tickets for Charlton Lifers? Haven't heard yet how many tkts I can get as a member : probably four. If so that means me and my mate Ian can get tkts for six other CL stalwarts and we could then all sit together...

    Superb captaincy from Rob Key tonight, I thought. He knew 150 was going to be enough from the second over of the match, when Blackwell got some turn. If a journeyman like Blackwell could do it, he knew Tredwell would triumph - and so it proved. And Rob also marshalled the other bowlers magnifcently. All of them superb - especially Simon Cook. What an unsung hero he is...

    The only downside to our mighty victory was that the sponsor of today's match also insisted on having a 'good luck to Gillingham FC' message printed on the scorecard !
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    Can't make Edgbaston on 15th as I am making my way back to Norfolk from my hols in Northumberland. Wait a minute though, isn't Hartlepool on the way home? I can feel a cunning plan coming on......Now how do I sell it to the wife?
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    tonight was the first Kent game I'd been to. Won't be my last though i dont think.
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    [cite]Posted By: nigel w[/cite]Those favouring Edgbaston over Hartlepool on Aug 15 - what about a block of tickets for Charlton Lifers? Haven't heard yet how many tkts I can get as a member : probably four. If so that means me and my mate Ian can get tkts for six other CL stalwarts and we could then all sit together...

    Superb captaincy from Rob Key tonight, I thought. He knew 150 was going to be enough from the second over of the match, when Blackwell got some turn. If a journeyman like Blackwell could do it, he knew Tredwell would triumph - and so it proved. And Rob also marshalled the other bowlers magnifcently. All of them superb - especially Simon Cook. What an unsung hero he is...

    The only downside to our mighty victory was that the sponsor of today's match also insisted on having a 'good luck to Gillingham FC' message printed on the scorecard !

    Nigel, Me & Mrs.MOG will join you if we may.............
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    kent could of at least bowled them out for 50 or less or at least let durham bat a bit longer so the game streched out a bit longer we surely are favorates now to win it
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    [cite]Posted By: westie456[/cite]kent could of at least bowled them out for 50 or less or at least let durham bat a bit longer so the game streched out a bit longer we surely are favorates now to win it

    In a 20/20 four team tournament it's a bit of a lottery to be honest....there's no clear favourite....leastways in my eyes.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: westie456[/cite]kent could of at least bowled them out for 50 or less or at least let durham bat a bit longer so the game streched out a bit longer we surely are favorates now to win it[/quote]

    In a 20/20 four team tournament it's a bit of a lottery to be honest....there's no clear favourite....leastways in my eyes.[/quote]

    yh true its whatever team proforms the best on the day
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    What a great evening that was !!! Good company & banter ( with several Dynamos sitting few rows behind in Nooocastle shirts) & a resounding victory for the Super Spitfires.

    Keep looking for ticket news for Edgbaston on the KCCC site with the same dilemma as others...New ground at Hartlepool or a day out at the finals although none of us are members.

    Just about to start a mammoth ironing stint whilst reliving the match via Sky Plus. Can't believe you saw us Dave !! And I DID miss the last wicket - trying to retrieve my sunnies from my glass (plastic) of white !! How did you know that ????? Sun was well below the yard arm but couldn't take 'em off too soon in case it changed our fortunes !

    Looking forward to hearing your dulcet tones again tonight, BDL.
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    Just booked Hotel in Edgbaston, £27 each with full breakfast and only half a mile from the ground.
    Hope Nigel can get me match tickets...........
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    [cite]Posted By: Fanny Fanackapan[/cite]What a great evening that was !!! Good company & banter ( with several Dynamos sitting few rows behind in Nooocastle shirts) & a resounding victory for the Super Spitfires.

    Keep looking for ticket news for Edgbaston on the KCCC site with the same dilemma as others...New ground at Hartlepool or a day out at the finals although none of us are members.

    Just about to start a mammoth ironing stint whilst reliving the match via Sky Plus. Can't believe you saw us Dave !! And I DID miss the last wicket - trying to retrieve my sunnies from my glass (plastic) of white !! How did you know that ????? Sun was well below the yard arm but couldn't take 'em off too soon in case it changed our fortunes !

    Looking forward to hearing your dulcet tones again tonight, BDL.

    Ralph's bald head gave it away!
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    Lol, Dave ! Not my shimmering silver locks then ?
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    There probably won't be any news re tickets until Thursday after the other two semi-finals have taken place.

    Members will be offered ticket priority but Kent's allocation will be big enough that there will be plenty to go round for non-members, too.

    Will let you all know as soon as we are told how many members tkts we can have and when tkts will be on sale to non-members...
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    A lot of Kent supporters have already booked in to the Plough & Harrow, very near the ground. Is that where you are, MOG?

    I'm going to drive back after the game as I want to go to Canterbury on the Sunday for the England Lions v Australia fixture.
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    edited July 2009
    OK, we now have the tkt info, earlier than I thought. Details below. BUT Kent only have 1400 - which is far fewer than the last two years. And it's only two per member...I'll see what I can do and if I can round up some members who aren't using their allocation.

    KENT County Cricket Club has received an allocation of 1,400 tickets, from Edgbaston, for the Twenty20 Cup Finals Day on Saturday 15th August.

    Tickets are priced at £60 for adults and £20 for juniors. In addition, there will be a £2 processing charge per ticket.

    Members will have priority on booking from Wednesday, 29th July, at 10am until 5pm on Friday 31st July. There will be a maximum of two tickets per member. Tickets, for members, will only be processed over the phone, or in person, and can only be purchased with cash or by credit card.

    It is not too late to become a member for 2009 and qualify for this – simply phone the Club office on 01227 456886 for further details or visit

    If there are any tickets still available, at the end of the members priority window, these will go on general sale on Saturday, 1st August, at 10am and will be on sale until Tuesday 4th August at 5pm. An announcement will be made on the Club website regarding ticket availability and purchasing details at 5pm on Friday 31st July.

    Tickets ordered over the phone will be sent out by post during next week.
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    Staying at The Paragon Hotel,10 minute walk apparently.....
    Nig let me ASAP about tickets please.......
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    Just been told tkts are available to general public (non-members) via the Edgebaston /Warwicks CCC website as of now. Just spoke to someone who this morning booked four tkts in the Eric Hollies stand (v good view - sat there for the 2007 finals) via this route - and the booking fee is apparently cheaper (£1 per tkt as opposed to the £2 Kent are charging).
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    Finals Day Draw:

    North'ants/Hampshire V Sussex
    Lancs/Somerset V (Super)Kent.
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    [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Staying at The Paragon Hotel,10 minute walk apparently.....

    Take your tin helmet!

    More than a 10 min walk.
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    edited July 2009
    [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Staying at The Paragon Hotel,10 minute walk apparently.....

    Take your tin helmet!

    More than a 10 min walk.

    How far then BD ?

    Hattrick !!

    Match tickets,
    Train tickets
    & Hotel booked !!
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    edited July 2009
    It's about 10 mins by car - about an hours walk though! Cabs are easily booked at the Concierge.

    Stayed at the Paragon quite a few times - Make sure you get a double bed if you are staying on your own, singles are very small.

    I think it's been fully done up since I last stayed - It used to be the Birmingham homeless mens hostel! Breakfast was quite hearty!

    If you are staying up there and want to eat out then head for Broad Street - If you like a curry then this place is brill!
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    Got "info" from B'ham tourist people:

    Distance: 1.61 miles
    Walk: 25/30 mins.

    Can't trust these Northerners............

    Got all morning anyway, we're 2nd game...........
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    ''Got all morning anyway, we're 2nd game...''

    Not necessarily, MOG. They have done the draw and , as you rightly say, we were the fourth 'ball' out of the bag. But that means nowt : they will draw lots at a later stage to decide which game is first up.

    In any case, even if we are the second game, I shall be in my seat at 11.30 am for the first ball of the first over of the first game - and as you are and Mrs MOG are in the two seats next to me, I expect to see you there on time !!!
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    Will do our best Sir !
    Sandras working Friday night, & gets home at 6-ish.
    Quick change,bath,wash her hair,etc........we might leave sunny Sydenham by Midday !

    Thanks again for getting tickets for us.
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    By the way, I've also got half a dozen free tkts for the second day of the county championship game v Derbys at Canterbury this Saturday.

    Anybody who fancies a day out at the cricket this weekend, please whisper me (although the weather forecast for Sat is unfortunately quite atrocious...)
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    What sort of attendance do we get for County Championship games Nigel ?
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    [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Finals Day Draw:

    North'ants/Hampshire V Sussex
    Lancs/Somerset V (Super)Kent.

    Think we have got the hardest draw - mind you I am sure they are saying the same too.
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    Somerset have beaten Lancashire 5-1 in an indoor bowl out, so it's gonna be Somerset v Kent. That has to give us a better chance than playing Lancashire?
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    [cite]Posted By: Red_Pete[/cite]Somerset have beaten Lancashire 5-1 in an indoor bowl out, so it's gonna be Somerset v Kent. That has to give us a better chance than playing Lancashire?

    If Hants win tonight they might as well just have the Southern teams in the 20/20.
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    And play it at lords... is there a tournament that the winner goes into like last year? Thought it was somthing stanford dreamt up so scraped or is the a world challenge series for the winners kent... ;-)
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    yup, I think the winners go to India in some comp.
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