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The defining moment you knew we were feck'd



  • If those other clubs lost 15 points we'd probably still go down. We'd still need to go for it, Parkinson would play for 0-0's, he can't change. The Doncaster game summed it up - with two home games in a week, a glimmer of hope after some heartening away results, we play one up front and get nowhere. I don't think I've ever felt so fed up at a game, by the middle of the second half I just wanted to go home, which is something I've never felt at a game before. After that it was another display of comic cuts defending vs Watford and that was it basically.
  • [cite]Posted By: MrOneLung[/cite]Is the first one, when Curbishley walked out on us?

    yeah, hus guard of honour you can see the look in his face, i shed a tear not shamed in that.
  • sale of Reidy I felt at the time was a huge blunder and if anything I think that even more now.

    In the strict terms of the question it has to be losing to Doncaster.
  • Dowie's body language at the now infamous press conference, those twitchy eyes never stopped looking around. Looked like he was on the run. Come to think of it he was, from Tango Man.
  • [cite]Posted By: Big William[/cite]If those other clubs lost 15 points we'd probably still go down. We'd still need to go for it, Parkinson would play for 0-0's, he can't change.

    Down the players we have, or in fact the players we don't have. We're seriously lacking up front and have some decent CMs. Parkinson will still be here next season and I think he'll go back to 4-4-2 if we get some decent strikers in.
  • this season............Derby at home. 3 points there and we would have still been in the mix. Last second goals are what sends teams down.

    since relegation from the Prem..............the selling of Andy Reid. Absolutly scandalous that any clu can sell heir best player 2 minutes before transfer dwadline and not replace them. Actually may be the No 1 reason why we will be relegated at Easter, although the managemendid have the summer to bring in recruits.

    overall..........the appoinment of Dowie.
  • could go back to reid, but still thought we'd hold our own.
    since the end of last season, alarm bells started ringing when we sold iwelomu and didn't replace, as i couldn't see where the goals would come from.
    'evacuate the building' time was selling bougherra, as i couldn't see us stopping the oppo scoring.
  • About 2 minutes after this....
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]About 2 minutes after this....


    Does anybody know what pub that was in - I have always wondered about a pub to go and watch televised away games where there might be a half decent charlton fans atmos(and also that show arabian tele or whatever that was on)?
  • I don't think we'll have to worry about finding pubs with arab feeds again for a couple of years at least now !
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  • 15 mins before the start of the Athletico Bilbao friendly, I saw our 'squad' warming up and I couldn't believe the state of it.

    Ironically, AFKA walked in front of me and we had a chat and I think I said to him at the time about what a shambles and a mess we were in and that were going to be in trouble. . . . .

    Another depressing point was when I saw Fleetwood at Ebsfleet. Here was a high scoring non-leaguer I was looking forward to seeing after us trying so hard to get him.

    Not knowing what he looked like, was expecting a player with a bit of ummph or just a player that might deliver something for us.

    Nothing against him but he was not what I expected at all, for all the hype but my heart literally sank and I thought instantly that he wouldn't be able to cut it in the Championship and we were really in the shit up front. He just didn't appear to have either the pace or physicality needed at all and who were our scouts if he was all they could come up with.
  • When our skipper decided to announce that the team would start putting maximum effort in just 7 games from the end of the season.
  • About 2 minutes after this....

    That was Everton away two years ago, I'm in there somewhere, I was very drunk...
  • well, I guess the way we sunk to the bottom of the table like a stone with absolutely no sign of a revival at any point during/after the 18 game winless streak made me think we had little chance of survival.

    And then once I saw every week that our goals are always scored by midfielders, it confirmed to me that we can't possibly stay up with non-goalscoring strikers. The seriously leaky defence doesn't help either........
  • This season, Derby was a choker but I still had optimistic thoughts up until Doncaster at home. Terrible night and got absolutely soaked on the way home. Up until then I feared the worst - but after that I knew the game was up.

    A truly shambolic mess of a season that can't end soon enough.
  • For me it was the Derby game
  • Had a bad feeling after Mpenza's goal at Plymouth but Coventry at home told me all I needed to know (was away for Barnsley and Sheff U).
  • No thinking about it.....Fulham's last minute equaliser in Pardew's first game.
  • edited April 2009
    Dowie's first press conference, when he was unveiled as our new manager.
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  • A few home games ago. Can't remember which one. Parkinson and the management team had obviously decided on a high tempo game and to this end elected to use the multi ball option which I believe the home team has the right to do. Unfortunately, it seems that they only told the ball boys about 5 minutes before the start of the game! As a result the referee had to keep stopping the game because there were two balls on the pitch and after 10 minutes instructed the fourth official to stop the use of the multi ball option and a member of the charlton back room staff had to walk around the pitch and collect all the spare balls from the ball boys. Summed up the inept coaching and planning that we have suffered from since xmas!
  • First post. Hello all.

    Sacking Les Reed following the traditional vote of confidence. Right to sack him of course but showed the Board was in a state of panic and didn't really know what they were doing. For ten-plus years previously I thought they were a cut above and the secret of our success.

    Didn't think then that it would come to this however.
  • Well it's been a long slow spiral downward starting with(on the playing and managerial side that is) the departure of Parker,Curbs,and then Andy Reid.
    This season for me it was the 1-2 loss to Doncaster, never felt so low or dismal about The Addicks as on my way home from The Valley that evening....the darkest and most depressing moment in all my 50+ years of being an Addick....reality kicked in, until then there had been some hope, albeit a mere glimmer, but the way we capitulated that evening was truly appaling.
  • Last year when John Lucas on Charlton Live told me Pards was safe, and that 'we were too good to go down and safe.'.... What was that about putting your house on it John!

    Last season, when Andy Reid Left......... When Peter Varney left........

    Before that, when curbs left, and there was no one ready to take over....... etc, etc..........
    edited April 2009
    [cite]Posted By: ken from bexley[/cite]Last year when John Lucas on Charlton Live told me Pards was safe, and that 'we were too good to go down and safe.'.... What was that about putting your house on it John!

    Don't know who John Lucas is?

    I Know Jon Lucas though ;-)

    Ken, who knows what would have happened if he had stayed?
  • Sorry about the name correction, only spoken to him on the radio... where I was born in Charlton you were called John,

    I think I know where we would be if Curbs had stayed, and it would not be where we are heading!........

    My point though was that there was a number of reasons, and not that Curbs left but that we had no one ready to replace him when he departed, after all Curbs was never going to stay forever, fact of football if not life....
  • Agree with you on that Ken.
  • Blackpool and Norwich away in Dec 2007 for me.
  • When we splashed 2.5m on Marcus Bent having lost Murphy and Smertin..

    Although maybe Ken is right. I was shocked to find there was no 'accession plan" after Curbs, and there was the ad in 'situations vacant' in the Daily Mail.
  • I think it was clear during that game against Wycombe Wanderers that we were in really deep stuff.

    The sale of Reid was the a critical point that identified the general lack of ambition.
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