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+++Shelvey to sign for Liverpool - Confirmed+++



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    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]I thought i had already stated this quite clearly yet it seems i have to keep on repeating myself.

    Well as long as you have personally seen the contract Jonjo signed and it guarantees him making 15 first team appearances next season, then I'll take your word. Does seem very hard to believe, but if you've personally seen the contract, so be it.

    Anyway I'll win my bet with a mate, who said he'd never play in the Prem :-)

    Would you like me to get a copy of it for you?
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    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]I thought i had already stated this quite clearly yet it seems i have to keep on repeating myself.

    Well as long as you have personally seen the contract Jonjo signed and it guarantees him making 15 first team appearances next season, then I'll take your word. Does seem very hard to believe, but if you've personally seen the contract, so be it.

    Anyway I'll win my bet with a mate, who said he'd never play in the Prem :-)

    Would you like me to get a copy of it for you?

    Good idea, stick it on here (just the relevant bit re his guaranteed first team appearances next season)

    We'll have to make it members only though, as all the other Liverpool players will want to renegotiate their contracts, to insert clauses that guarantee they'll be playing as well regardless of circumstances :-)
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    Just bookmarked this dicussion so i can come back and laugh
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    Fair enough. I'll be very pleased to see Jonjo playing regularily for Liverpool in The Prem next season.

    All the best Jonjo & thanks for all you did for us.
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    Interesting link Scoham. So it looks like we haven't got much to get excited about in terms of youngsters coming from Liverpool to Charlton. Oh well, gives our youngsters more of a chance.
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    sorry i havent followed all this discussion but this guarantee of games next year? Uncle i know you u said "do u want us to keep repeating myself" can you explain this for me.
    as someone who has an association with liverpool i can see he fits in long term but can't see he'll play next year.
    I suspect he'll spend one year learning how to play top level football the a second year on loan to a champioship side. so he won't play in prem for at least 2 years.
    I really hope he succeeds but if he does it won't be because of parky!
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    [cite]Posted By: redman[/cite]sorry i havent followed all this discussion but this guarantee of games next year? Uncle i know you u said "do u want us to keep repeating myself" can you explain this for me.
    as someone who has an association with liverpool i can see he fits in long term but can't see he'll play next year.
    I suspect he'll spend one year learning how to play top level football the a second year on loan to a champioship side. so he won't play in prem for at least 2 years.
    I really hope he succeeds but if he does it won't be because of parky!

    And you know that how? You were at the negotiations then ? Shall we just leave this now and come back in december and i'll say ....I told you so. Not really got anything else to say on it, the subject is boring me now.
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    I'd hope the subject of Shelvey's exit is tiring for all by now. He was a bright light in a gloomy side, and for whatever reason he wasn't recognized as such by Parky & Co. It's difficult to overlook a history of young, lower league players signing with decorated sides, only to get lost in the system - as a player who served our club nicely, we should hope he does well, prove to be an exception, and turn our attention to the very slight possibility of gaining automatic promotion this season.
    I'm new to this forum and so I am unaware of the ties shared by Shelvey and Uncle, all I would say is that I personally hope to see Shelvey's name on the Sky Sport's ticker tape come what May [2011].
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    I dont think this season has been gloomy personally.....there has been hope....... hope !!

    Ive really enjoyed this season compared to the last few.......

    welcome to the forum however...
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    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: redman[/cite]sorry i havent followed all this discussion but this guarantee of games next year? Uncle i know you u said "do u want us to keep repeating myself" can you explain this for me.
    as someone who has an association with liverpool i can see he fits in long term but can't see he'll play next year.
    I suspect he'll spend one year learning how to play top level football the a second year on loan to a champioship side. so he won't play in prem for at least 2 years.
    I really hope he succeeds but if he does it won't be because of parky!

    And you know that how? You were at the negotiations then ? Shall we just leave this now and come back in december and i'll say ....I told you so. Not really got anything else to say on it, the subject is boring me now.
    all depends on how he performs really... lets leave it there.
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    He'll perform like a genius, you watch....
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    Interesting link Scoham. So it looks like we haven't got much to get excited about in terms of youngsters coming from Liverpool to Charlton. Oh well, gives our youngsters more of a chance.
    I'm sure they must have a few decent players for League One and maybe the Championship. Just as someone else said, just don't get too excited expecting the next Gerrard/Carragher/Owen on loan.
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    edited May 2010
    Shelvey still has a great deal to prove....he's still developing (maybe)....sometimes young players stick at a certain level, having been exceptional at a particular my opinion Liverpool are taking something of a gamble because I've seen plenty of youngsters come through the Charlton ranks over the years whom I would consider way better than Shelvey at his age. He's not impressed me 'that' much this season to be honest.
    He may well go on and be a huge star but then again he may not, he's a nice lad by all accounts and deserves to go all the way if for no other reason than he's 100% genuine ....but in my honest opinion he's going to have some hard times ahead of him at Liverpool to make the grade at the highest level.
    It's by no means a 'nailed on' fact that he will.
    I've seen many a great player leave our club over the years which have really peed me off but Jonjo's departure doesn't really concern me that much to be honest.
    Good luck to the young man and I hope he goes on to realise all his dreams.
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    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]in my opinion Liverpool are taking something of a gamble because I've seen plenty of youngsters come through the Charlton ranks over the years whom I would consider way better than Shelvey at his age. He's not impressed me 'that' much this season to be honest.

    Really? Care to elaborate on that SoundAsa£. I've been watching them since 66 and I don't recall seeing a more talented 18year old except maybe Parker.
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    Leary....Firmani.....Glover...Mike Bailey.....Hinton....Bonds....Campbell....Walsh.....Parker.......(The Roof).....Elliott.....Bowyer....Bob Curtis.... I'm sure that I'll have missed a fair few as well.........all we're better at that age as far as I'm concerned.
    Remember I'm not talking about players leaving at a young age, just players whom I thought were better than Jonjo at that age and who had come through the ranks at Charlton.
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    edited May 2010
    [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Leary....Firmani.....Glover...Mike Bailey.....Hinton....Bonds....Campbell....Walsh.....Parker.......(The Roof).....Elliott.....Bowyer....Bob Curtis.... I'm sure that I'll have missed a fair few as well.........all we're better at that age as far as I'm concerned.
    Remember I'm not talking about players leaving at a young age, just players whom I thought were better than Jonjo at that age and who had come through the ranks at Charlton.

    Some great names there for sure. And I'm far too young to have seen the first five lol. I guess it boils down to personal opinion and the old argument that the game has moved on a lot, even since the days of Alan Campbell. Quite how some of those players would have looked if playing today is something we will never be able judge unfortunately.
    PS Why wasn't Kevin Lisbie on your list?
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    Anymore information coming out re why the transfer was undertaken at that time of the season.Seem to remember reading something that just maybe after 12 May we could be getting a little more knowledge re transfer.
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    [cite]Posted By: Lewis Coaches[/cite]Anymore information coming out re why the transfer was undertaken at that time of the season.Seem to remember reading something that just maybe after 12 May we could be getting a little more knowledge re transfer.

    i think it is best kept quiet until after playoffs united we stand and all that
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    It was done when it was done because liverpool wanted him and the manager had no plans to play him. Why wait and maybe lose the sale, if you have a player that doesn't figure in your plans then you'll be mad not to take a good offer when it comes in
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    alrite mate shame you aint going friday
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    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]alrite mate shame you aint going friday

    Yeah i'm gutted mate but it would be so difficult getting the kids the next day. really looking forward to monday though and the final of course
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    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]alrite mate shame you aint going friday

    Yeah i'm gutted mate but it would be so difficult getting the kids the next day. really looking forward to monday though and the final of course

    should be good mate should be good
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    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]the final of course
    If we get there!
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    [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: uncle[/cite]the final of course
    If we get there!

    Oh ye of little faith! My dad managed to get me a ticket to monday, if the team spoil it by losing I will not be happy. :-(
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    [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]the final of course
    If we get there!

    What's this "If" malarky of course we'll get there
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    Uncle - i'm intrigued. I always thought you were a West Ham fan that came to watch us because of Jonjo. But you still seem quite attached to us. Are you still going to come to Charlton even now he's gone to Liverpool, or will you be trekking north a fair bit from now on?
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    uncle is charlton fact he hates those bstrds in claret and blue
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    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]uncle is charlton fact he hates those bstrds in claret and blue

    And Everton.
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    and spurs
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    and Leceister.
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