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US Masters



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    Mickelson is making some amazing shots! I think he's going to do it. Cometh the hour, cometh the man etc.
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    that shot out of the trees was outrageous.
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    wasn't expecting phil to miss that 2 footer
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    westwood still in with a huge chance. got to make an eagle on the next par 5 imo.
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    Figjam's going to win it. God I hate the smug prick, but he's been outstanding today.
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    Umlucky Lee but well played Mickleson. Played some fantasic golf and a thoroughly deserving winner.
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    Perfect ending after most of the buildup was the Tiger circus, with Mickelson winning it after all he's been through with his family.

    And as it should be. Hopefully this will help the golfing press move on from Tiger, though somehow I doubt it.

    Deserved winner, played some astounding shots, shame Lee couldn't quite finish the job, but the best player won.
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