Right not trying to set up a hate group or anything, but heard her on chris moyles this morning. she is someone who has always annoyed me, shes supposed to be funny but she does my head in. now with big brothers last series hopefully that will be the end of her on my Tv, but i bet it isn't

is it just me who she annoys?
great tits though.
LOL. Reminds me of when Robbie Williams said Sophie Ellis-Bextor had a face like his nans ankles.
PS there are a few skeletons under my pation if you need one. Just take the Gooner scarfs off em.
As Peter Griffin's legal representative, my people will be contacting your people with regard to royalty payment...
Yes yes and a thoasand times yes. They both deserve no less :-)
It just gets better yes all three of them one room one grenade = happier England :-)
Agree bollock init.
Yes guys in my office think hes well funney hes a bout as funny as my Bog Brush and Less attractive too.
I can't watch anything she is in (partly because it is always sh*te) and bare seeing her gurning while talking some utter gibberish.
I solely blame her for things like "OMG" and crap like that!
I feel a bit better now for letting that out
I find it incredibly hard to strongly dislike anyone i haven't personally met. Some 'celebrities' can wind you up a bit at times, but i don't see how people can take things so seriously to get to such strong dislike.
Apart from Kelvin McKenzie of course.
lol CWBH thats made me feel better you doing this aswell
i actually quite like the other 2....
About as likeable as eating eggs with the shells still on.
Genius pure Genius.