Its not the kids fault tho. All parents that think 400 people should have to put up with their screaming kids on a long haul flight shuld be strapped to a chair for 14 hours and have people they have never met scream in their ear at 10 min intervals,knock their chair every 15 mins , and run up the side of them every 20 mins.
people who have to recline their seats on planes,well just because they can.
people behind you on a plane who can't get out of a seat properly and have to yank yours down to help them.not that your own seat is in the way because you've kept it upright anyway because you don't really need to have it reclined just for the sake of it.
Driving ones get my goat.
Why do people NOT drive in bus lanes when they are NOT in force?
The amount of times i have driven down the Old Kent Road at night and you have an army of african taxi drivers determined not to stray to the left. Can they not read? Or do they not know the rules of driving in this country.
Stay to the left unless told to do otherwise.
The final sentance also applies to motorways. It bloody annoys me when people sit in the middle lane, when they are not overtaking anyone.
Fianlly, when a lorry tries to overtake an identical one on a dual carrageway and seems to take forever. This dual usally takes place with vehicles daubed with dust written graffiti about how dirty they wish their wives were.
[cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]low slung jeans are fine. but i dont want to see excrement stained undies also. pull em up to the top of the crack at least
[cite]Posted By: ThreadKiller[/cite]people behind you on a plane who can't get out of a seat properly and have to yank yours down to help them.not that your own seat is in the way because you've kept it upright anyway because you don't really need to have it reclined just for the sake of it.
[cite]Posted By: ThreadKiller[/cite]
people behind you on a plane who can't get out of a seat properly and have to yank yours down to help them.not that your own seat is in the way because you've kept it upright anyway because you don't really need to have it reclined just for the sake of it.
These people should be shot in the face and ejected at 20,000 feet.
I put one of these on my car recently, essentially its to explain to the long queue of traffic behind me why I am driving like a 'pussy' at 2mph over speed bumps - so as not to wake my 4 week old son in the back.
I had a kid behind me once on a very full long haul flight constantly kicking my chair, when i referred to his parent she said - no one forced you to sit there...
[cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]Oh yes also Kids on Planes
I had a kid behind me once on a very full long haul flight constantly kicking my chair, when i referred to his parent she said - no one forced you to sit there...
A lot of people will be up in arms about this, but when you go on holiday during term time and the place is full of school age kids.
Despite being a childless grouch, I'm more than happy that a not inconsiderable chunk of my not inconsiderable taxes goes into funding the education of other people's kids. However, I think it's disrespectful to all those that contribute to take them out, it's a bad example to the kids and potentially costs them in later life. I appreciate it's frustrating that it's so expensive to travel in holiday time, but this falls under the category of sacrafices that you make. Their education>>>your suntan.
As a wild generalisation, those that I see tend to be most in need of the teaching, too.
A similar point about little kids on long haul. They hate it. 13 hours when you're a bairn is a life sentence and they'd generally rather not be away from their home, friends and family.
[cite]Posted By: Wilma[/cite]
Men on trains listening to their high-priced music players through cheap rubbish headphones
Oh yeah. Basically if anyone else can hear what you're listening to, your 'phones are sh1te.
May I add groups of kids listening to music on MP3 phones out of a horrible tinny little speaker that sounds worse than the £10 transistor I had 30 years ago. Except the music being played is much, much worse.
I just hate people. Generally, not a hour goes by when I haven't seen someone being a complete idiot.
Earlier in the week was sat on a four seater on the train next to the window. Woman sits next to me and puts her bags on the seat opposite me. Bloke gets on next and sits opposite her, then when another bloke goes to sit down, it looks like the bags are either mine or the other blokes. What are you thinking, you stupid woman and why are you carrier bags on the seat anyway?!?!?! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!
Particularly hate slow walkers who keep stopping to look in shop windows (get out of my way) or who get in front of you and then slow down.
And the bloke who sits behind me in the NW Quad with his posh son and his posh mate. Constantly talking about crap in my ear and when the ball goes anywhere near the goal, they start shouting 'welly it in'.... Just go away mate.
[cite]Posted By: Blinkant[/cite]Earlier in the week was sat on a four seater on the train next to the window. Woman sits next to me and puts her bags on the seat opposite me. Bloke gets on next and sits opposite her, then when another bloke goes to sit down, it looks like the bags are either mine or the other blokes. What are you thinking, you stupid woman and why are you carrier bags on the seat anyway?!?!?! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!
This kind of thing gets me spitting feathers.
People who sit on the outside of set of seats despite being in the sure and certain knowledge that the train will be busy. Now it could be argued that it's a minor thing, but it shows a singular selfishness that means this person will probably end up killing someone. In cold blood.
People who sit on the outside of set of seats despite being in the sure and certain knowledge that the train will be busy. Now it could be argued that it's a minor thing, but it shows a singular selfishness that means this person will probably end up killing someone. In cold blood.
I always sit on the outside seat, makes it easy to get my bag from off the luggage rack and get off the train at London Bridge. It is possible that I will one day kill someone in cold blood though - probably a man sitting next to me reading the paper at full stretch with his legs a mile apart and listening to music through rubbish headphones :-)
But then again everyone has different opinions about everything.
I wouldnt wear anything else apart from low slung jeans ...
people behind you on a plane who can't get out of a seat properly and have to yank yours down to help them.not that your own seat is in the way because you've kept it upright anyway because you don't really need to have it reclined just for the sake of it.
Why do people NOT drive in bus lanes when they are NOT in force?
The amount of times i have driven down the Old Kent Road at night and you have an army of african taxi drivers determined not to stray to the left. Can they not read? Or do they not know the rules of driving in this country.
Stay to the left unless told to do otherwise.
The final sentance also applies to motorways. It bloody annoys me when people sit in the middle lane, when they are not overtaking anyone.
Fianlly, when a lorry tries to overtake an identical one on a dual carrageway and seems to take forever. This dual usally takes place with vehicles daubed with dust written graffiti about how dirty they wish their wives were.
You dont have to live with him!
Yeah, that's the one that really pisses me off!
No, it should be in the cargo hold.
I put one of these on my car recently, essentially its to explain to the long queue of traffic behind me why I am driving like a 'pussy' at 2mph over speed bumps - so as not to wake my 4 week old son in the back.
I had a kid behind me once on a very full long haul flight constantly kicking my chair, when i referred to his parent she said - no one forced you to sit there...
Despite being a childless grouch, I'm more than happy that a not inconsiderable chunk of my not inconsiderable taxes goes into funding the education of other people's kids. However, I think it's disrespectful to all those that contribute to take them out, it's a bad example to the kids and potentially costs them in later life. I appreciate it's frustrating that it's so expensive to travel in holiday time, but this falls under the category of sacrafices that you make. Their education>>>your suntan.
As a wild generalisation, those that I see tend to be most in need of the teaching, too.
A similar point about little kids on long haul. They hate it. 13 hours when you're a bairn is a life sentence and they'd generally rather not be away from their home, friends and family.
*Awaits parental ire*
Men on trains thinking their balls are so big that they have to sit with their legs as far apart as possible
Men on trains putting dripping wet umbrellas on the rack above the seats and letting it drip down on whoever is sitting underneath
Men on trains listening to their high-priced music players through cheap rubbish headphones
Men moaning about women wearing trainers to work
Sexist stereotyping ;-)
What happens when they go out of fashion?
May I add groups of kids listening to music on MP3 phones out of a horrible tinny little speaker that sounds worse than the £10 transistor I had 30 years ago. Except the music being played is much, much worse.
Earlier in the week was sat on a four seater on the train next to the window. Woman sits next to me and puts her bags on the seat opposite me. Bloke gets on next and sits opposite her, then when another bloke goes to sit down, it looks like the bags are either mine or the other blokes. What are you thinking, you stupid woman and why are you carrier bags on the seat anyway?!?!?! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!
Particularly hate slow walkers who keep stopping to look in shop windows (get out of my way) or who get in front of you and then slow down.
And the bloke who sits behind me in the NW Quad with his posh son and his posh mate. Constantly talking about crap in my ear and when the ball goes anywhere near the goal, they start shouting 'welly it in'.... Just go away mate.
I have found a kindred soul
i'll third that
I joined a Misanthropic Society meeting, but found I hated everyone there.
People who sit on the outside of set of seats despite being in the sure and certain knowledge that the train will be busy. Now it could be argued that it's a minor thing, but it shows a singular selfishness that means this person will probably end up killing someone. In cold blood.
Will be along time ... I may then be as old as some of yoooos, so will wear Simon Cowell pull ups
Women that put their feet on the seats.
Women who put there bags on seats