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Latest Films



  • edited January 2013
    a great short film for trainspotters and Flann O'Brien fans

  • Jints said:

    Lincoln will be my next viewing. Few do it as well as Spielberg and few act it as well as Day-Lewis

    Day Lewis is fantastic as Lincon but the film will not be everyone's cup of tea. If you like political films you will like this a lot. I did .
    Thanks for the tip Beds. I like to be 'educated' as well as entertained by a good movie. I have been ploughing thru John Keegan's 'The Americal Civl War' for the past few weeks (still to finish it). The politics were far more complex than just emancipation of the slaves. But that is a subject for a different thread. Cheers
    You might like Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns on which I think the film was partly based. Superb group biog of Lincoln and three of his most powerful cabinet members.

    Looking like 2013 will be a great year for film. Will try to catch the Lincoln film, the FDR one, Django and the Bin Laden one.

    I'll check out the Kearns book Jints and FDR will be another one to catch.
  • Gangster Squad ...really enjoyed it ...but be aware, quite violent. Sean Penn is excellent.
  • Saw The Hobbit yesterday. I thought it absolutely ruled. Almost as good as the LOTR films - love how Jackson has changed the dwarves into kick-arse merchants, rather than the bumbling muppets that filled most of the book. Some of the liberties taken with the material were a bit over-the-top (the Goblin king was overdone, and that whole sequence was too long) but some of them worked really well. Azog in particular was fantastic, despite meriting a footnote in the literature and getting killed the instant he turned up in the book, Jackson has fleshed out that story well, and the CGI was great. Nasty-looking fucker.

    The dwarves singing in Bag End was beyond brilliant, as were the opening scene with Smaug sacking Erebor and the troll scene.

    I kind of agree about the character of Radagast being beefed up just to set things up for Dol Guldur, which is actually a brilliant piece of the Tolkein canon, so will be interesting to see where that's taken in the second film.

    One thing I don't get is how some people don't rate Richard Armitage as Thorin. I think - apart from Galadriel, Aragorn and (obviously) Gandalf, it's the best piece of casting in the films. Thorin is a damaged, unstable leader. even in the book (which is a children's story as well, don't forget) although he's portrayed as a natural leader, he's pretty impetuous, arrogant and single-minded with it. I think Armitage did a superb job of bringing that to the fore.

    Overall a 9.5 out of 10
  • Mega excited about Les Miserables tonight, going 7pm to Picturehouse
  • One thing I don't get is how some people don't rate Richard Armitage as Thorin. I think - apart from Galadriel, Aragorn and (obviously) Gandalf, it's the best piece of casting in the films. Thorin is a damaged, unstable leader. even in the book (which is a children's story as well, don't forget) although he's portrayed as a natural leader, he's pretty impetuous, arrogant and single-minded with it. I think Armitage did a superb job of bringing that to the fore.

    I agree. I wasn't aware until after seeing the film that Armitage had received negative press about his portrayal of Thorin but I actually thought he was excellent. The character of Thorin in the book was deeply flawed and I think Armitage added some much needed nobility to the part whilst still maintaining the flaws that are essential to the story.

  • Finally saw 'The boat that rocked' ...what a great film ...and a stunning soundtrack
  • Les Miserables. Fantastic
  • Watched Django Unchained tonight and although I thought it was very watchable it certainly lacks the usual Tarantino Dialogue and humour .
    8 out of 10
  • Went to see Les Miserables last night. I really dislike musicals......however, this film was simply amazingly good. The cast were beyond compare, even poor old Russell Crowe (a non singer before this) put in a typical Crowe shift. Can't think of anyone who could have bettered the part of Valjean, Hugh Jackman is immense. Too many great stand out performances but I'll mention Samantha Barks as poor Eponine (Lump in the throat moment at the blockade)....Eddie Redmayne as Marius. Daniel what a performance for a kid as Gavroche (another lump in the throat moment at the blockade) and finally Isabelle Allen as a young Cosette. Even if you dont like musicals like me, Id urge you to bite the bullet and go see this one. 10/10 for the likes of Hathaway and Seyfried in less than flattering close ups too.
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  • Martha Marcy May Marlene - Might not be to everyone's taste but i really liked it.

    Watched this the other night on Netflix. Thought it was excellent.

  • Gangster Squad is Epic !!
    A must watch !
  • Watched Zombieland yesterday. Thought it was pretty good. Great cameo by Bill Murray.
  • Saw Lincoln recently in USA. As you can imagine the audience were partisan but thought it an excellent film. If this is your type of film I thoroughly recommend it.

    Daniel Day-Lewis was very impressive and will be very suprised if he doesn't pick up the Oscar
  • Gangster Squad is Epic !!
    A must watch !

    Depends if you like violent movies, I did not like it despite having the lovely Ryan Gosling in it.

  • Martha Marcy May Marlene - Might not be to everyone's taste but i really liked it.

    Watched this the other night on Netflix. Thought it was excellent.

    Yes I liked it to, great performances by Olsen lead
  • Not exactly 'Latest Films' but I have also watched (and enjoyed) 'The Road' and 'Whip It'.

    Actually, you can't really say The Road is enjoyable, but it was a good movie.

    Whip It was one I hadn't heard of until it popped up on Netflix, but it has Ellen Page in it who is always excellent and was very funny, if a bit of a chick flick. Roller Derby looks fun too.
  • TEL said:

    Went to see Les Miserables last night. I really dislike musicals......however, this film was simply amazingly good. The cast were beyond compare, even poor old Russell Crowe (a non singer before this) put in a typical Crowe shift. Can't think of anyone who could have bettered the part of Valjean, Hugh Jackman is immense. Too many great stand out performances but I'll mention Samantha Barks as poor Eponine (Lump in the throat moment at the blockade)....Eddie Redmayne as Marius. Daniel what a performance for a kid as Gavroche (another lump in the throat moment at the blockade) and finally Isabelle Allen as a young Cosette. Even if you dont like musicals like me, Id urge you to bite the bullet and go see this one. 10/10 for the likes of Hathaway and Seyfried in less than flattering close ups too.

    I thought it was excellent too Tel. maybe 20 minutes too long for me (if I had to find fault). I've seen the stage version and didn't really understand the story fully until last night.

  • Stone said:

    TEL said:

    Went to see Les Miserables last night. I really dislike musicals......however, this film was simply amazingly good. The cast were beyond compare, even poor old Russell Crowe (a non singer before this) put in a typical Crowe shift. Can't think of anyone who could have bettered the part of Valjean, Hugh Jackman is immense. Too many great stand out performances but I'll mention Samantha Barks as poor Eponine (Lump in the throat moment at the blockade)....Eddie Redmayne as Marius. Daniel what a performance for a kid as Gavroche (another lump in the throat moment at the blockade) and finally Isabelle Allen as a young Cosette. Even if you dont like musicals like me, Id urge you to bite the bullet and go see this one. 10/10 for the likes of Hathaway and Seyfried in less than flattering close ups too.

    I thought it was excellent too Tel. maybe 20 minutes too long for me (if I had to find fault). I've seen the stage version and didn't really understand the story fully until last night.

    Pretty much agree with this, thought Samantha Barks was wonderful and Eddie Redmayne very different to Michael Ball was fantastic
  • My daughter is playing Gavrouche in her school production next month, really looking forward to it.
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  • edited January 2013
    Even if you don't like musicals, you have to appreciate the best musical ever written. The film is a triumph - we saw it on Friday and had to see it again today (includes my eleven year old son)- and it was just as good second time round. Only film I have ever seen where people get up and applaud at the end.

    Listen carefully and you can hear all of the women, and some of the men, sobbing during the sad bits and there are quite a few of those.

    We are fans if the stage musical though , but I think the film takes the opportunity to explain a bit more. Great touch, Javert putting his medal on little Gavrouche's body and his suicide was one of the best film sequences I have seen. It had real majesty. The film better shows his inner turmoil.

    The end tugged at the heartstrings too. Best film ever?- For me - yes most definitely.

  • Les Miserables was good. Constant singing was a touch annoying, some conversations just didn't require it.

    Life of Pi was also good, left me asking questions.
  • No one seen Texas chainsaw yet?
  • edited January 2013
    Saw Django Unchained last night.

    As much as i loved it and thought it portrayed how brutal slavery was absolutely brilliantly (there were a couple of moments that will force you to look away and stuff your fingers in your ears), i couldnt help but feel it was a poor man's inglourious basterds. It felt like tarantino didnt quite know how to end it. Definitely a great watch and despite the liberal use of the N word throughout the film, it's probably tarantino's most acadamy award worthy film he's ever made. It's emotional and tough to watch but it's also thoroughly entertaining with some brilliant moments of action and, as always for tarantino, has some brilliantly written scenes.

    8.5/10, Pulp Fiction will always be his masterpiece.
  • Impossible worth watching.
  • Anyone seen a film called offender ? I quite enjoyed it
  • Saw Flight last night. Denzel Washington is fantastic . My favourite film of the year so far ;)
  • Another old one - watched Lost Highway (David Lynch film) on DVD last night. Expected it to be weirder, but enjoyed it quite a lot. Dark and atmospheric, and a little bit twisted.
  • Saw Gangster Squad last night. Looks like everyone involved (except Sean Penn) thought they were making a thought provoking film about how far police go before they cross the line, when in fact it was like The Untouchables with slow motion and no Sean Connery. On the other hand, I may now be in love with Emma Stone. She is just ridiculously pretty, and can actually act.
  • for those who cant afford to get to the cinema

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