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O/S statement



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    I reckon it has taken 5 days as both (potentially) outgoing and incoming Boards would have had to agree the contents of the statement and ensure it was worded to give us enough to understand the landscape, but equally blur the details.

    However, reading between the lines, it may well be that the football club may be bought, but that possibly one or more current directors could be staying on and not cashing in on their shares. That would be a sensible reason as to why it is taking so long. The purchase may be full, but only some of the directors being bought out, which makes for a more protracted negotiation.

    This was worth the wait, the clearest statement possible at this time and some renewed hope that the club will not be facing A any time soon and we may still not see the full on player sales, some if not all of us fear (unless we receive silly money bids).
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    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: J BLOCK joe[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]On reflection...I think this is the statement that they should have put out when the Q&A evening was cancelled.
    You can't say that because you don't no if their was a bid on the table then or if their was more than one partie interested.

    If there was no bid on the table then why the NDA to keep schtumn?

    We all knew that a bid was imminent and some confirmation at that point would have gone down better than a vague PR concerning legal advice recommending that the meeting be cancelled.

    Couldnt it be possible even in your pessimistic world that the release couldnt have come out until now and the Q&A actually was cancelled on legal advice?
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]If we take the MoS story at face value an offer hadn't been made at that time.

    i am just still disappointed that they cancelled the fans forum meeting 10 days ago under legal advice.
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    [cite]Posted By: Pavo[/cite]I reckon it has taken 5 days as both (potentially) outgoing and incoming Boards would have had to agree the contents of the statement and ensure it was worded to give us enough to understand the landscape, but equally blur the details.

    However, reading between the lines, it may well be that the football club may be bought, but that possibly one or more current directors could be staying on and not cashing in on their shares. That would be a sensible reason as to why it is taking so long. The purchase may be full, but only some of the directors being bought out, which makes for a more protracted negotiation.

    This was worth the wait, the clearest statement possible at this time and some renewed hope that the club will not be facing A any time soon and we may still not see the full on player sales, some if not all of us fear (unless we receive silly money bids).

    Can you really say that from the sentences the club has given us?
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    I think the main point they hadn't covered was the £40m debt. Luckily AFKA got round that already....
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    Maybe not just from the sentences, but my view of it anyway.
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    Glad an official statement has been made and there is something going on,

    but slightly disappointed by the content, or lack of it. Was hoping for some more details but if its not gone through yet its not gone through yet hopefully will be tied up in the next 7 days.
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    Couldnt it be possible even in your pessimistic world that the release couldnt have come out until now and the Q&A actually was cancelled on legal advice?


    Tell me then, what sort advice do you think would recommend cancelling a meeting when evidently excepting yourself we all knew that news on a T/O was imminent? Of course there is the possibility that it the canning of the meeting was totally unconnected with the takeover, but wI don't think anyone is that gullible to believe that. In my opinion the Board should have treated us like adults and issued this statement (or something similar) instead of a vague statement about legal advice and offering no further details, which naturally set off several days of rumour and much unfounded and negative speculation. This makes them in my opinion look like they are at best reacting to events and at worst as though they are making things up as they go along.

    As for me being a pessimist...have you met oohahhmortimer? You are really going to love him...
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    [cite]Posted By: Brunello[/cite]Couldnt it be possible even in your pessimistic world that the release couldnt have come out until now and the Q&A actually was cancelled on legal advice?

    but 24 hours earlier they were chatting merrily to the press?

    south london press
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    was it tosh? Knew it the wailers but I stand corrected.
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    Thank you AFKA and Dave for your efforts in securing a statement from the club. It is to be hoped ongoing interaction will not need to be quite so arduous.

    The statement reflects comments made to AFKA via the Chappell telephone call. I am intrigued it has taken days to finalise the statement but as other have stated it is possible the board needed formal acceptance of any proposals from other parties. Our ability to operate as a football club is governed by company law and stringent FA regulations and many a “sign in’ may have been needed.

    That said I agree with BFR, the release of a comparable if more general statement would have appropriate at the time of the Q&A cancellation. NDAs are not normally complicated legal documents, and are not so restrictive as to prevent a business from communicating its daily business to its clients.

    I welcome the statement to me it says quite a lot but its detail does raise concerns. AFKA recounting his dialogue with Mr. Chappell alluded to “whether his assurances were in the best interest of the company or the club”. My reaction was to not read too much into it feeling in this context they were probably one and the same

    The statement also refers to “interests of Charlton Athletic plc and the football club” as if to reinforce separate identities. At what point do their interests no longer coincide?

    The statement includes “acquisition of some of the assets and liabilities of Charlton Athletic plc” i.e. division of the company’s current assets & liabilities. That sounds very detailed and potentially messy - the more elements to the deal, the more negotiation, the more points of breakdown.

    Hopefully much of the groundwork has been done & dusted but we may have a little way to go yet.

    Grapevine 49
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    me thinks the SLP rehashed some quotes
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    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]Couldnt it be possible even in your pessimistic world that the release couldnt have come out until now and the Q&A actually was cancelled on legal advice?


    Tell me then, what sort advice do you think would recommend cancelling a meeting when evidently excepting yourself we all knew that news on a T/O was imminent? Of course there is the possibility that it the canning of the meeting was totally unconnected with the takeover, but wI don't think anyone is that gullible to believe that. In my opinion the Board should have treated us like adults and issued this statement (or something similar) instead of a vague statement about legal advice and offering no further details, which naturally set off several days of rumour and much unfounded and negative speculation. This makes them in my opinion look like they are at best reacting to events and at worst as though they are making things up as they go along.

    As for me being a pessimist...have you met oohahhmortimer? You are really going to love him...

    Perhaps I was the only one who didnt know about the takeover or perhaps I didnt pretend I did like everyone else. Has it ever occurred to you that the board may have been trying to treat you like adults by arranging the meeting only to have that thwarted by bureaucrats? Perhaps the news today was as a result of the board making a stand against the censorship of the potential buyers. Its all maybes and maybe neither you nor I will ever know.

    Anyway off to drink a fine Bordeaux now.
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    [cite]Posted By: ThreadKiller[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Brunello[/cite]Couldnt it be possible even in your pessimistic world that the release couldnt have come out until now and the Q&A actually was cancelled on legal advice?

    but 24 hours earlier they were chatting merrily to the press?

    south london press

    But that is dated the 6th July?
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    edited July 2009
    Maybe those reponsible were doing other things to keep the business running rather than sitting twiddling their thumbs for 4 days. Pehaps they were all giggling reading this thread with you all having kittens whilst they decided to leave it as long as possible to release their statement just for fun?
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    From a news perspective, the only thing we didn't know was that the potential buyout is ongoing.
    The original deadline was going to be last Friday, but it appears they are still talking, negotiating, whatever ... which is a good thing.

    For such a basic, simple statement, they could have made it at anytime.

    I prefer they spend their time and effort on the negotiations, even if it leaves supporters hanging for every little tidbit of news.
    But this statement could have been written during a tea break, and in no way affects the ongoing negotiations.
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    [cite]Posted By: American_Addick[/cite]From a news perspective, the only thing we didn't know was that the potential buyout is ongoing.
    The original deadline was going to be last Friday, but it appears they are still talking, negotiating, whatever ... which is a good thing.

    For such a basic, simple statement, they could have made it at anytime.

    I prefer they spend their time and effort on the negotiations, even if it leaves supporters hanging for every little tidbit of news.
    But this statement could have been written during a tea break, and in no way affects the ongoing negotiations.

    Rubbish, we didn't know anything. We only had rumours, the club before today didn't even confirm or deny a takeover was happening so this statement clears a lot of things up.
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    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]and that took five days !! If another more substantial statement is going to be made in September say, they better start it now.

    Maybe they were still 'caught up in the red tape' of the whole legal disclosure malarkey, & now, things have progressed far enough for some information to be released.

    Whatever the reason/delay, we have a little something now. Even if its the very least we should expect, after this rather stonewall resistance of releasing information, by the board.
    I'm happy/relieved to hear some signs of life from our rapidly, declining club. Complaints when we don't get owt, & complaints when we do, gor blimey, relax a bit guv'! ;-)

    Its been a long slow agonising summer, thats for sure! Hopefully, if this all goes through, the 'newly oiled' machinations of the club will kick into gear swiftly, & we can start to feel positive for a change, as we navigate our way into this new season.

    Staying positive, Staying positive, Staying positive! ;-D
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    I think you may underestimate how many people would have been involved in any kind of statement let alone this one which is of high interest and one that will be scrutinised by fans. The more time they spend dealing with fans questions, phonecalls and making statements they are doing less negotiating and running of the club.
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    AA, I've agreed with a lot you have said in the last few weeks, but yours and others posts on this thread have really heightened one thing to me; people have completely lost focus on the big picture.

    With so little crumbs to go on, every single word, output, rumour has been analysed to the nth degree. "We've" got so caught up in the minute details we have completely lost track on what the real important stuff is.

    What is "the real important stuff" ?

    The important stuff is that this club currently has no overdraft, is losing money hand over fist on a daily basis, owes millions, and has probably had the wage bill paid in recent months by under fire senior board people who know they are the very end of what they can throw at this club.

    The important stuff is that after a few false dawns, the birth of a new regime, and new chapter in our club is not a possibility, but appearing to look closer. At the start of this week, the rumour mill suggested that this did not appear the case. If the takeover does not go through, i think most of us are fully aware of the dire consequences that will bring to our club.

    Hopefully, it currently looks likely that will be averted.

    THAT is the important stuff. Not the content of a paragraph, or the timing it is published.

    I think every single one of us needs to take a step back from the intense scrutinisation of the situation, the statements, non-statements, individuals and the (numerous) mistakes the board have and club have made in recent months.

    And just hope and pray that the right conclusion is reached for the future of Charlton Athletic Football Club.
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    agreed AFKA, a lot of focus has been lost by some - modern technology has a habit of leading to that
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    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]
    And just hope and pray that the right conclusion is reached for the future of Charlton Athletic Football Club.

    Amen and once the formal statement is out, we can get back to watching some improved football at the Valley with the feel good factor back.
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    Apart from 2 or 3 good analysis and summary posts, we've had around 80 posters discussing 'maybe' to the nth degree.
    Brunello had the right idea ........ go pour ourselves a drink.

    We'll be told soon enough when it's all done and dusted.
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    edited July 2009
    'would like to inform all supporters and shareholders that it will, as always, act in the best interests of Charlton Athletic plc and the football club.

    Over a period of months, there have been approaches from interested parties. One such approach, an offer for the football club (through an acquisition of some of the assets and liabilities of Charlton Athletic plc), is being progressed'

    forgive me for maybe being dense here but how does an offer for the football club differ from an offer for the Plc ? Could there purchase the football Club and the current Plc stay in place ?
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    AFKA, I agree 100%.

    I think this asset/liability issue is being over complicated. As far as I know there are two main subsidiaries of CAFC PLC, one is CAFC 1984 Ltd (the Football Club), and the other is the company that owns the stadium. Thus to buy the "club", you'd need to purchase the assets - The Valley owning company and the liabilities - CAFC 1984 Ltd. My guess as a non expert on this things is that the PLC will then be liquidated with the sale price divided into equal parts based on the issued share capital and then distributed to the shareholders.
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    Thanks for your most recent comments, AFKA. Indeed, the voice of common sense as usual.

    Warranted or not, I for one will sleep more soundly tonight after today's statement from the Club. I only hope that what's going on ( or not) behind the scenes is having minimal effect on the playing staff as the beginning of the season approaches. This may be the time that we begin to see the character of the current squad - much maligned over the past 12 months, and often rightly so - emerge. Naiively ( as is my wont ! ) I'd like to believe that the players have been given some assurances as to their immediate future with the Club, takeover or not. To leave them in a state of limbo, whilst expecting commitment on the pitch albeit in PSFs, would be foolish to say the least . Those involved on 8th August will know they have much to prove to us & I have a gut feeling that most will step up to the plate when the questions are asked.

    I'm well aware that this is no fairytale and a happy ending is not a foregone conclusion but I AM keeping the faith that the correct decisions will be made by all concerned & that a turnaround in the fortunes of our great Club is just around the corner....

    But I'll keep taking the tablets just in case....
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    Missed this earlier on. Am I any the wiser ? No. Not sure still if I should be happy or worried.
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    Only one logged in plus 5 guests, Call yourself fans ?
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    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]'would like to inform all supporters and shareholders that it will, as always,act in the best interests of Charlton Athletic plc and the football club.

    Over a period of months, there have been approaches from interested parties. One such approach,an offer for the football club(through an acquisition of some of the assets and liabilities of Charlton Athletic plc), is being progressed'

    forgive me for maybe being dense here but how does an offer for the football club differ from an offer for the Plc ? Could there purchase the football Club and the current Plc stay in place ?

    Large old son.....take a pill mate...chill FFS....what will be will be!
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    I'm with AFKABartram on this one.
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