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Evening Sub-Standard going free

from 12 October.

Will still be Sh*t though.


  • Bring back the London Paper. I really miss that. Why are we still left with the cack that is the Lite.
  • couldn't tell the difference personally!
  • Henry - it should be policy to refer to the publication in question as the Evening Substandard
  • [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]Henry - it should be policy to refer to the publication in question as the Evening Substandard

  • edited October 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]couldn't tell the difference personally!

    They were both the same for news i.e. very lightweight but i just liked reading the daily columns especially the one written by a member of the public on the ltters page... and being a saddo id check each day whether the previous day's got a more or a bore... i used to guess before checking. Now this is coming across as very sad but you're snooty dismissal of the London paper has irritated me.
  • [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]couldn't tell the difference personally!

    Same here mate
  • edited October 2009
    oh and i knew you would pipe up.
  • I'd like to support Curb_it's view. The London Paper was far superior to the crappy london light.
  • They could pay me 50p a night and I still wouldn't read it. Nasty, snide middle-class Daily Mail-esque rag.

    Wouldn't wipe my arse on it.

    Any Charlton fan who reads it either needs educating or has a short memory.
  • "Leroy Who ?"
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  • Still to expensive
  • Rarely look at them, but might have a quick scan on the tube if someone has left one there - l really couldn't tell you what differences there might have been, both seemed light on news and heavy on celebs - I'm delighted to hear that one of them had some interesting content.
  • Right on Leroy, if it doesn't match the grauniad for 'balance' it is obviously not worth reading. Those free ones were both shiite anyway, full of gossip pages, celeb pics and what a gay man did with his boyfriend the night before, if I wanted to know that I would ask 1905. Cue 'homophobe' rants.
  • I prefer the text in bits in the lite - its like a story watching the comments and then the replies, used to read either depending on what i was handed as the news gumf was the same but read the more or bore bit if i got the lite but often didn't know what the article was the day before!
  • Does Danny Carrier(Sp?) still write for the sub-standard
  • [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]Right on Leroy, if it doesn't match the grauniad for 'balance' it is obviously not worth reading. Those free ones were both shiite anyway, full of gossip pages, celeb pics and what a gay man did with his boyfriend the night before, if I wanted to know that I would ask 1905. Cue 'homophobe' rants.
    Are you seriously - seriously - inferring that The Grauniad is a left-wing paper? That's as much of a middle-Englander rag as The Sub-Standard. There isn't a left-wing paper in this copuntry any more - hasn't been for twelve years. Much like there isn't a left-wing party any more, in fact.

    Irrespective of your politics, I don't see what issue you could possibly have with my comment that the Standard is a dishrag.
  • hate The Evening Gooner, only thing it ever did right was help get rid of the MarxistTWAT Livingston.
  • Leroy, agree it is shit, but to call it a middle class daily mail etc etc exposes your leanings a touch don't you think? Just saying it was shit would have sufficed. Class warrior that you are you just could not resist your natural urges.
  • edited October 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]couldn't tell the difference personally!
    Me too.
  • Grauniad, public service, teacher press, not quite left wing, but still wishes it was
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  • [cite]Posted By: Friend Or Defoe[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]couldn't tell the difference personally!
    Me too.

    Me as well lads
  • The big word on the top of the front page are a clue.

    Occasionally picked one up from a seat on the train to do the sudoku
  • Leroy is right. Its basically the Daily Mail for London. That is the least offensive I can be about it. Don't get me started on the Mail however.
  • only buy the Sunday papers read the sport thats it. All papers are hogwash.

    only get real news in Das Stormer.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Cordoban Addick[/cite]Leroy is right. Its basically the Daily Mail for London. That is the least offensive I can be about it. Don't get me started on the Mail however.[/quote]

  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]only buy the Sunday papers read the sport thats it. All papers are hogwash.

    only get real news in Das Stormer.
    You must have never seen the Daily Sport!
  • edited October 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]Leroy, agree it is shit, but to call it a middle class daily mail etc etc exposes your leanings a touch don't you think? Just saying it was shit would have sufficed. Class warrior that you are you just could not resist your natural urges.
    Working Class Tory that you are you just could not resist your natural urge to bait anyone who doesn't share your reactionary views. This could go on all night if you want Steve - you still won't come out of it with any credit if you try and defend what is, basically, Mein Kampf Daily.
  • [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite] if you try and defend what is, basically, Mein Kampf Daily.

    Been on the sauce today?
  • I am just reacting to your bile, I will stop now, you can carry on being angry with anyone or anything else that you feel betrays the working class. Myself and my family have all worked our way out of what you might consider the working class and all that is left in that demographic are doleys lefties and new immigrants who will also try and do the best thing for their families. We will leave the class warfare to those who cannot or don't want to progress. Toodle pip old bean.
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