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on the palace website



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    [cite]Posted By: budgie[/cite]Don't really use the Holmesdale site, it's one for the younger ones I think, but I must admit there are several on the bbs, where the 'clowns' reference is becoming a little overdone.

    Well i really didn't expect to see you admitting that clown shizer is over done - You sure your all palace mate?

    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]The Holmesdale were at least good enough to put our charity bet to their members, which was then readily accepted.

    The BBS had earlier deleted it off their site within seconds, and after much tooing and froing between me and their admin people, decided that they didn't want their site to be associated with it. Quite pathetically in my view.

    even though it was for a charity of the winners choice? B******s
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    Come on Dan, in 2000 when we were in administration, and the 'we'll never play you again' was sung, of course it hurt, we were in danger of going bust, and if you didn't think it would hurt, you wouldn't have sung it. Administration isn't a nice place to be, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. As for the game at the Valley, when 'Charlton' relegated us, the celebrations seen were reminicent of Liverpool winning the Champions League, or England winning the World cup, not one London side beating another in a league game.

    The agent Dowie/Hudson business is just harmless banter designed to wind people up, and judging by your withdrawl from the bbs, it seems to have worked, when Charlton were lording it over us, either in a higher division, or higher in the league, you were a regular visitor to the bbs to remind us all, now that Palace are in a healthier league (not neccesarily financial) position, you aren't able to visit any more because of your work commitments. Addickted is still a regular visitor, and apart from a moronic minority, is welcomed there.
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    [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: budgie[/cite]Don't really use the Holmesdale site, it's one for the younger ones I think, but I must admit there are several on the bbs, where the 'clowns' reference is becoming a little overdone.

    Well i really didn't expect to see you admitting that clown shizer is over done - You sure your all palace mate?

    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]The Holmesdale were at least good enough to put our charity bet to their members, which was then readily accepted.

    The BBS had earlier deleted it off their site within seconds, and after much tooing and froing between me and their admin people, decided that they didn't want their site to be associated with it. Quite pathetically in my view.

    even though it was for a charity of the winners choice? B******s

    The clowns bit is definately overdone, as is the Palarse bit on here, but it's all meant as jest usually.

    As for the charity bet, I think the reason they gave, was they wouldn't have had control of who pledged, and that getting the money may cause problems.
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    edited March 2009
    [cite]Posted By: budgie[/cite]Come on Dan, in 2000 when we were in administration, and the 'we'll never play you again' was sung, of course it hurt, we were in danger of going bust, and if you didn't think it would hurt, you wouldn't have sung it. Administration isn't a nice place to be, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. As for the game at the Valley, when 'Charlton' relegated us, the celebrations seen were reminicent of Liverpool winning the Champions League, or England winning the World cup, not one London side beating another in a league game.

    The agent Dowie/Hudson business is just harmless banter designed to wind people up, and judging by your withdrawl from the bbs, it seems to have worked, when Charlton were lording it over us, either in a higher division, or higher in the league, you were a regular visitor to the bbs to remind us all, now that Palace are in a healthier league (not neccesarily financial) position, you aren't able to visit any more because of your work commitments. Addickted is still a regular visitor, and apart from a moronic minority, is welcomed there.

    Agreed. It was designed to hurt and did....And still does from the looks of it. However it was close to 10yrs ago. Get over it and stop being so precious. It doesn't actually mean we wanted you to go out of business.....

    The reaction was simple. We'd relegated you and, just like "We'll never play you again" we wanted to rub your noses in it.....Simple as. Again you need to stop feeling so aggrieved. But its the source of why you've taken it so personally that I've addressed (and you've avoided).

    Come May this year you're very likely to be playing in league above us. Will that bother me? No. Will it bother me that we were relegated? Yes. The vast majority of Palace fans have positively revelled in the fact that you had league position bragging rights over us for 15 mths for the first time in what 13/14 yrs? Now if that isnt an inferioty complex I don’t know what is.

    It really doesn't wind me up personally. I actually find it more amusing that you're clinging to some thread-bare association to feel like what goes around has indeed come around.

    And my absence has nothing to do with our relative positions (you should have realised that I'm a self-confessed wind-up merchant and therefore "saving face" is not something I'm that bothered about), because there is still plenty of ammo to had when it comes to Charlton / Palace.

    In fact if it weren't for my pesky IT dept putting a ban on all web chat sites then I'd still be there (not too sure why the software doesn't pick up CL as a web chat site). If I wanted to I could post from home I suppose, but Ive never taken scoring points on a MB seriously enough to actually spend my own (non-work) time posting on a MB. I simply use it as a disctraction from the working day.

    Some of your number should, just like the activities of 2000 and of 2005, really stop taking the whole thing quite so seriously. Its really quite pathetic.
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    [cite]Posted By: budgie[/cite] not one London side beating another in a league game.

    It was a draw ;-)
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    [cite]Posted By: Addickted[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: budgie[/cite]not one London side beating another in a league game.

    It was a draw ;-)
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    In 2000 I was chanting, we'll never play here again. Was anyone else chanting that?!
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    we are not better to be fair
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    mind you the idiot putting his pic on here must be looking for a slap
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    [cite]Posted By: Addickted[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: budgie[/cite]not one London side beating another in a league game.

    It was a draw ;-)

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    Thing is Budgie most Charlton fans couldn`t have given a flying fcuk about Palace until you happily tried to bleed us to death when we were your guests at SP. For that we despise you as a club.
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    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Thing is Budgie most Charlton fans couldn`t have given a flying fcuk about Palace until you happily tried to bleed us to death when we were your guests at SP. For that we despise you as a club.


    The only person to gain out of Charlton's temporary time at Palace was Ron Noades.

    Charlton didn't enjoy there time at Selhurst, and the Palace fan's certainly didn't enjoy sharing the ground with them.

    The whole time Palace shared Ron's ground with Charlton and Wimbledon, we were continually reminded by all opposition fans that we didn't have our own ground, to which I'm sure I'll be reminded we still don't own our own ground.

    Dan, earlier commented about Palace fans having a chip on there shoulders, surely it can be reversed the other way, by saying Charlton fans having the chip about your time at Palace.
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    It was Palace ! Fact
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    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Thing is Budgie most Charlton fans couldn`t have given a flying fcuk about Palace until you happily tried to bleed us to death when we were your guests at SP. For that we despise you as a club.
    ...and where would we be now if our board hadn't agreed to the offer from Palace??? Honestly some of us have short term memories...and it's hypochritical at best when were acussing Palace fans of hanging on to thing too long when we're holding on to things far longer then them....anyone suggesting as much is asking for trouble...but maybe we're in aposition that we're desperate to do so now baring in mind our position to those we're franticly trying to bait..
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    Its not about the fact we had to groundshare although that was bad enouh. Its the fact that Palace / Noades tried to bleed us of every penny he could. Will I remember for a long time..........erm yeah actually.
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    [cite]Posted By: Ballbuster[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Thing is Budgie most Charlton fans couldn`t have given a flying fcuk about Palace until you happily tried to bleed us to death when we were your guests at SP. For that we despise you as a club.
    ...and where would we be now if our board hadn't agreed to the offer from Palace??? Honestly some of us have short term memories...and it's hypochritical at best when were acussing Palace fans of hanging on to thing too long when we're holding on to things far longer then them....anyone suggesting as much is asking for trouble...but maybe we're in aposition that we're desperate to do so now baring in mind our position to those we're franticly trying to bait..

    Did you go in the Selhurst Park days BB?
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    Ues...and the West Ham days.

    All I'm saying is that you can't expect to give grief and then not take it without accepting the reasoning. As I said earlier...I know many many Palace fans that couldn't care less about us and infact would like us to stay up...the fans that this thread is based on are those who know nothing more than us being in the Prem and are all ' glory boys' for want of a better phrase. Both sides have had their ups and downs but I know that Palace have a far greater hatred for Brighton then they do us.

    Millwall hate us with a passion so why do we not have such an issue with them? Seems strange to me that we bleat on about it to such an extent that we force them to say they're not bothered about us...and then have the cheek to wind them up about it. When you look at it...we're quite sad and it says far more about us then it does anyone else.

    We're all but down now...but all we can do is post crap like this about what another side say's on it's board...and then refuse to even contemplate why that may be.

    If we put as much effort in to supporting the team when things go bad we'd be far better off....
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    Thing is BB with Millwall its a healthy local rivalry based on football. With Palace I hate them for what their chairman tried to do to us.
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    ballbuster i mean why are you pretending to be a charlton fan you're clearly a palace fan now go away and pester brighton ... i mean ffs get a life
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    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Thing is BB with Millwall its a healthy local rivalry based on football. With Palace I hate them for what their chairman tried to do to us.
    If you knew anything about it, you'd know that our Chairman/board were just as culpable. As I said....were would we be now if they hadn't offered us that olive branch.

    That's why baseless statements like that hold no water Guru...and why it makes us look so desperate!
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    As the song goes "If you know your history" I suggest you look up yours BB. (History I mean) ;0)
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    If I was of the mentality to twist things to suit myself and lay blame elewhere in order to 'fit in' with the masses...I might have some sympathy Guru...but I'm more than intelligent enough to make my own mind up as to what really went on; as well as having had dealings when it happened with those that steered us at the time. So you follow like a sheep, stick your head in the sand and forever ignore the part our board played in the matter. Ignorance as they say is bliss xx
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    I have changed my mind BB.........Look up yours !
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    Great read this league one fans seem to have a bit of a chip on your shoulder......... ;-)
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    [cite]Posted By: son of selhurst[/cite]Great read this league one fans seem to have a bit of a chip on your shoulder......... ;-)

    And you have a sack of spuds on yours.
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    [cite]Posted By: son of selhurst[/cite]Great read this league one fans seem to have a bit of a chip on your shoulder......... ;-)

    We'll be back SOS just you wait ;o0
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    [cite]Posted By: son of selhurst[/cite]Great read this league one fans seem to have a bit of a chip on your shoulder......... ;-)

    Yeh but we're more GROUNDED than you:-)
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    Sos is a fine chap (for a Palace fan anyway!)
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Ballbuster..and where would we be now if our board hadn't agreed to the offer from Palace??? .[/quote]

    There's the rub though BB, where WOULD we be? Do you KNOW, cos I don't?
    The implication of your words is that we would have been screwed and the view of most Palace fans, including Jordan, that they "gave them a home when they were bankrupt" is ingrained.

    We do we know?:-
    That Friar and Sunley had saved us from bankruptcy in '84.
    That Greenwich council forced the closure of the east terrace pending improvements we couldn't afford.
    That Gliksten wanted part of the land for redevelopment.

    Clearly that placed Friar between a rock and a hard place.
    But those were days when the relationship between board and fans was distant if not non-existant.
    We were presented with groundshare as a fait accompli.

    I've always wanted to know:-
    What was the exact position of the club and it's prospects going forward?
    What other options were out there?
    Were any other options considered?
    Did we really need too rush into it?

    I know our own board were just as culpable.
    But until I know the whole story, I'll continue to direct a little bitterness and resentment towards Palace for the way they bled us during that time and the arrogance of Noades with his plan to swallow up Charlton to create "the arsenal of south London".

    I don't want to overstate this, it's not life, but let's just say I was more than happy to"celebrate like we won the champions league" when we sent them down.
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    Fact of the matter is South East London cant support two successful clubs at the same time.

    In relation to the other thread about who is in better shape it seems to me there is only once sensible long term outcome and that is for the 2 clubs to merge.

    Charltons infrastructure of The Valley and Sparrows Lane coupled with its superior Board should be merged with the currently high profile Team Manager of Neil Warnock and his quality squad. Obviously some changes would need to happen including a name change to Crystal Athletic. Sainsburys could be sold and converted into a Disney waterpark. Which is pretty much what it is anyway.

    But in recognition of the additional journey times for ex palace fans we could introduce Tram Express. Perhaps the old Woolwich Tramshed could be transformed for the purpose of recycling fans in safety.

    I appreciate I am perhaps a few years ahead of many of you but you will see the wisdom of my thinking.
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