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Alan Pardew at NWKent Addicks - 6th November



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    Just so you know- it's members only and the membership fees are as follows ( From BDL)

    Adults £6.00
    Over 60's - £2.00
    Under 18's free

    No info on whether it's goig ahead....
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    Not heard anything to say he's not going.

    Will contact Jean to find out. So at the moment it's going ahead.
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    I'm not paying £6 to hear him talk, I've spend enough watching his teams this season, but I'll stand outside and heckle him on his way in.
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    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Just down the road for me and i'm weighing it up.
    Surly it's a no brainer if he's still the manager and shows up to the meeting!
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    Still coming according to OS. Good for him I say. Easy to go when things are going well, much harder when they are not.
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    henry you might be correct but i also have a feeling Pards really cant see he has done much wrong ! he is in total denial (sic) rather than being in The Nile on a long hol and well away from inflicting more damage on us !

    Someone who goes plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz say thanks for the comment that he will "start picking his best team from now on" ------------------ got to be one of the best ever footie bloopers ever.
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    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]henry you might be correct but i also have a feeling Pards really cant see he has done much wrong ! he is in total denial (sic) rather than being in The Nile on a long hol and well away from inflicting more damage on us !

    Someone who goes plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz say thanks for the comment that he will "start picking his best team from now on"
    got to be one of the best ever footie bloopers ever.

    For once GH, you may be right : - )

    Maybe he is too proud to back down and will have a list of "reasons" for the current situation.

    The "best team" comment is just bizarre.
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    Oh I wish I could be there, but it's too far for me out here in the wilds of Hever. Would someone please take copious notes and post them here?

    I've got a feeling Goonerhater is right. He doesn't realise he has done anything wrong! Expect him to turn up and say 'crisis what crisis? A little temporary hitch, an insignificant blip, we're one result away from everything being fine and I am doing a great job...'

    Part of me admires that kind of pride and fighting spirit. Then you remember his woeful inability to instil any of that fighting attitude into the team and you think 'please be quiet and just go...'
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    still on i take it ?
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    Will someone throw a rotten egg from me, please :-(

    Only kidding....
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    [cite]Posted By: Weegie Addick[/cite]Will someone throw a rotten egg from me, please :-(

    Only kidding....

    a golf ball then? ;-)
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    It’s confirmed. Alan Pardew will be speaking to Charlton Fans tomorrow night at Bexley Sports and Social Club (DA2 7GA).

    Whatever side of the fence you sit on, you will agree that it shows he’s not afraid to face his sternest critics, the fans. To me that says a lot about his character and who he really is.

    So if you are coming tomorrow night, take the opportunity to have your say but please respect the man for having guts to face the fans at this time.
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    I'm really hoping to be able to go and if I do I'm going to give him a fair crack of the whip and listen to what he has to say. Not to say I'm gonna let him off scott free though. Some tough questions need answering. Just hope, especially with Steve Rider in the Chair, that it doesn't turn into a Pards love-in.
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    Can someone ask him these questions if you get a chance, please:

    1. Why have we failed to win two games back-to-back in almost a year?

    2. Why after signing 32 players (loanees and permanent) , have you still not got a team and are trying to bring in two more loanees before Sat?

    3. Phil Brown took over at Hull the same week you and Parkinson took over at Charlton. At the time they were a division below us. They are now 36 places above us. How do you account for that?

    4. If the board had access to a crystal ball in Dec 2006 and could have seen that by Nov 2008 we would be in the drop zone of the championship, do you think they would have still appointed you ?

    5. You've had almost two years. How much longer do you think it will take before the fans see a team they can be proud of again?

    6. Do you accept that we are currently a club in crisis?

    Finally, one of those multiple-choice questions.

    Taking into account your answer to question four above, which of the following statements do you think best describes your performance at Charlton:

    a) Faultless

    b) Good

    c) Mediocre

    d) Piss poor

    e) Capital offence
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    edited November 2008
    Nigel, no one is going to ask those questions and AP won't answer them. You can tell you used to be a journo : - )
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    is there any chance someone could film it or tape the session and put it on here for those of us who cant go?
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    ''no one is going to ask those questions and AP won't answer them ''...

    in that case all this talk of how "brave" he is in facing the fans is a lot of hot air !

    I admit the multple choice was playing to the gallery. but all the others are valid questions to which we deserrve answers...
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    Have to say, I'm stunned that he's going to attend. Talk about Christians & the Colleseum. He's gonna get absolutely slaughtered. I do admire him for facing up to the fans but I still want him out.
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    Nigel, no one is going to ask those questions and AP won't answer them. You can tell you used to be a journo : - )

    In that case there is little point going ............
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    I wouldn't be surprised if a few tabloid journos didn't try to sneak in. Might not be a bad thing, if they are the only ones with the courage to ask the questions we all want answered...
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    Henry, why wouldnt anyone ask those questions?

    If questions along those lines are asked and shot down by the host then there are going to be some very pissed off people in attendance in my opinion.
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    [cite]Posted By: nigel w[/cite]''no one is going to ask those questions and AP won't answer them ''...

    in that case all this talk of how "brave" he is in facing the fans is a lot of hot air !

    I admit the multple choice was playing to the gallery. but all the others are valid questions to which we deserrve answers...

    Q4. is a question for the board not him.

    Q3 is about another club

    Q5 is so loaded and Q6 is a leading question

    Q1 and 2, yeah fair enough
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    Is he going to get ''slaughtered'' as Stop Shouting thinks?

    Or, as Henry suggests, is nobody going to ask him anything probing and if by chance they do, he won't answer anyway ?

    I don't want him to be ''slaughtered''. I want him to be given a full and fair opportunity to explain his failure. Bbut I'd also hope for some Paxman/Humphreys type rigour in the questioning (but without the rudeness and constant interrupting) ...
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    It is a question and answer meeting.

    People can ask whatever they like, as long as it isn't asked in an insulting manner.

    If he doesn't feel he is going to get asked direct questions that might not be to his liking, then he is incredibly naive.

    Otherwise, there is zero point in having the meeting.
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    Good on him.
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    I intend to ask questions along the lines of 'We have not won two games back to back for nearly twelve months and have won nine games out of our last forty one. How do you propose to turn this around?'. 'Alan, I sat through nearly 80 minutes of total dross at Ipswich last Tuesday before we had a shot on goal. I was bored senseless. You stated afterwards theat you were happy with the performance. How do you propose we win games if it's not through attacking the opponants goal?'.
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    He is probably reading this as we write and preparing his answers...

    Just thought of another one:

    Can someone ask for his resignation, please?
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    anyone here going whose got a pair and will ask some tough questions or will it be the rose tinted sympathy brigade.... i can't go due to work committments
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    Are you going AFKA and will you be standing up to tell him you started the pardew out petition?
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    good on ya large
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