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Of talking in clichés with a silly voice!


  • The only thing not going down, is his voice.
  • yeah, I got that text as well.
  • 6 months for ABH or not as he is a wealthy footballer.
  • TBF there is not many people get put away for having a tear up
  • edited July 2009
    Had a long chat about Gerrard with a mate of mine who knows a few scallies in Southport.

    It's a wonderful story
  • DA9DA9
    edited July 2009
    [cite]Posted By: CAFCBourne[/cite]TBF there is not many people get put away for having a tear up

    ahem, cough, cough
  • tear up??

    more like ganging up and on and assaulting someone who didn't agree with him and getting caught on film doing it.
  • ok some do some dont ;-)
  • he he you watch him 'get off' tho, imagine his OCD with prison soap..
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]tear up??

    more like ganging up and on and assaulting someone who didn't agree with him and getting caught on film doing it.

    i was not calling his a tear up just with the amount of rucks you see each weekend they cannot all be inside
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  • spill the beans riscardo.
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]ok

    So back off otherwise i'll kick your fence down ;-)
  • you see winning arguments by resorting to violence, etc, etc...
  • Accrington Stanley might struggle for players with this and the betting scam...
  • calm down calm down
  • He will get let off.
    Judge has already directed the jury that if they feel he acted in 'self defence' as he is claiming by saying he thought the other bloke was going to hit him, then they have to find him not guilty. Funny how all his mates have pleaded guilty to affray etc.
  • Interesting one. Would have thought pleading guilty to affray, like his mates, at the Magistrates Court would have been the easiest option. Would seem he was as guilty as them. Risky going to Crown Court. Tougher sentence if found guilty as nothing off sentence for owning up. Probably hoping for a 'Ken Dodd'. Any Evertonians on the jury and he is in trouble!
  • yeah I smacked him 3 times with some well aimed upper cuts after my mate elbowed him in the face cos I thought he was going to hit me...
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  • DA9DA9
    edited July 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Chaz Hill[/cite]Interesting one. Would have thought pleading guilty to affray, like his mates, at the Magistrates Court would have been the easiest option. Would seem he was as guilty as them. Risky going to Crown Court. Tougher sentence if found guilty as nothing off sentence for owning up. Probably hoping for a 'Ken Dodd'. Any Evertonians on the jury and he is in trouble!

    All depends, even if you plead guilty at magistrates, they can still refer you to crown court for sentencing if the crime warrants it, or the magistrate deems it needs a stronger sentence, closes the loophole, or all the regular villains would go guilty earlier for the softer sentence options.
  • DA : True but in this case I doubt this would have happened. Magistrates Court can ( I believe ) sentence up to 6 months imprisonment. Can't see Stevie G getting more than this at most. I'm sure it was a 'Ken Dodd' (thinks no Liverpool jury will find him guilty).

    Not sure I'd like to be the DJ fella if SG goes down! Will be no hiding place for him.
  • [cite]Posted By: Chaz Hill[/cite]
    Not sure I'd like to be the DJ fella if SG goes down! Will be no hiding place for him.
    Except for merseyside
  • He can go and live in Manchester - they'd love him there!

    It's an interesting defence, don't you think? Basically it's "I got my retaliation in first".

    I can see my brilliant defence in court - "yes, your honour, I buried the meat cleaver in Mr Pardew's face because he looked like he was about to hit me when I called him a 'totally f***ing incompetent and dishonourable c**t' - anyone would have done the same to protect themselves". I am sure no court in the land would convict me.

    It all comes down to a footballer not being able to comprehend that not everyone will treat them as demi-gods whose every want must be indulged. The effrontery of the man - how dare he thwart the wishes of a superstar? tsk tsk.
  • If the C Block video goes missing I know whose cell they'll be searching...
  • [cite]Posted By: bigstemarra[/cite]It all comes down to a footballer not being able to comprehend that not everyone will treat them as demi-gods whose every want must be indulged. The effrontery of the man - how dare he thwart the wishes of a superstar? tsk tsk.

    Sums it up perfectly. Everything they've ever wanted thrown at them from the age of 10 or under and they still don't appreciate how lucky they are. Gerrard is far from the worst but he has captained England after all so you'd like to think he might be able to conduct himself a little better than the likes of Bowyer, Bellamy, et al.
  • Everyone in football knows the best form of defense is ATTACK!
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]yeah I smacked him 3 times with some well aimed upper cuts after my mate elbowed him in the face cos I thought he was going to hit me...

    Exactly, "oh and there were 5 or 6 of us and one of him, so I felt really really scared!"
  • The fact is most people who did this wouldn't go to prison. So the Judge has two options (if he is found guilty as he should be). Punish him to the full extent of the law, making an example of him, or, like he would in any similar case, give the guy however many hours of community service is the norm.

    Personally, I'd make an example of him, but priding ourselves on being the home of democracy, i'd have morale issues in simply recreating a USSR-esq show trial. If he gets six months would it stop others doing the same, yes it would. You have to weight up the greater good.
  • edited July 2009
    [cite]Posted By: jollyrobin[/cite] If he gets six months would it stop others doing the same, yes it would.

    Yeah, and as from that moment town centres throughout the country would be places of peace and tranquility when the clubs chuck out....
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