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Season Ticket Renewal Pack



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    i'm getting my premiership exciting championship real football league one season ticket delivered by the rose tinted crew .....the standard of delivery has dropped in the last few years but they think it's great still ........................
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    Curbishley was meant to deliver mine.
    He got to the garden gate, then fckd off because he had taken it as far as he thought possible.

    OohAah then spent 3 years telling me how lucky I was to have had him as my postman in the first place.
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    Curbishley was meant to deliver everyones.
    He got to the garden gate, said he'd do one more year and help chose his replacement, some fella called murray said no i have a better idea...................................

    OohAah then spent 3 years telling everyone how lucky they were to have had him as their postman in the first place.....
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    Ian Dowie delivered mine. It wasnt pretty.
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    As Dowie delivered mine, a court usher popped up out of the hedge and handed me a summons.
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    John Terry delivered mine, then impregnated the dog.
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    DA9 delivered mine - I gave it back to him with 'return to sender' written on it.
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    Chris Powell delivered mine. Absolutely no problem whatsoever. Then he ran down my garden path and leapt over the gate, punching the air with both hands.
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    Henry delivered mine - along with an M&S cardy.

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    Andy reid delivered mine, but kept the pizza parlour flyer for himself.
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    Stu_se7 delivered mine along with a box of frosties. Which was nice.
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    [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]Stu_se7 delivered mine along with a box of frosties. Which was nice.

    PMSL, nice one
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    Lloyd Sam delivered mine, ran past the guard dog but went back to the gate to beat him 4 more times.

    I prefer I when Matt Spring brings it round, does his job ok, much more simple. Though not particularly exciting and I've seen better.
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    Actually pissing myself right now.
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    Hales personally dropped mine on the sideboard in the hall - I do wish he'd left the door on the hinges though.
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    da9 wanted to deliver mine at 6.30 am

    I said it was too early.

    He said it's now or never.
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    To be boring for a moment and ask a serious question has anybody really received these because we have not as yet?
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    MCS was supposed to deliver mine

    no sign of him yet but I am getting some nice pictures on my mobile of assorted dog stools along his route................
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    edited February 2010
    apparently only the CL clique have them so far, so now you know why you haven't got one..

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    Uncle was going to deliver mine but WSS kept telling him off for leaving too early, Uncle got more and more irate as the day went on, never actually delivering it and hasn't forgiven WSS since :o)
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    Dazzler and Oggy both decided to race mine to my door. Oggy delivered mine safe and sound in a respectable time, even popped in for coffee and a chat about how great things are. Dazzler however is still on his way. Apparently the ETA is next Thursday :o)
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    RedarmySE7 was going to deliver mine but he's still straightening his hair!
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    Budgie was meant to deliver mine, but I think, as he has nothing to do on a saturday, he has kept it for himself.
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    Dicky Murray phoned me up and said if I paid for the stamp this year and we got promoted, he'd pay for the stamp next year...
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    edited February 2010
    Burton & Bailey delivered ours:
    1 each, perfectly put through the letterbox.
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    edited February 2010
    Arsene Wenger was meant to deliver mine but he didn't see the letter box
    Was also expecting another delivery from Stevie Wonder but....
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    A postman delivered mine........and that's it.
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    Martin Christensen and Moo2 were supposed to deliver mine, but they were weighed down by their ridiculously heavy paychecks
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    Darren Bent (DBthetruth): Just delivered ValleyGary's ST
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    Not got mine yet, oohaah must have it, and will exchange it for his 2009/2010 ST that I'm still holding.
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