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Evening Sub-Standard going free



  • [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]I am just reacting to your bile, I will stop now, you can carry on being angry with anyone or anything else that you feel betrays the working class. Myself and my family have all worked our way out of what you might consider the working class and all that is left in that demographic are doleys lefties and new immigrants who will also try and do the best thing for their families. We will leave the class warfare to those who cannot or don't want to progress. Toodle pip old bean.
    As my nephew would say, Wot. Eva.
  • edited October 2009
    I've bought the Standard ever since the Evening News was swallowed up by it.
    I can't really get wound up by it. At least David Mellors gone. I only flick through as I like to be asleep by New Cross.
    I really buy it for my wife.
    AddickAddict loves it! He reckons they owe him £10k!
    I won't bother with it if it goes "free".
  • Something to do with a racing competition. I'll let him tell you.
  • I'll have a couple...
  • I spoke with the guy who sell the sub at the rear of St Martins Lane last night.
    Really felt for him, There is no way he will be making a living from the paper after next week.

    Also had a chat with the Big Issue seller at the bottom of St Martins Lane. Some low life mugged him. Stole his Issues and what little money he had.
    Police found the lump of wood used to beat his head. He dosnt look the picture of health normally, poor man looks a complete wreck now.
  • [cite]Posted By: Chirpy Red[/cite]I've bought the Standard ever since the Evening News was swallowed up by it..... I won't bother with it if it goes "free".

    I just don't get it: It's good enough to buy, but not good enough to be a freebie! If it's the parting with cash part you enjoy, feel free to give your money to me.
  • "Chris Who?". Never forget that!
  • [cite]Posted By: March51[/cite]"Chris Who?". Never forget that!
    I thought that was the Daily Mail? Jeff Powell *spit*
  • Perhaps the Mail was quoted by the E.S but it was definitely in there.I know we haven't bought it since then!
  • Sponsored links:

  • Evening Who?
  • By and large the regional press and many publishing companies are having a frought time of it. Sackings here there and everywhere, driving down production costs, partly due to the recession, but mainly due to to the web and other communication tools such as websites that is the way of the world. As someone who earns there living from the print media I thought it was appauling that the sellers were not informed of this before it became public, but I guess that is the way of the modern world of management.
    With Conrad Black, Maxwell and some of the 'shit bags' I have worked for very little surprises me, but never fails to dissapoint me.

    Christ I sound like a cynic...or a Daily Mail hack!
  • Went free today,more rubbish being left on the trains tubes and buses.
  • "Also had a chat with the Big Issue seller at the bottom of St Martins Lane. Some low life mugged him. Stole his Issues and what little money he had.
    Police found the lump of wood used to beat his head. He dosnt look the picture of health normally, poor man looks a complete wreck now. "

    Bloody hell....... the world is totally fecked.....

    In some ways I hope some nutter find a way to split this planet down the middle and start again........
  • Contender for worst edition ever tonight: The front was all regal-foetus, whilst the sports pages were just too Palarse for my liking.
  • edited December 2012
    You meant to say Palarse licking, I think Stig.
  • I still miss the Lite and the London Paper
  • I still miss the Lite and the London Paper

    Yeah, me too.
  • Stig said:

    Contender for worst edition ever tonight: The front was all regal-foetus, whilst the sports pages were just too Palarse for my liking.

    Just about the 4th main palarse story theyve had since olly took over, ridiculous!
  • Did not the Levenson enquiry pick up this sort of outrage?
  • Sponsored links:

  • Yet another rubbish edition tonight. A london club draws away from home a the Championship champions-elect. You might think that'd be worthy of a report in a London paper, but oh no. All we got under the headline CITY SPECULATOR CARDIFF OWNER TO SPEND £25M ON TOP-FLIGHT RETURN, was a one-word mention in the following sentence, "The Welsh club clinched promotion to the Premier League with a 0-0 draw at home to Charlton last night". That's it Charlton fans, that's all were worthy of in the substandard. We could have been any club in the league, Bristol City, Middlesborough, and we'd have got exactly the same level of reportage. We don't even warrant the usual scoreline sub-header, Cardiff 0 Charlton 0.

    I don't begrudge Cardiff getting a report at all. They've got promoted, they earned it. But is it really beyond The Standard to comment that our local team did well, perhaps to state that we came closest to scoring and name who was in the team?

    I can't think of any other city in the country where the local paper would get away with such shoddy treatment of a local league team.

  • I wouldn't worry about it same old same old from the evening gooner
  • edited April 2013
    Would we have got a mention in the Cardiff Measles Daily if the tables were turned?

    I have e-mailed them a few times about us being ignored - and been ignored.

    As an absolute aside, I bumped into an old ex Para at Waterloo tonight - he was in smart Civies but medalled up having been to see "lady Maggie's thing". He saw my ever present poppy and we had a chat over a couple of pints.

    Some people are heroes. Some people are not.

    We owe Some people a great deal.
  • Its free toilet paper. TBH 60% of the readership have no grounding in London football culture and are definately not from here anyway with no familiar ties to any local teams other than the pulp fiction served up and rammed down their throats by the media. So that will be Chelski, Arsenal with Spuds and Hammers at a push. That's without the Uniteds and Scousers of this world.
  • Like the backpage crossword.
  • I like the affordable housing it advertises
  • Plus about 75% of the paper was about Thatcher. I'm honestly not looking to drag up 'I liked her/I didn't' debate here, by the way, I'm just saying that much in one paper is crazily OTT. It was basically Thatcher, Sport and one page about the bombs in Boston.
  • It is free and something to read - but is a rubbish cheaply produced paper. Has the odd decent article.
  • PL54 said:

    ...I have e-mailed them a few times about us being ignored - and been ignored...

    I've decided to follow your lead PL54 and have emailed their sports desk. I'm not expecting a response but anything I get will be posted here.

  • You are wasting your time - it is a free paper and it only has to be good enough for bored people to read!
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