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  • Once again not a new film, but watched The Bucket List again at the weekend. First time I have seen it since Mum died last year. Good god it was emotional the first time, but the closing last 5 mins tore me to bits. When he kisses his grand-daughter, it gets me every time.

    Sorry for your loss mate :(

  • TEL said:

    TEL said:

    World War Z tonight....thought it was a really good film, pretty much action packed from start to finish....when I heard it was a Zombie film I didnt fancy it, but seeing some clips recently I changed my mind.....a few heart stopping moments through the 3 D Glasses!

    I love a good zombie movie me and had high hopes but sadly it failed to deliver. Some brilliant crowd effects which I did enjoy but the both the plot and the script was lacking leaving me not caring whether characters lived or died. My main problem was casting Brad Pitt in the lead (and normally I'm a fan) and a criminal under use of Peter Capaldi. Why have Malcolm Tucker in it and not let him have a proper ol' swear up!

    funny isn't it, I'm not a Brad Pitt fan but thought he did well in this film. Agree about Capaldi grossly under used.
    ...I agree that he did the best he could with the corny lines and plot he had to deliver. A perfectly acceptable performance from him but..........and stop reading here because there's a spoiler (of sorts) coming up..........with Brad Pitt being the hero of the piece you knew with 100% certainty that he was never, ever going to get eaten in it. Even during the final set piece, for me, this meant that there was very little tension or suspense in the film.
    That's the same problem I had with it. Well, that and the 'final zombie' being absolutely ridiculous with the teeth clicking thing.
  • I loved WWZ. The book could only be done as a serial, but I thought they took a decent amount of inspiration from it. Under using Capaldi isn't really a fair criticism, but that entire sequence was reshot in order to replace the original third act - in which Pitt's family required rescuing from Nova Scotia, having been 'claimed' by Jack from Lost, who ended up having a tiny part as a result (he was a Marine in the chopper and on the boat), hence why none of those characters would or could appear in the first hour.

    Apparently that sequence was super, super depressing.

    Not expecting Pitt to die is hardly rocket science. How many blockbusters are you going to see this, or any other year where the marquee name is in genuine mortal danger?
  • edited July 2013
    Has anyone been to see 'now you see me' yet, what did you think?
  • Has anyone been to see 'now you see me' yet, what did you think?

    Saw it a couple of weeks ago from a screener. Absolutely preposterous tosh. Even Isla Fisher can't save it.

  • It's gotten terrible reviews round the office.
  • edited July 2013
    Made the junkets a bit tricky. I'm still hopeful it'll be a laugh.

    Edit - missed Leroy's post. Dang.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    Not expecting Pitt to die is hardly rocket science. How many blockbusters are you going to see this, or any other year where the marquee name is in genuine mortal danger?

    I reckon Tarentino would have killed him off!
  • Haha he's got big enough balls! To be fair, Pitt has died in at least three films i can think of.
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  • Watched the east....was good!
  • Just been doing some 'coming soon at the cinema' research - figured I'd share some of the forthcoming movie news...

    ONE CHANCE - James Cordon is playing X-Factor star Paul Potts in this biopic.

    SAVING MR BANKS - Tom Hanks is Walt Disney, negotiating with author PL Travers (Emma Thompson) to make Mary Poppins into a movie.

    RUNNER RUNNER - Justin Timberlake loses money in online gambling, thinks he's been done over, so heads to South America to take on evil entrepreneur Ben Affleck, who gives him a job doing illegal things.

    THE FAMILY - De Niro comedy in which he 's in the mafia but turns snitch, and heads to France under witness protection.

    OUT OF THE FURNACE - Two brothers (Bale and Casey Affleck) are down on their luck and dream of leaving a dead end town, but when Bale goes to prison, he comes out to find his brother in a bad way 'cos of the local crimmos, and so he has to choose between vengeance or moving on.
  • Has anyone been to see 'now you see me' yet, what did you think?

    Saw it a couple of weeks ago from a screener. Absolutely preposterous tosh. Even Isla Fisher can't save it.

    I wish I'd read this as I've booked to see it tonight with my son. The adverts make it look really good and my son (like most nine year olds) is fascinated by magic.
  • Has anyone seen 'This is the end'? it funny?
  • Watched The Line Ranger last week. Enjoyed it. Johnny Depp was great. There were a couple of times when I thought it was starting to drag but there was always something to pull it through. I really enjoyed the last 20 minutes when the William Tell Overture really kicked into gear.
  • Has anyone been to see 'now you see me' yet, what did you think?

    Saw it a couple of weeks ago from a screener. Absolutely preposterous tosh. Even Isla Fisher can't save it.

    I wish I'd read this as I've booked to see it tonight with my son. The adverts make it look really good and my son (like most nine year olds) is fascinated by magic.
    To be fair, the first half hour is pretty well done. And I don't know how old your boy is, but he might like it. You'll be bored rigid.
  • Anyone have any ideas how I can go to see Despicable Me 2 without kids - and without being nabbed for being a kiddie fiddler?
  • Has anyone been to see 'now you see me' yet, what did you think?

    Saw it a couple of weeks ago from a screener. Absolutely preposterous tosh. Even Isla Fisher can't save it.

    I wish I'd read this as I've booked to see it tonight with my son. The adverts make it look really good and my son (like most nine year olds) is fascinated by magic.
    To be fair, the first half hour is pretty well done. And I don't know how old your boy is, but he might like it. You'll be bored rigid.
    I'm a little concerned what it says about me but I thought the film was really god, and my son (who is nine) loved it, all be it he lost the plot a couple of times - it was a little complicated for a nine year old to follow, I think.

    It's strange Leroy as I have followed your recommendations on several TV programs and have really enjoyed them but I'm glad that I didn't read your 'review' before I booked the tickets.

    It might help that, when it comes to magic, I am also a bit of a kid! ;-)
  • Each to their own. The sheer ridiculousness of it all grated on me pretty quickly. It actually started off OK - but to me it just ended up like every other Hollywood blockbuster type film - cliched, piss-weak script, poor acting and set piece after set piece with no substance.
  • Anyone have any ideas how I can go to see Despicable Me 2 without kids - and without being nabbed for being a kiddie fiddler?

    I wouldn't worry we went to a showing at 8. Early for me, rammed flicks & we counted 2 kids in total. Not sure if it was the time or just the overall appeal of the film to everyone. Really enjoyed it but preferred the first one. The others I went with rated this more.
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  • This looks like it is going be as good as Senna.
  • edited July 2013
    Chris hemsworth can't do british. Does look decent though!
  • Has anyone been to see 'now you see me' yet, what did you think?

    Saw it a couple of weeks ago from a screener. Absolutely preposterous tosh. Even Isla Fisher can't save it.

    I wish I'd read this as I've booked to see it tonight with my son. The adverts make it look really good and my son (like most nine year olds) is fascinated by magic.
    And I don't know how old your boy is, but he might like it.
    I'm guessing 9?

  • Watched The World's End the other day. Really, really disappointed (although I am in the minority). Pegg plays an obnoxious git, which is really not fun to watch. After half an hour it really starts to grate. They also fail to nail the sci-fi beats the way they did with action and horror. Nick Frost is still hilarious though, and Paddy Considine is always good value. The action sequences are as tiresome as Man Of Steel sadly. Three star movie.
  • edited July 2013
    Word of warning for anybody who is thinking of seeing Maniac starring Elijah Wood. DONT

    Definitely on of the worst films i have ever seen. You wouldn't think the Elijah Wood could star in a film worse than Green St but he has.

    1 out of 10
  • anyone seen 'Behind the Candelabra' .. good/bad/rubbish/masterpiece ?
  • anyone seen 'Behind the Candelabra' .. good/bad/rubbish/masterpiece ?

    It's a bit of a TV movie but the cast are earnest enough. If you're a fan of the leads it's 3 or 4 star. If not, it's a bit, as they say, 'meh'.
  • JiMMy 85 said:

    anyone seen 'Behind the Candelabra' .. good/bad/rubbish/masterpiece ?

    It's a bit of a TV movie but the cast are earnest enough. If you're a fan of the leads it's 3 or 4 star. If not, it's a bit, as they say, 'meh'.
  • Don't forget Kick Ass 2 coming out on 16th Aug in UK (14th in USA)..............only because 1 of my German Shepherd Dogs has a role in it!!!
  • Don't forget Kick Ass 2 coming out on 16th Aug in UK (14th in USA)..............only because 1 of my German Shepherd Dogs has a role in it!!!

    I have read Kick Ass 2, so I know which role I don't want your dog to get...
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